Serial stabbings: Israeli man caught

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Jun 1, 2002
What possible way could I make this an anti-Israel thread you moron? How many serial killers has Israel had? Probably very few. How many serial killers has the US had? Probably thousands.

I love the meth thing. Completely made up. Nice job. And you're asking how old I am?

Go blow a Hamas member.


Girbaud Shuttle Jeans
Dec 10, 2006
The fact that he was Israeli is totally irrellevent, but thanks for pointing that out.

Also - not to be a stickler, but I'm pretty sure you sure you posted this to further your little anti-Israel agenda and this guy was clearly Arab, not Jewish. His last name is Abuelazam.

Not that any of this information is relevent to the fact that the guy was a sick fuck.

Thanks for playing.
Keep it real - you little dick-smoker.

You just got sonned.

Nice way to be a homo cheer leader - FAG
But again - you jumped at posting it because you surmised it was an Israeli Jew - right?

Be honest. We know your pattern.
I can hear the girly way you said this in your mind.
Jesse - You've been a dick-blower on this site for many moons. Homie - you could never ruin me, you fucking faggot.

Methy huh? Never used that shit in my life. Find another straw to grasp at, you limp wrist pussy. You're as empty as your seahawk trophy case.
I'm admitting I think of you as a woman, Jessica.
Jesse Rice = a finger-snapping, admitted meth head queer from the suburbs of Seattle.
As I'm about to show you - this is what I was driving at from the beginning breh -

So yeah - sonned.
So you deny it then? No anti-Israeli angle to you posting this story? When 60% of your posts on siccness are critical of Israel?

Keep it real you little bitch-made fuck boy.
You would have saved a lot of time by just saying you were a zionist, if you are one. Which you seem to be, although that would be assumption I'm gonna go ahead and post this pic because it makes me lol.


Judo Chop ur Spirit
May 8, 2002
you learn somthing new everyday on the sicc

Solitary is a meth smoken zionist... I bet you wish they guy caught was Palestinian huh? huh?