Really? So you wouldn't classify a 17 year old as a young girl if say a 55 year old was fucking her?
She not young in the sense that she should KNOW right from wrong, period. ESPECIALLY when it comes to cops.
She's a teenager, still in highschool. That's a fucking young girl to me. Not sure what your definition is.
17 is a year away from being an ADULT. So she goes from young girl to adult in a year? So instantly, on her 18th birthday, she magically becomes an adult after being a little girl for 17 years, and understands things she didn't only one day before? You and I BOTH know that is a cop out. At puberty, you being to know how to rationalize and understand complex concepts. This is FACT.
Regardless, a 17 year old is not an adult nor are they as mentally and physically matured as say a 25 year old.
We are talking about knowing COMMON SENSE shit here, man. NOTHING MORE.
And I never said that this situation was not stupid...cus it was.
Ill take that as "i have no counter argument because its rational".
A 17 YEAR OLD GIRL? A girl whom believes a cop is physically assaulting and/or harassing her friend and wants to defend her?
Again, a 17 year old SHOULD KNOW RIGHT FROM WRONG. I mean, is it NOT common sense that you DON'T put hands on a fuckin COP? I knew that at 12, homie. Any 17 year old who doesn't know that should just die, because they are straight up STUPID. Darwin should be spinning is his fuckin grave right about now.
Oh fuck you man, this has to do with right & wrong and of course a much bigger picture that you and many other people fail to recognize which is the escalation of police force on citizens. This type of stuff is happening every day all across the country and there are reasons for that. Stop placing the blame on the PEOPLE and start looking at the oppressive apparatus at hand.
Who says im NOT? However, you putting ALL THE BLAME on him and NONE OF THE BLAME on absolutely RIDICULOUS.
And even with that statement, you just proved my point. We get it. You HATE cops like i hate mayonnaise. I hate the system as much as you but that doesn't CHANGE the way this situation played out. As it stands, it is UNLAWFUL to put your hands on a cop. Technically, it is unlawful to put your hands on ANYONE. You know it. I know it. And a 17 year old "young girl" should know that as well.