If you only watch mass media/government propaganda they feed you on American tv, then you don't know the truth about what's been going on in AmeriKKKa. I am going to show you how the government ties into September 11, Oklahoma City & the death of Chandra Levy.
For weeks leading up to the Oklahoma City bombings, federal agents were packing the building with explosive devices. One man who worked at the children's center protested this, but to no avail. He began to tell parents not to bring their children to the center because he was afraid something was going to happen...he was right.
On the day of the attack, NO GOVERNMENT AGENTS were present in the building that is usually full of them. The explosion was said to have come from the truck outside the building. Government states that it was one large bomb, but seismographs proved that there were 2 boms detonated, roughly 13 seconds apart.
The only bomb that could've caused such a blast is one that only government agents with the highest level of clearance could attain. It is very new technology that is not even used by the armed forces at this point.
Now back to the man who worked in the building. After the building was blown up, two men outside saw him exit the building. He went back inside and was followed by two FBI agents, who pronounced him DEAD at his desk. The two men who swore they saw him alive were later going to testify to this. They were found dead days later. This is all documented in a book, which the government forced a man to burn every copy of, that is now available online.
How does Chandra Levy tie into this? We all know she was fuckin Gary Condit, who knew of some of the government's covert operations. She was also involved with several other men. She wasn't doing it for fun, but for information. Gary Condit once said that "she (Chandra Levy) was much more interested in those things," referring to Oklahoma City (McVeigh), Al Qaida and Terrorism.
Before her disappearance she was seen enter one of the Mossad's secret locations in Israel (she was Jewish). After this, she turned up dead. The heat was taken off the case because of SEPTEMBER 11. The day she was murdered, she told a close friend on the phone that she had made an 'unbelievable' discovery. Some believe this discovery was related to the government's involvement in Oklahoma City and maybe even their surprise attack on September 11.
On September 11, a group of Israeli (possibly Mossad members) were in their truck with video cameras anxiously awaiting the events that would unfold. As the first airplane struck the tower, they jumped and screamed with joy. They were arrested and later released because of lack of evidence.
September 11 is the most convincing event of all to tie the government to the "terrorist" events against Americans. First let's state the obvious. THE AMERICAN GOVERNMENT ARMED AND TRAINED BIN LADEN AND THE AL QAEDA. He was a hero to the AmeriKKKan people in 1994.
Who had the most to gain from the attacks on the WTC? The richest Americans and Europeans, the AmeriKKKan government, and George W. Bush! George W. Bush at the time of the attacks had the lowest rating of any president EVER. He spent roughly half his time on vacation. What better to earn some stripes with a country known for electing war generals than to go to war? Before he entered the Florida classroom where he read to children, he said he saw the first plane crash and thought to himself, "What a bad pilot." His story changed several times about what happened and what he thought. After the second plane hit, you clearly see somebody whisper in his ear "America is Under Attack!" to which he does not respond. He sits there for over 8 more minutes after he is given this information....Why did he not respond? Perhaps he already knew it was going to happen.
Before the attacks on WTC, it was revealed to the gov't. that the towers were built unsafe. They would not make it in the long run because of the shoddy worksmanship that went into their construction. The government claims that seismographs from 3 of the 4 locations within range could not get readings because of made up reasons. Seismographs show that there was not only a plane crash, but an explosion at the base of the building, resulting in the building collapsing in the manner it did. This confirms that there were also explosives inside of the building!
After the attacks the government claimed that they had no idea this could happen. Sources revealed that the DAY before the attacks, they were practicing drills in the event that a PLANE WOULD CRASH INTO THE WORLD TRADE CENTERS. You can find this info at any reliable news source.
On the day of the attacks, the military was conveniently working through drills, so they could not intercept the planes...right....After the first plane hit, there was enough time for the military to intercept the second, but they didn't. Perhaps the most revealing evidence of all; when the plane was headed toward the Pentagon, Cheney was asked whether to strike it down or not. He said no. As the plane approached, he was asked again. On every occasion, he said "my orders stand." Why would he not try to intercept the plane so that it would not hit the Pentagon?
Most recent evidence comes from Boston. There are claims being made that 6 of the tickets purchased by the "suicide bombers" were charged to the credit card of Hillary Clinton, senator of New York. If you don't believe the government is capable of this, do a search for the CIA's plans for the invasion of Cuba. They planned 2 terrorist attacks on AmeriKKKan soil in Miami and Washington DC. These attacks would be blamed on Castro and would be the basis for an invasion of Cuba. This is not speculation; you can find it at any news source.
