Even if I I hated America as much as some people on here do, I would still support their actions on these organizations, not take up arms with them.
I dont think we hate America, we just hate what our representatives are doing. There are always going to be people who don't like the way theyre being represented to the world.
Do you support gorilla warfare from a global perspective, MeloTrauma? Let me put it this way, if the United States' oil supply was completely depleted and we couldn't import it anymore, do you support conquering oil supply's that are not ours, in order to maintain our way of life? Or do you think we should have America cease operations as we know it, rendering all cars, trains, planes, plant equiptment, and farm equiptment useless while we all grow orange tree's in our front yard and hope they sprout enough fruit to feed our children.
If it is strictly about obtaining resources, I believe there is a better way to go about these kind of things without killing. Call me a pacifist, but its 2003... do we still have to kill people for oil? There is already technology where we no longer need oil in our lives, but it is too efficient, and there would be no reason to war, no reason to horde other countries wealth (not always oil) if we we're no longer depending on oil.
If the United States is run by terrorists, is it so bad that we are going after and eliminating other terrorists? Should the fact that we have blood on our hands prevent us from fighting evil doers?
We are the evil-doer responsible for alot of shit we're trying to fix now. Personally, I believe we created most other terrorists by being the world's biggest terrorists. I belive we have the ability to live together peacefully, but only if we, the superpower, is peaceful... we are not. The superpower has performed alot of injustices around the world. We created our enemies. It was no suprise to me when 9/11 happened... we had it coming.
Do you think the unintentional killing of a few thousand civilians during a time of war, in order to prevent tens of thousands of civilian deaths over a span of time in the future is justifiable? What are you going to say in 10 years, when octuple the amount of civilians are dead than would have been had we done it by force. At least the blood is not on our hands? They are still dead, and we allowed it to happen (remember WWII).
Who is to say who would die in X amount of time? I do know for a fact that people die when we invade. I also believe there are other ways to take out an "evildoer" than invading the peoples country and terrorizing the land. Imagine bombs dropping in your nighborhood at night, seeking shelter, seeing your loved ones "unintentionally killed" If you want to liberate Iraqis so bad, let them come here to the land of the free...oh wait, you dont want that either.
What do you think the United States should have done, given the fact that we can't go back in time and change the way shit happened. Right here and right now, what do we do about Iraq (assuming the war never took place). Do you think we should let Iraqi's live the way they are acustom to, whether they are being killed or not? What other possibilities would you suggest to the president?
You ask me what we should of done given the fact that we cant go back in time and change shit... yet you also say "assuming the war never had taken place." Thats going back in time and changing shit right there. How am I supposed to answer that?