I think everyone is taking the white boy and honkey shit a little too far. Obviously you know who they are talking about, and it's not ANYONE who has replied about it so far. Quit takin it personal like they're talkin to you when you ALL KNOW DAMN WELL who they are talking to...
For those that are gonna say "well they would be mad if I said, n***er.." well no shit, they aren't talkin to you. I understand the respect issue, but this is the INTERNET...And I hate when people say that shit, cause if you wanna call them that THEN DO IT. If not, don't fucking bring it up. I personally don't use that word, so it's not an issue, if you aren't racist, then don't get all bent out of shape....
BTW, I know that everyone relates the *N* word to black people, and it can be used in that case, but check the dictionary again...
"Used as a disparaging term for a member of any socially, economically, or politically deprived group of people"