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Sicc OG
Apr 11, 2009
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The newest registered user is SHANE MESEKE = FAT FUCK

lol so shane meseke is saddam?
May 7, 2002
damn, 5ive1en with the great observation...breakin it down....
I was actually studying psychoanalysis and defense mechanisms, and I happened to stumble across this thread, lol. So I couldn't resist!

I thought that was why he was posting all kinds of shit about people being gay.
Freud would agree, lol. Reaction formation is a somewhat similar defense mechanism.

"Reaction formation keeps forbidden thoughts, feelings, and impulses out of awareness and action by instigating their opposites...Unconscious homosexual impulses again provide a particularly good example... The most obvious manifestation of reaction formation in such a case would be what is called "gay bashing." The person might loudly denounce homosexuals, write "death to queers" on bathroom walls, tell "fag" jokes frequently and loudly, or even physically attack gays." - David C. Funder (2007) The Personality Puzzle.
May 6, 2002
You can't bank on all defense mechanisms. Psych is just way too broad to pin point on someone. I hate eating chocolate. Does that mean I secretly like it? Hell no, chocolate is disgusting to me. I hate people who smell. Does that mean I secretly used to smell bad and now buy cologne? Very doubtful...

His fat bashing could be because he is proud that he lost weight, and is a way of him indirectly boasting. Maybe he is just calling him a fat ass because that's the only thing he has on him.

You can't really look at it as A + B = C

You have a nice theory though, I can credit it that much.
May 7, 2002
You can't bank on all defense mechanisms. Psych is just way too broad to pin point on someone. I hate eating chocolate. Does that mean I secretly like it? Hell no, chocolate is disgusting to me. I hate people who smell. Does that mean I secretly used to smell bad and now buy cologne? Very doubtful...

His fat bashing could be because he is proud that he lost weight, and is a way of him indirectly boasting. Maybe he is just calling him a fat ass because that's the only thing he has on him.

You can't really look at it as A + B = C

You have a nice theory though, I can credit it that much.
Very good points, Rumpelstiltskin. And in no way am I claiming that my observation is accurate. I was simply looking at this matter through the eyes of Freud. However, in both of my examples, the person goes beyond to express their hatred. If you simply dislike chocolate, that's one thing. But do you go around bashing every single person who likes chocolate? Do you write hate letters to companies that produce chocolate? Do you see my point?

PS: These defense mechanisms were proposed by Freud in the 1920s; although, a number of recent studies do suggest that many of us, indeed, use them. For example, denial and repression are among some those that are used quite often.

And by the way, both of your examples include senses - taste and smell. We are biologically preprogrammed, to some extent, to avoid certain foods (i.e., taste aversion to something that might upset our stomachs or poison us) and certain smells (e.g., a deadly gas of some sort). So that is also something to take into consideration.

There are also behavior psychologists (i.e., Skinner, Watson) who would attribute such aversions in terms of positive and negative reinforcement and conditioning. For example, let's say you love pizza. Then, one night you got extremely drunk, then had some pizza, then you vomited. Well, the next time you see a pizza, it might not look as appetizing to you because you've psychologically associated it with the experience of vomiting and being sick to your stomach.
May 6, 2002
Very good points, Rumpelstiltskin. And in no way am I claiming that my observation is accurate. I was simply looking at this matter through the eyes of Freud. These defense mechanisms were proposed by Freud in the 1920s; although, a number of recent studies do suggest that many of us, indeed, use them. For example, denial and repression are among some those that are used quite often.

And by the way, both of your examples include senses - taste and smell. We are biologically preprogrammed, to some extent, to avoid certain foods (i.e., taste aversion to something that might upset our stomachs or poison us) and certain smells (e.g., a deadly gas of some sort). So that is also something to take into consideration.

There are also behavior psychologists (i.e., Skinner, Watson) who would attribute such aversions in terms of positive and negative reinforcement and conditioning. For example, let's say you love pizza. Then, one night you got extremely drunk, then had some pizza, then you vomited. Well, the next time you see a pizza, it might not look as appetizing to you because you've psychologically associated it with the experience of vomiting and being sick to your stomach.
My examples were auditory and olfactory (which is arguably not a sense to consider). We can only perceive through senses. Feeling fat or being pulled towards the gay concept are both kinesthetic, which is the primary sense for the majority of females so I doesn't necessarily take a back seat to auditory and visual. Just saying everything can be put into a sense and can hold weight.

You can also say Saddam is stuck in Cognitive Dissonance, meaning he still thinks he is fat/overweight but chooses not to acknowledge it and channels his belief into other people stating that he is just "not as fat" as they are to make himself feel skinny.

I've been into Psych, Manip, and NLP my whole life and the only conclusion I can come to is the more you know the more confusing things get. Just chopping it up, no arguments here. Don't care enough to fully psychoanalyze this Saddam character. I just think it's funny...
May 7, 2002
PS: In both of my examples, the person goes beyond to express their hatred. If you simply dislike chocolate, that's one thing. But do you go around bashing every single person who likes chocolate? Do you write hate letters to companies that produce chocolate? Do you see my point?

And no worries, no argument on my part, either. I can appreciate a civil debate.
May 6, 2002
PS: In both of my examples, the person goes beyond to express their hatred. If you simply dislike chocolate, that's one thing. But do you go around bashing every single person who likes chocolate? Do you write hate letters to companies that produce chocolate? Do you see my point?

And no worries, no argument on my part, either. I can appreciate a civil debate.
Very true and yes I see your point. I have to agree. Repression will always be a default defense mechanism, it works but it never completely fades away, it's always subject to being active again. I believe it can be healthy at times. "Just forget about it".


Judo Chop ur Spirit
May 8, 2002
you guys should get together for a study date

note on that pic: I would fantasize fucking a hot FEMALE ninja... like she snuck in my room and raped the shit outta me. I would stop eating bacon for that pussu
May 4, 2006
Very true and yes I see your point. I have to agree. Repression will always be a default defense mechanism, it works but it never completely fades away, it's always subject to being active again. I believe it can be healthy at times. "Just forget about it".
damn yall got some deep thoughts and points , im taking notes lol
May 9, 2002
Very true and yes I see your point. I have to agree. Repression will always be a default defense mechanism, it works but it never completely fades away, it's always subject to being active again. I believe it can be healthy at times. "Just forget about it".
I disagree...repression is never healthy. It will build over time and it will come out. Repression can make people's personality's flip into something no one wants to see.
May 9, 2002
You can't bank on all defense mechanisms.
Again, I disagree.

It is only a defense mechanism if it is...a defense mechanism. People in this thread are only calling out Saddam becuase its easier to say "oh, its a defense mechanism", when it could easily be something else. We only interact in here via a keyboard...nothing else. We can not see facial expressions or hear tones in voice. So we can only go by what WE feel or think is correct.

Maybe everyone in here is saying "defense mechanism!" becuase we are in fact using a defense mechanism.
Nov 24, 2003
Also, I'm not a big Freud fan. Old school psych is a decent place to start and understand the basics (I appreciate it for what it's worth) but modern NLP is where it's at...

Doggie, NLP was where it was at in the 80s. At best today, it is highly criticized and mainly relegated to the fringes of psychology with "self help" gurus.