$leepy i$ good ppl, homie i$ real dowN to earth, Not $ayiNg WOOD wa$Nt cuz he $*re wa$, i higly doubt $ANTINO wa$ tryiNg to $peak dowN N $iNgle him out, im pretty $*re there aRe far more crooked peep$ iN thi$ mu$ic bu$iNe$$, but if aNy mutherfucker $Krewed ME out of 6' G'$ my$lelf i'd eXpo$e the mutherfucker a$ well, $ue hi$ a$$, theN meet up with him N haNdle him, to ME 6 G'$ i$Nt a $hit load of moNey, but it defiNitely aiNt No chum chaNge, i feel $aNtiNo, aNd iN thI$ $ituatioN, No oNe'$ opiNioN$ really matter, Not eveN miNe, all thi$ i$ ju$t oN here 4 our owN amuzemeNt, $o if aNyoNe'$ HERO oN here got eXpozed doNt cry about it, i heard far more wor$e $hit oN WOOD that i couldNt prove a lot of but im Not goNNa come put him oN bla$t oN the NET, ju$t let $hit Be, after all, thi$ i$ a CUT THROAT bu$iNe$$....