September 11, Oklahoma City, Chandra Levy

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Jun 24, 2004
J-Funk said:
sydal, you probably also believe the U.S.'s dropping of atomic bombs on Japan killing thousands of innocent, and still to this day kills innocent people, the japanese internment camps, and slavery were all things made up by crazy people... because of course the country you live in could never be wrong.

dont be so ignorant.

Do you know how many more people would of died if that didnt happen? Russia was gonna invade and occupy Japan. Mainly for an easier and quicker access to the pacfic.
Jun 17, 2004
DaytonFamily said:
Do you know how many more people would of died if that didnt happen? Russia was gonna invade and occupy Japan. Mainly for an easier and quicker access to the pacfic.

Jun 24, 2004
J-Funk said:


U do know Japan was ready to fight to there last person, including women and childern.
Jun 17, 2004
.... i dont htink u realize how much damage the A bombs in Japan did man. It wasn't any 9/11 bullshit.... were talking enough to force an empire to fall to it's knees and surrender ALL it's power. Without any resistance.
Apr 25, 2002
No, YOU are fuckin retarded. Do you honestly think, that I, as an intelligent man, am going to believe everything the CIA says?? Fuck no. Do you even UNDERSTAND how crooked the CIA is? If the CIA goes and does something, don't pin that on the government. Our president doesn't tell CIA officials to go blow shit up and assassinate people in other countries, they have their own agenda my friend. Now, the FBI works closely with others, but the CIA is a different story. Why do you think 9-11 happened? The CIA and the FBI didn't communicate intelligence information to each other, and the reasons for that are clear. THE C-I-A has it's OWN AGENDA!! Don't be a fuckin idiot. Now, like I said, if somebody in the white house, or in Congress, had written some shit like that, I'd buy it...but I'm not gonna buy what the CIA says for one fucking second. They have a code, and that is, don't say shit. In fact, CIA agents aren't even to be identified to ANYBODY in the public, what does that tell you?

About Japan, slavery, internment camps, and everything else, yes I believe it. There's also an abundance of PROOF behind all of that, including photographs and documentation.

I will never sit here and say that dropping nukes on Japan was a bad idea. They attacked us, killed a couple thousand men and women, and KNEW EXACTLY what was going to fuckin happen to them when they did it. In a situation like that, it's not about fighting fair, it's WAR, and it's who can fuck who up harder. They dropped bombs from planes and sent kamikazes, we dropped 2 nukes, END OF STORY!! Granted, some people are still fucked up from that, but the chances of Japan doing that shit again is slim to none. If THEY aren't bitter over it still, why should you be when you're not THERE, and you weren't even a THOUGHT when all of this happened??

I don't believe my government is the best, but I do give them their credit. I can walk outside, scream FUCK YOU, say whatever the fuck is on my mind, and go home at the end of the day. In a lot of countries, you'll get thrown in jail and even killed for that shit. You folks should be damn thankful too, because you're on here, with your anti-government antics and all, and you're still breathing and roaming the earth freely. Why would I focus on the negative? So I can be fuckin anal like y'all? I like to see positive sides of everything, cause everybody and everything has a positive side, whether you think so or not. I like to see the bad but focus more on the good.

RuThLeSs RiCk

Sydal, you're such a fuckin moron it's not even funny. Yeah, the CIA operates independently of the FBI...whatever...they're all fuckin assholes. They all do bad shit. They're all terrorists. I don't give a fuck which part of the government you're talking about.

WE DON'T HAVE FREEDOM. WE NEVER HAVE. THE GOVERNMENT WILL KILL YOU IF YOU OPPOSE THEM. They've done it throughout history. There is no freedom of speech. There is no freedom of choice. Just wait a year or so and then lets have this talk again and see what you say.
Apr 25, 2002
Do you listen to rap music? I'd say that's pretty fuckin free, wouldn't you? The government hasn't killed Paris, or Talib Kweli, or Eminem, or Jay-Z, or Nas, or Marilyn Manson, or Michael Moore....the list can keep going if you'd like. We don't have freedom of speech huh? You've just been proven wrong in 7 ways, and I have more if you'd like me to keep at it. Am I dead or in prison? I've spoken out against numerous policies and injustices but I'm still here, still free. People oppose the government on a daily basis, on TV, in magazines and newspapers, during speeches, etc.

