jlatina77 said:
U guys know how to make something out of nothing!
ok,...let's be honest her.......your the one that started with the name calling,..and now racest remarks
that was not nessacery,...raceizm plueges our world and that in it's self ,...well,...old enuff folks know better,...
jlatina77 said:
your boy Slow poke keeps up with his sarcastic ass remarks on here!! Like the MY THREAD in capitals...If you are simply here to talk shit that aint cool!
see,...rose was clowning you and you did not even know it,.... i was trying to help you understand that,....and you took it as a re enforcement of your statements but infact it was a shot at you,...i tryed to help you see that,..
and as far as the my thread,...i highlighted it for
1.you did not start this thread
2. and if you did ....you still dont own east co co fourm with is powered by siccness.net (see my sig for more info about us)
so trying to kick people out of this thread was not in your power
by all means,..sure you can type what ever and i can type what ever,...we are equals of freedom so the "bully" or control thing i did not under stand?
but hay,...feel free to type what you honestly think,.....we all do,..
it's one thing to disagree,...but to try and force ones beleaf's is another,..
yeah i misspell,...this is not a spelling contest to me,...
have a good day,...i'ma go to sleep