Republicans Pass Mandatory Child Strip Search Bill

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Oct 28, 2005
Sixxness said:
I don't wear jewelry, period. I have one ring, that I don't wear. So shut the fuck up. Oh guess what Harold, I usually wear white t-shirts, with no jewelry, and the only hat I wear says 206 on it. You don't know me. You just assume, ALL THE TIME. You're still a half step Uncle Tom.

I'm not LIBERAL YOU COCK SMOKER. I'd rather have NO government. By the way, I haven't boughten myself clothing in over a year. That includes t-shirts, shoe laces, shoes, jeans, whatever. Maybe before you stereotype me becuase you dont' like me, you should FIND OUT THE TRUTH.

I speak the truth. Yours is just different cause you see the world differently. I could give a FUCK less.

Now go back to your LIBERAL HIPPY COLLEGE you stupid faggot.

That would be, ME. Stupid ass. You just dont' KNOW me. And you let your prejudgments blur the reality of things. You're a very sad individual.
Umm.....heh. Maybe if you didn't get so aggy and make your MySpace private (and delete me as a friend...LMAO), then I'd see more updated pictures and speak more reality instead of conjecture. Thats your insecurity and personal shame...not mine. But as it stands...yeah...Never seen you without braids, or without a hat, or without some other gimmick. And why is that?

It's because you just aren't the type. You're just like everyone else, I've said many times're Tall. That's it. There COULD BE more, but you don't work for it. You're happy being a nobody with a loud mouth. I mean, hey, just look at you! You're against a war that 90% of people your age are also against! What a crusader you are! What a brave individual! You stand up and oppose the Government, well over 10% of your friends and peers being afraid to do the same!

-- Born Conservative to Middle Class Family.
-- Went to college and became Liberal.
-- Will eventually settle down, marry, have children and become Moderate.
-- Once old, will revert to being Conservative.

This is your life. You can accept it now, or in 5 years or in 50 years. I really don't give a fuck which. But...this is all you.
Oct 28, 2005
TROLL said:
my point is to bring about the possibility and make people aware of what some people higher up are planning to put into place at our schools.. i dont think that it should be left up to the schools to interpet the law as they see fit..

im not anti-republican im anti-facist and anti-police state.. so if the republicans would stop passing shit thats slowly turning us into those things i wouldnt have to expose it all.. not many knew about this so ive done my civil duty of passing along the information.. even conservatives are becoming "anti-republican".. but im not saying the democrats are anybetter.. theyre both the same agenda with a 2 diffrent masks..
Yup....."the same" and yet 90% of your bashing is either Anti-Republican or Anti-"Lieberman Democrats", people you suspect of working too closely with Republicans. The only time you'll just come out and attack a Democrat out of nowhere, is...really...when someone points out to you that you hardly ever just come out and attack a Democrat out of nowhere.

Please, just drop the bullshit. The "I'm not a ____" act is really getting tired. If you want to get treated like an adult, start acting like one. Call a Stripper a Stripper (not an "exotic dancer"), a Snitch a Snitch (and not an "informant).....and and an Anti-Republican agenda an Anti-Republican agenda.

As for the Schools interpreting the law-- enserio basically covered it. Just as some idiot can interpret "freedom of speech" as meaning hardcore pornography on PBS during the daytime while kids are coming home from also can some idiot school administrator abuse this law. But to frame this as something Republicans, specifically, are just dishonest.


Sicc OG
Aug 8, 2003
Dirty Shoez said:
Yup....."the same" and yet 90% of your bashing is either Anti-Republican or Anti-"Lieberman Democrats", people you suspect of working too closely with Republicans. The only time you'll just come out and attack a Democrat out of nowhere, is...really...when someone points out to you that you hardly ever just come out and attack a Democrat out of nowhere.
Because these are current events being caused by who?? --->republicans
and a "liberman democrat" are republicans in disguise, wasnt it karl rove who got caught funneling money to liberman?? :ermm:

Dirty Shoez said:
Please, just drop the bullshit. The "I'm not a ____" act is really getting tired.
lol.. i really dont give 2 shits about what you choose to pass off as assumption harold.. Your having a hard time trying to comprhend the concept of an inner workings that masquerades itself as a 2 party system...
Dirty Shoez said:
If you want to get treated like an adult, start acting like one.
Dirty Shoez said:
Call a Stripper a Stripper (not an "exotic dancer"), a Snitch a Snitch (and not an "informant).....and and an Anti-Republican agenda an Anti-Republican agenda.
wow.. did your feelings get hurt?? did i cause a bit of emotional distress talking bad about the fascism thats setting itself in position?? dam if you luv your republican party so much go check out the page program im sure they have openings and you can do all the loving u can HAHAH but anyway..

if you want to be spoken to like an adult the be responsible enough to face the truth of the matters at hand..

