i like when dumb ass people say shit like "what if he killed YOUR family... you wouldn't be so opposed to the death penalty then, would you?" well if YOU were tookies mom, and know theres a chance your son might be innocent, then you'de be opposed to the death penalty, wouldn't you?
now lets review the facts (taken from another forum):
1) He was convicted SOLELY on witness testimony. ALL of whom had incentive to testify against him for leniency on their own sentences. 1 of which came back after Tookie was convicted and admitted that he was coerced to testify against Williams.
2) The killer left a clear boot print after stepping in blood. This did not match any of Tookies shoes or shoe size. They never found who that shoe print belonged to.
3) Out of 100 potential jurors, the judge picked 3 Black jurors, then dismissed ALL THREE off the jury which made his 12 peers 12 white people who arent his "peers" at all, and have no type of social understanding or relationship to the type of person he is.
4) The killer's handwriting was on a note he passed to the employee. This handwriting does not and never did match Tookie Williams handwriting. They never found who that handwriting belonged to.
5) The man has proclaimed his innocence for TWENTY-FOUR YEARS.
he does NOT deserve the death penalty without a new trial.
all of you sign off for 45 minutes.