Tim said:
See now you're just proving your ignorance and immaturity by trying to put words in my mouth. I never said whites have it hard, I just said it's not okay for whites to be called peccerwoods, craccers or anything like that.
There's a huge difference between anti-Black (for example) and so called "anti-White" terms..."nigger" has its historical roots in violence, murder, slavery, and oppression...no "derogatory" term for Whites exists that has such a bloody and cruel history.
Read the following for more insight:
Originally posted by Tim I have a problem with ANY racial slur being used. Of course there is still racism, of course there is still discrimination but I'm not involved in any of it.
D-Style made an accurate analogy when he brought up Nazis and Jews. Think about the experience that "people of color" have had in the U.S. and then think about that of so-called "Whites." If you really understand history, I don't see how you could become so upset about terms such as "honkey" and "peckerwood." Claiming that those terms are harmful is like blaming someone for being upset after 300 years of oppression. You say you have a problem with all "racial slurs", but if you really want to fight racism in the world, I don't think White folks need your support in dealing with such words...if you want to stand for a principle, your efforts would be better spent in other areas. You may claim you have nothing to do with present discrimination/racism, but you exist in a world with power dynamics...it's time to learn about it.
Check out the article at the link above.