ok,...now your out of line for the hater tag you giving out,....i can see if i was to say,..."that looks like dog chit ,...someone delte this thread,... dont go suport the decae of the chicanos"
ok now that is hate,...with witch i dont stand by nor would say or did
i really could not make out the whloe thing
should and i need to ask you to forgive me?
....meaningfull i'm sure it is
artistic?....now that is in the eye of the beholder
i'm from norcal sac 916,...you think i dont know what a norte homie is?...i got like 3 going on 4 gerations deep of them in my family,....some still doing time for brown on brown crimes
and you want me to glorify me missing my flesh and blood,...that i protected and that they protected and provided for me and they lil ones?
am i to celabrate this cause you think i should?
too harsh?....man that sur guy that come up here and flag all day on here is gonna say waaaaaaaaay more hurtfull things then,..."hay i really am not feeling the design but if anyone wants to suport this it's america,...go do it big,..."
now i understand that it's a rapper making this maybe not someone that went to thru the trouble of taking out a student loan and is still paying it off
but if that was the case,...i'm sure that would reflect on his covers and promotional campagin and what not....and i do know that he's locked up for a crime witch everyone pleades not guity,...if he was there or not has nothing to do with me so i dont have no place to say if he did it or not,...but one thing is for sure what i have gone thru many of times you are also going thru now if not before
now i had to show you your own ass are you happy?
or should i lie to you and every one that this is the best art work i have ever saw,...?
by your name you should be like 26-27 and should know the diff between hate and "that's not for me but anyone that likes it should have the oppertunity to make sell and buy this"