SiKHMaDe said:
@CB - good lookin out with that explanation. I know it can be annoying when people keep askin you explain the same shit over and over but alot of us aint up on the politics like you and 2-0-Sixx so good lookin out...
I don't really mind, but things are complicated. There are so many facets that i could seriously write a book about something someone thinks is a simple question. (though I am not the first person that should be writing one by any means)
That's where a lot of people with crazy ideas gain popularity with internet peoples - they are out trying to find a simple answer to complicated questions. Someone who gives them a simple answer to the question and forms it in a way they want to hear - boom that's the way shit is. That's how all these "conspiracy theories" propagate. People are searching for answers to extremely complex questions with answers that aren't always fun to hear. So rather than exploring all the angles; the answer that is most simplistic yet, most encompassing, is what they start to believe. i.e. NAU, illuminati, CFR, etc. as the end all be all answer.
Ron Paul feeds into that mentality.
An answer about why Ron Paul's economic policy is so fucked up touches on history, economics, politics, international systems, political theory, labor relations, sociology, etc. But it seems appealing for someone searching for a simple answer to a complex question - less taxes & less government means more money and "freedom" for you. Even though it really doesn't mean that, on the surface and to the person not willing to take the time and effort to find out why, it sounds like a good idea.
SiKHMaDe said:
@CB and 2-0-Sixx - Who would you vote for out of all the leading candidates and why? Who do you think would do best for U.S.A as the next president (could be a person who's not a leading candidate or a cadidate at all)?
I don't like anyone that feels participating in the American electoral system on a national level can create significant progress/change.
Democrat, Republican, Green, Socialist, Libertarian or otherwise.
I've always said that. Which is why the Ron Paul jockey insinuating that I support Hillary or Obama, of all people, is border line comical, yet not unexpected from someone who rides Ron Paul so hard.