Seattle Police Officer Punches 17 year old girl for JAYWALKING!

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May 9, 2002
It proves my theory the officer was there to harass not serve.

It is illegal to paint polka dots on the American flag.
People may not buy a mattress on Sunday.
It is illegal to pretend that one's parents are rich.
You cannot buy meat of any kind on Sunday.
You may not shuck peanuts on the street. (Bremerton)
Dancing and drinking may not occur at the same establishment. (Lynden)
Women who sit on men's laps on buses or trains without placing a pillow between them face an automatic six-month jail term. (Seattle)
TV's may not be bought on Sundays. (Spokane)
No structure shall contain more than two toilets that use potable water for flushing. -San Juan County
You may not ride an ugly horse (Wilbur)

These are all real laws in Washington. Obviously police should choose what they want to enforce based on what they community demands, not simply because it's a "law." If five people jaywalked in an area where jaywalking is common, the officer should know not to escalate a situation over such a silly and minor offense.
I fully agree. You will never see me disagree with some of the idiotic laws we have in place.
May 13, 2002
No, but i knew not to put my hands on a goddamn cop.
I'm willing to bet you did a lot of things that were far worse and stupid than placing a hand on a cop.

And at 18, that TEENAGER is also a LEGAL ADULT by LAW. FACT.
Teenage. Not even old enough to drink. LOL @ you trying to justify this homie. She's a highschool girl any which way you spin. Fact is she was 18, and even if she was you know damn well that doesn't make it ok. An 18 year old girl getting punched in the face by a cop is just as bad.

Again, I dont MAKE the rules.
Oh really thanks for clearing that up comrade.

LOL...dude, you are seriously taking this in a direction that has NOTHING to do with ANYTHING.
Bullshit man. What I said is legit.

You are trying to say that a 17 year old does NOT understand the concept of "do not assault a cop".
When did I say that fucktard? I said that teenages are not as mentally mature as someone in their mid 20's. That's a fact man. Look it up. If you're too lazy, you SHOULD be able to draw conclusions based on all the retarded shit you did when you were a teenager. Did you know what you were doing was right or wrong? Probably so. Does that mean you were mentally mature? Nope. Means you were a stupid teenager, like all of us were.

Why? Did you know at 17 that IF you were to assault a cop, that something BAD would happen to you? Seriously. Cmon are not being rational AT ALL in your thinking. You are WAAAAY smarter than that. You are letting your "i hate cops" biased get in the way ONCE AGAIN.
Nah son, my logic is sound. It's you to fail to realize how it was to be a teenager.

Again, I never said it was RIGHT. Why do you insist on putting words in my mouth?
You are directing the bulk of the blame on the 17 year old.

More words in my mouth. Sure, I did stupid things...but I NEVER HIT A FUCKIN COP WHEN I GOT HARASSED. Maybe Im jsut smarter than the average teenager?
The cop never got hit. Watch the video again. The girl breaks them up and pushes them both to the sides. She does not hit the police officer.

I agree on all accounts. Did you not see where i said that BOTH of the parties involved are bafoons? They BOTH didn't something wrong, and neither of them is RIGHT. FUCK em BOTH.[/QUOTE]
May 14, 2002
^^^ So could have the chick
So could she have. But she lacked at that point. And I believe at that point it is the duty of that officer of the law. An employee of the government. Who as 2-0-Sixx already said; are to protect and serve. To step in and take control of the situation and have a grown as conversation with that girl.
He should damn well know how to handle him self verbally. But this video clearly showed he was incapable of doing so.


Sicc OG
May 15, 2002
The cop went too far when he punched the girl in the face. He should have just pushed her out of the way (like she was pushing him) and then charged her with obstructing justice and assualting an officer and/or whatever. That right hand looked like the right hand that Mosely threw that almost knocked Mayweather out.

Now if the girl would have rushed him (the cop) and started punching him, then he should have been allowed to punch back. But she pushed him which she should be charged for but the cop went too far when he punched the girl in the face.
May 9, 2002
I'm willing to bet you did a lot of things that were far worse and stupid than placing a hand on a cop.
Thats a lot of assuming you are doing. However putting hands on a cop = IMMEDIATE punishment.

Teenage. Not even old enough to drink.
Which can be a whole other thread, as I have seen you lobby for a lower drinking age. There are SEVERAL countries that are much more liberal than the US on drinking and do just fine. However, that is neither here nor there.

