LOL! You guy's are too much.
Reason is, I see a whole lot of people in the game charging for verses without a real buzz. It's all based on success within themselves (their own mind / region etc.)
It's like, you ask the regular Joe...
"Do you know who so & so is?"
"Do you know who Jay Z is?"
That's what I'm talking about, most underground artist are unknown and wanting to charge like they're actually famous. It all vents from 2Pac charging for a verse way back in his "Strictly 4 My N.I.G.G.A.Z." days, but many people fail to realize that 2Pac was actually signed to a major at that time. He wasn't tootin' his own horn claiming to be tight or the hottest rapper out the area / his next album being the dopest album to hit the music scene and is going to blow up off it.
I've had a few locals try & charge me for verses, so my reply is, "I charge too, Bro. I'm successful and have made big moves in the game." (sarcasm.)
I had this one dude say, "It's like a tip your giving the artist for his contribution to the project. Just like paying someone to paint your car, your paying someone for their craft."
LOL! I told him to fuck himself.
I don't believe artist charge each other, I think they just go after those that believe and will pay.
I won't knock anyone's hustle, if there is a sucker, get it every time you can.
On some real, I own my publishings and expect an artist wanting to charge me to own his, but it's rare. The infamous, "I'll be getting that next week, Bro." line I've heard so many times, that if I charged for every time I've heard that, I could live off that alone LOL!
It would be easy to charge / get paid off publishings. If the artist is truly confident that his name will sell, he should not have a problem registering the song and getting paid off royalty checks.
Just my 2 on the subject.