The FBI isn't secretive like the CIA is, you can't compare the two. The CIA works abroad, doing some top secret spy shit...the FBI is our Federal Police Force, basically, and they go after people, apparently, for good reasons.

Freedom of choice doesn't exist? What about the right to abort a pregnancy? Better yet, what about a woman's right to have a baby, and drop it off at a hospital within 72 hours of its birth?? That's not freedom of choice? What about your right to pick a profession? Your right to choose your own religion and/or belief structure? The privelage to vote on policies and head of state/government officials? What about when Californians ousted Gray Davis from office? But you say we can't choose? We have no freedom? We have all the freedom of choice we could ask for. When you make bad choices, THAT is when the government steps in. I don't know about you, but I've been making my own decisions for my entire existence on this planet, and choosing my own route. I'm STILL HERE!!

Let me continue my list. Tupac Shakur, Afeni Shakur, Geronimo Pratt, Mutulu Shakur, Malcolm X, the various Militias throughout the United States...none of these people were silenced by the government.

And, to top off my argument, YOU & 2-0 SIXX, and everybody else on this very message board who speaks out against our government...YOU ARE ALL STILL HERE. If that isn't freedom of speech, then WHAT THE FUCK IS??
Dec 25, 2003
Sydal said:
In fact, CIA agents aren't even to be identified to ANYBODY in the public, what does that tell you?
Oh hey! Remember when the Bush administration leaked the name of a CIA agent in retribution for whistle-blowing? I guess that supports your theory, the administration was taking pot shots at the CIA. Good thing BushCo learned to fight back!

They attacked us, killed a couple thousand men and women, and KNEW EXACTLY what was going to fuckin happen to them when they did it.
They were trying in vain to follow in the footsteps of great Western imperial civilizations. They learned, the hard way, that they could never be as mighty as England, America, or France.

RuThLeSs RiCk

They brutally murdered the leaders of the Native American uprising. They murdered Martin Luther King, Jr. You don't hear about the people they kill because the do it before they get large enough to start a problem. So you're telling me that if I stood at the corner screamin "Fuck America!" that I wouldn't get arrested? You're so full of fuckin shit if you say no. It's like I said before, this country IS THE BIGGEST TERRORIST ORGANIZATION IN THE WORLD. If you don't believe it, you're an idiot. Everybody I know with over half a brain understands this...they may not give a fuck, but they know.

The government has committed acts of terror throughout the entire world. If you'd like a list of the places, I can provide it.
Sep 13, 2002
i hope every single person in every single country that has ever even had a thought about atacking us dosent wake up tommarow.

dont like it leave.

and i know your going to say i have freedom of speech blah blah blah.

but to everybody that hates anything the goverment does, i got news for you, talking shit on the siccness and posting links aint gonna change shit. so either get into politics, and no im not talking about class president in high school, amd change shit make your self known.

but then again your probably to lazy and know that everyone will tell you to shut up.
Apr 25, 2002
Ruthless...If you stood on the corner screaming FUCK AMERICA, you would not get arrested, depending on the neighborhood and time of day. If it was late at night, you'd probably get arrested, but for disturbing the peace. During the day, you most likely would not get arrested, unless you were standing on the corner screaming it, with a pistol in your hand.

I like how you had NOTHING to say in response to all the ways I proved you wrong on the freedom of speech and choice. You obviously aren't as intelligent as you like to think, thus the reason you're crying about this shit on a message board.

Like Proppa said, go out and make a difference, stop screaming it on the internet. If you're not going to change shit, keep ya mouth on lock, PERIOD!!

And you know what, Martin Luther King Jr. was NOT killed before he was finding out who really shot him is a different story because I don't believe for one second that James Earl Rey did it.

You remind me of that cat on Barbershop who thinks he knows something until somebody shows him he doesn't...this has been done. Get off your ass and protest or something, or keep it to yourself.
Dec 25, 2003
Sydal, what compassionate conservative protesting have you done?
What Bush-based organizations have you made a change with?
We are here to debate and share or articulate knowledge.

