hah, im not. im not the one who said that in the first place. what im sayin is, what difference does it make? thats why child abuse happens, because adults that do this arent responsible or mature or REAL or whatever the fuck and like to make jokes about it. its the same mentality as beating ur wife and then saying "well it was only a slap" or "i did it cuz i love you". point blank period, if u feel good about beating a kid, or or wanna make jokes about it, then theres something wrong with YOU, not the people who object to it.
edit: and then we wonder why columbine happened. because at every stage of life, we condone violence. thats why we're such a violent fucking country. because ur a pussy if u object to beating ur kid or ur younger brother. we can beat them as a kid, then they can go to school and get fucked with by assholes (hey! everyone has to grow up with bullies!) and then on to the next thing, until unnecessary violence is just normalized.