LOL @ you trying to justify this homie.
LOL @ you for trying to NOT justify it becuase you think she has the mind of a 9 year old.

She's a highschool girl any which way you spin.
Im not spinning anything. The fact that you are here inferreing that 1 JUNIOR in HS doesnt know to NOT assulat a cop is uinsulting to all 17 year olds accorss the world.

Fact is she was 18, and even if she was you know damn well that doesn't make it ok. An 18 year old girl getting punched in the face by a cop is just as bad. are STILL trying to argue a MOOT point. Yes, her getting PUNCHED was NOT right. However, SHE PUT HERSELF IN THAT POSITION. PERIOD. THAT IS A GODDAMN FACT.

Oh really thanks for clearing that up comrade.
I just want to lay it out there so no assumptions are being made.

Bullshit man. What I said is legit.
Bullshit man. What I said is legit

See? I can do that too. :lick:

When did I say that fucktard? I said that teenages are not as mentally mature as someone in their mid 20's.
You are also saying that no teenager has ANY common sense. And ease up on all the insults, bro. There is no need for you to even take it there with me like that. Im not one of these little shitheads in the Open Forum. Cool it.

That's a fact man. Look it up. If you're too lazy, you SHOULD be able to draw conclusions based on all the retarded shit you did when you were a teenager. Did you know what you were doing was right or wrong? Probably so. Does that mean you were mentally mature? Nope. Means you were a stupid teenager, like all of us were.
I have taken SEVERAL courses on human development, I dont NEED to look up anything. BUt thanks for the advice.

Nah son, my logic is sound. It's you to fail to realize how it was to be a teenager.
Nah son, my logic is sound. It's you to fail to realize that even teenagers KNOW NOT TO ASSUALT A COP.

You are directing the bulk of the blame on the 17 year old.
Did she not put herself in the position?

The cop never got hit. Watch the video again. The girl breaks them up and pushes them both to the sides. She does not hit the police officer.
It doesnt have to be a hit...YOU DONT PUT YOUR HANDS ON A COP. Are you really disputing this????????

Look, we are not going to see eye to eye on this. Period. So lets just agree to disagree and keep it pushing. We are both adults and there is no need to get all riled up because we have opposing views. Alright?
Mar 12, 2010
I agree with 2-0-Sixx, the cop could have just talk to them instead of resorting to violence so quickly.
how do you know he didnt try and talk to the girls and then she got all ignorant with a "you aint tellin me what ta do cuz my momma dont even tell me what to do" kind of attitude the guy with the camera didnt get there until he was trying to subdue that ignorant ass bitch???


Sicc OG
May 15, 2002
Yeah the 17 year old was wrong for getting putting herself in the mix like that though.

I remember my mother's punkass husband running up on a cop. He walked up on him like he going to knock him out. Funny thing is though he's scary but had the balls to run up on a cop. I thought they were going to beat his ass... he got lucky.


Sicc OG
May 15, 2002
I seen what happened to Rodney King, I ain't running up on no cop. Chances are, they'll get off for whoopin' your ass if you provoke them.
May 14, 2002
Right and that is the point. but people on the sicc are turning soft. I guess they don't connect the dots with all of the recent police violence articles that are posted almost daily. They don't see that police are now trained to use force FIRST. There is no more negotiating, no more calming down a civilian, etc. They are no longer trained in those areas anymore, they are trained to use force. It's grab your taser, aim & shoot. Or gun. Or in this case fist.
Is it really that bad in the US? Fits the stereotype image we have of a US cop though..
May 14, 2002
how do you know he didnt try and talk to the girls and then she got all ignorant with a "you aint tellin me what ta do cuz my momma dont even tell me what to do" kind of attitude the guy with the camera didnt get there until he was trying to subdue that ignorant ass bitch???
And what if she did? Is it really enough reason for a grown as man, a police officer to hit her straight in the jaw like that? Really?
Because if it was then this man shouldn't be a police officer at all.
May 9, 2002
Is it really that bad in the US? Fits the stereotype image we have of a US cop though..
With the ability to record pretty much anywhere and the way information LITERALLY moves at the speed of light, we can now see what may have been going on for YEARS, we just couldn't see it as easily. I just had this discussion with my girl this morning about how phone cams are changing the way the world looks....because we can SEE so much more now on such a wide scale.