Obviously, the point or message of this board is not "to make a change", only to vent how we think an feel. This two-faced, hypocritical "get off your ass" approach to anyone who disagrees with you is outright foolish. What have you done for your ideals today?

RuThLeSs RiCk

SYDAL, are you retarded? You said I WOULD get arrested; that is proof we don't have freedom of speech or freedom of choice. Idiot.

RuThLeSs RiCk

Martin Luther King was killed when he was already big; no doubt. That's why he's the only name I can throw out off the top of my head. The rest are murdered before they get too famous. History is written by idiots like you; that's why you don't hear the names of the fallen victims. The people who try to tell the truth are murdered or silenced. So, the government forcing the man who wrote the book on Oklahoma City to burn every copy is not a violation of our freedom of speech?...
Apr 25, 2002
Ruthless, why don't you go back and READ my post, and understand the circumstances of you getting arrested for SCREAMING "FUCK AMERICA" on a street corner. Don't pick and choose what to look at, read the whole thing. You would get arrested if you were doing it while toting a pistol...and I'm going to correct myself here, now that I think about it, you probably WOULD NOT get arrested if you just did it in the middle of the night without anything on you or in your system, you would PROBABLY get a ticket...but again, FOR DISTURBING THE PEACE!! The reason? Not because we don't have freedom of speech...but because the rest of the country has their right to live in peace, and some jackass standing on the corner screaming in the middle of the night is not peaceful.

Now, about freedom of choice and freedom of speech, GO BACK AND READ MY REPLY to that idiotic statement you made. Almost ALL of the people I mentioned are STILL BREATHING. Damn, are you fucking blind? Do you not read everything?? 2Pac, yes he is dead, but not killed by the government for what he said. Malcolm X was killed by other African Americans who did not like him...the rest of the people there are alive. 2Pac's mother Afeni, who was a BIG part of the Panther Party, is still alive. Geronimo Pratt, Mutulu Shakur, the Militias I mentioned, ALL STILL DOIN THEIR THING, STILL KICKIN!! You're IGNORANT man.

White Devil...who said I was a conservative? I think I've made it perfectly clear that I'm a moderate and I hear things out before I make decisions...obviously you never read those posts. I'm not gonna go work for a Bush Based organization, or put any of my time into it. Why? Because I'm not that gung-ho over his administration, he just happens to be better than John Kerry (IN MY EYES). I've done all kinds of shit, contacting our government in disagreeance with health care issues, judicial flaws in regards to people wrongfully convicted of crimes and sent to prison for YEARS, speaking against the oh so terrible idea of re-instating the draft, the tax money wasted fighting the war on drugs that will never have a positive outcome, police brutality, the public education system in the United States, the fear pumped into the hearts of Americans at alarming rates in the name of compliance...and various other issues I have spoken on that I feel affects me and the people around me.

Why don't I go out and protest with others?? I don't hear about people in my area protesting these issues in my area...maybe they are and I don't know about it...but as far as I do know, they aren't out there on the picket line like that. Only protests I hear about are gay marriage protests and other things like that.

RuThLeSs RiCk

SYDAL, instead of me going back and reading your incoherent contradictions, why don't you ask me some questions or make some points that can be deciphered without a hieroglyphic dictionary so I can make you look stupid; just how you did when you said that I would get arrested for screamin, "FUCK AMERICA!"

RuThLeSs RiCk

Sydal said:
Do you listen to rap music? I'd say that's pretty fuckin free, wouldn't you? The government hasn't killed Paris, or Talib Kweli, or Eminem, or Jay-Z, or Nas, or Marilyn Manson, or Michael Moore....the list can keep going if you'd like.

No they haven't, but they did force radio stations to stop playing Rage Against the Machine music after September 11. They also forced television stations to stop playing the episode of the Simpsons where Homer goes to New York/WTC. If that isn't infringing on our freedom of speech/choice, then what is?