What do you think?
For weeks leading up to the Oklahoma City bombings, federal agents were packing the building with explosive devices. One man who worked at the children's center protested this, but to no avail. He began to tell parents not to bring their children to the center because he was afraid something was going to happen...he was right.
On the day of the attack, NO GOVERNMENT AGENTS were present in the building that is usually full of them. The explosion was said to have come from the truck outside the building. Government states that it was one large bomb, but seismographs proved that there were 2 boms detonated, roughly 13 seconds apart.
The only bomb that could've caused such a blast is one that only government agents with the highest level of clearance could attain. It is very new technology that is not even used by the armed forces at this point.
Now back to the man who worked in the building. After the building was blown up, two men outside saw him exit the building. He went back inside and was followed by two FBI agents, who pronounced him DEAD at his desk. The two men who swore they saw him alive were later going to testify to this. They were found dead days later. This is all documented in a book, which the government forced a man to burn every copy of, that is now available online.
How does Chandra Levy tie into this? We all know she was fuckin Gary Condit, who knew of some of the government's covert operations. She was also involved with several other men. She wasn't doing it for fun, but for information. Gary Condit once said that "she (Chandra Levy) was much more interested in those things," referring to Oklahoma City (McVeigh), Al Qaida and Terrorism.
Before her disappearance she was seen enter one of the Mossad's secret locations in Israel (she was Jewish). After this, she turned up dead. The heat was taken off the case because of SEPTEMBER 11. The day she was murdered, she told a close friend on the phone that she had made an 'unbelievable' discovery. Some believe this discovery was related to the government's involvement in Oklahoma City and maybe even their surprise attack on September 11.
On September 11, a group of Israeli (possibly Mossad members) were in their truck with video cameras anxiously awaiting the events that would unfold. As the first airplane struck the tower, they jumped and screamed with joy. They were arrested and later released because of lack of evidence.
September 11 is the most convincing event of all to tie the government to the "terrorist" events against Americans. First let's state the obvious. THE AMERICAN GOVERNMENT ARMED AND TRAINED BIN LADEN AND THE AL QAEDA. He was a hero to the AmeriKKKan people in 1994.
Who had the most to gain from the attacks on the WTC? The richest Americans and Europeans, the AmeriKKKan government, and George W. Bush! George W. Bush at the time of the attacks had the lowest rating of any president EVER. He spent roughly half his time on vacation. What better to earn some stripes with a country known for electing war generals than to go to war? Before he entered the Florida classroom where he read to children, he said he saw the first plane crash and thought to himself, "What a bad pilot." His story changed several times about what happened and what he thought. After the second plane hit, you clearly see somebody whisper in his ear "America is Under Attack!" to which he does not respond. He sits there for over 8 more minutes after he is given this information....Why did he not respond? Perhaps he already knew it was going to happen.
Before the attacks on WTC, it was revealed to the gov't. that the towers were built unsafe. They would not make it in the long run because of the shoddy worksmanship that went into their construction. The government claims that seismographs from 3 of the 4 locations within range could not get readings because of made up reasons. Seismographs show that there was not only a plane crash, but an explosion at the base of the building, resulting in the building collapsing in the manner it did. This confirms that there were also explosives inside of the building!
After the attacks the government claimed that they had no idea this could happen. Sources revealed that the DAY before the attacks, they were practicing drills in the event that a PLANE WOULD CRASH INTO THE WORLD TRADE CENTERS. You can find this info at any reliable news source.
On the day of the attacks, the military was conveniently working through drills, so they could not intercept the planes...right....After the first plane hit, there was enough time for the military to intercept the second, but they didn't. Perhaps the most revealing evidence of all; when the plane was headed toward the Pentagon, Cheney was asked whether to strike it down or not. He said no. As the plane approached, he was asked again. On every occasion, he said "my orders stand." Why would he not try to intercept the plane so that it would not hit the Pentagon?
Most recent evidence comes from Boston. There are claims being made that 6 of the tickets purchased by the "suicide bombers" were charged to the credit card of Hillary Clinton, senator of New York. If you don't believe the government is capable of this, do a search for the CIA's plans for the invasion of Cuba. They planned 2 terrorist attacks on AmeriKKKan soil in Miami and Washington DC. These attacks would be blamed on Castro and would be the basis for an invasion of Cuba. This is not speculation; you can find it at any news source.
What do you think?