G.U.N. - XIV TILL ETERNITY cd was pulled off of shelves. Sir Dyno, as well as members of Nuestra Familia were prosecuted in court. Sir Dyno was being charged with TERRORISM for rapping on the cd. They had no evidence against him except the cd, and a drug dealing charge that he already did his time for. He was prosecuted for terrorism with words as the only proof. Gang Stories was also pulled off shelves.

And what have those artists you listed said, really? I never heard anything near what I say come out of their mouth. Give me an example of their words. I'll bet you they have to clean it up so they don't get banned.

We don't have freedom of speech huh? You've just been proven wrong in 7 ways, and I have more if you'd like me to keep at it. Am I dead or in prison? I've spoken out against numerous policies and injustices but I'm still here, still free. People oppose the government on a daily basis, on TV, in magazines and newspapers, during speeches, etc.

Yes, but that opposition is only to a certain extent. My views are more "radical" than any you have expressed and I would be imprisoned or murdered for expressing them publicly...

The FBI isn't secretive like the CIA is, you can't compare the two. The CIA works abroad, doing some top secret spy shit...the FBI is our Federal Police Force, basically, and they go after people, apparently, for good reasons.

The CIA is involved in terrorism world-wide; I have to agree with you on that one. BUT, every group is part of the government; don't give a fuck what part they are, there is only one AmeriKKKan government. As for the FBI, they murdered over 1,000 members of the American Indian Movement and unjustly imprisoned Leonard Peltier, who committed no crimes against society. He is still imprisoned for speaking his mind. That proof enough for you?

Freedom of choice doesn't exist? What about the right to abort a pregnancy? Better yet, what about a woman's right to have a baby, and drop it off at a hospital within 72 hours of its birth?? That's not freedom of choice? What about your right to pick a profession? Your right to choose your own religion and/or belief structure? The privelage to vote on policies and head of state/government officials? What about when Californians ousted Gray Davis from office? But you say we can't choose? We have no freedom? We have all the freedom of choice we could ask for. When you make bad choices, THAT is when the government steps in. I don't know about you, but I've been making my own decisions for my entire existence on this planet, and choosing my own route. I'm STILL HERE!!

Women have the right up until 6 months to abort. You have a right to pick your profession, assuming that the "man" will even hire you. You have the right to your religion; but not the right to religious ceremonies. If, for example, one of the ceremonies involved burning something, I would be cited for it and not allowed to do it again, because it is against the government's environmental laws...If my religion involved human, or even animal sacrifice, as many Germanic tribesman practiced in the early days of their civilization, I would not be allowed to do that either. The government is supposed to keep Church and State separate, but the president is sworn in on the Bible. The Pledge of Allegiance states, "One nation, under God." That's some bullshit.

When we make bad choices they step in? Who is to determine what choice is good and what choice is bad? Anything that gets in the way of their plans for greed and complete control over the oppressed populations is "bad."

The man who wrote the book exposing the truth of the Oklahoma City bombings was forced to burn every copy of his book. Is that not violating his freedom? Many other books opposing the government have been banned.

Let me continue my list. Tupac Shakur, Afeni Shakur, Geronimo Pratt, Mutulu Shakur, Malcolm X, the various Militias throughout the United States...none of these people were silenced by the government.

Tupac was not that anti-American...and HE WAS MURDERED...IDIOT!!! Can you prove the government didn't do it? Didn't think so...

Malcolm X was ALSO MURDERED...hmmmm. It is said that he was killed by his own, but where is the proof? If you were the government and you killed a man, would you come out and say it? Didn't think so...

What about Huey Newton? The leader of the Black Panthers. Where is he today? How about the Brown Berets. During a peaceful rally, several of them were murdered by the government. The list goes on...

And, to top off my argument, YOU & 2-0 SIXX, and everybody else on this very message board who speaks out against our government...YOU ARE ALL STILL HERE. If that isn't freedom of speech, then WHAT THE FUCK IS??

We are still here because they are not worried about a few words on the internet. If we were able to incite an uprising, we would end up with the rest of them. I am writing a book on American Terrorism...when it is finished, then we will see whether or not the government silences those who oppose its fascist regime.
If you don't believe the truth, you're fuckin retarded.