Dirty Shoez said:
As for the Schools interpreting the law-- enserio basically covered it. Just as some idiot can interpret "freedom of speech" as meaning hardcore pornography on PBS during the daytime while kids are coming home from also can some idiot school administrator abuse this law. But to frame this as something Republicans, specifically, are just dishonest.
no.. your in denial.. seriously...
Bill Piper, DPA's director of national affairs, said, "It looks like this bill was rushed to the House floor to help out the sponsor, Rep. Geoff Davis (R-KY/4th), who is in a tight re-election race. This vote lets him say he's getting things done in Washington. But I would be surprised to see a similar push in the Senate."

so basically what i hear is..
Dirty Shoez said:
so what if it was rushed through the republican majority house by a republican, that doesnt mean the republicans did it!


Sicc OG
Dec 11, 2002
enserio said:
You would be singing a different tune if your child almost got shot at school, yet a teacher who suspected students of bringing guns to school couldn't search their backpacks/lockers because they had to wait for a law enforcement officer due to legalities.

Agreed... I dont have a problem with the searching of bags, backpacks, purses, etc... but you best damn sure wait until I am present before any other touching other than a pat down happens to either of my sons.. strip search..? all I'm sayin' is you better have a damn good reason to do it and he wont so much as remove his shoes until I arrive.

*I didnt read thru the entire thread due to Tadpole's rambling so if I missed some valid point or I'm repeating, my bad*


Sicc OG
Aug 8, 2003
are the ACLU conspiracy theorists?

Detroit Judge Finds PatriotAct Provision Threatens Free Speech Rights::

ACLU Urges House to Reject President’s Power Grab,Says Wilson NSA Bill Undermines Constitutional Rights of All Americans ::

House Panel Flip-Flops on Military Commission Bill, ACLU Says Proposal Undermines Due Process, Geneva Conventions::

at least do some research on the subject at hand before hopping in here and pretending to know something.. "ikillscraps" lol
Nov 21, 2005
yeah fuck that new world order shit .. I resist em till the death...
we aint going out in no concentration camps.. i might go in a casket..
but im takein 100 of those bitches wit me to hell.. mutha
ain't no luv.. and fuck the law forever.. !



Sicc OG
Aug 8, 2003
surcaliman said:
^^^glad to see u support the organization that defends nambla's right to exist...but why doesnt that surprise me.
so does that mean that they are wrong about us losing our liberties tho? dont try to change the subject..


Sicc OG
Aug 8, 2003
surcaliman said:
aint changing the subject..just showing u that the aclu isnt always right in everything it defends or believes
but what did that have to do with the question of losing our liberties? because i used their articles? u use the strawman disinfo tactic and bring up nambla so u dont have to answer the question
Nov 1, 2005
^^ok heres a question for has trolls personal life changed since the 9/11 or since the bush ad. took office?what rights or freedoms have been stripped from u.


Sicc OG
Aug 8, 2003
surcaliman said:
^^ok heres a question for has trolls personal life changed since the 9/11 or since the buch ad. took office?what rights or freedoms have been stripped from u.
*sigh*.. u cant answer my question.. ok.. thats fine.. but you know you cant which is why you decide to answer my question with a question... i personally have lost the right to protest whereever i want.. i lost the right to privacy/ resonable cause with these phone taps... if they branded me a terrorist i would be locked up without knowing the evidence against me or knowing when my court date will be...

now.. are u going to tell me im wrong?
Nov 1, 2005
dude..ur talking bout ifs that most likely will never apply to u...its crazy that theres people dieing in arizona deserts and chinese cargo ships trying to make it to this country but yet its own citizens feel like its not worth living in.


Sicc OG
Aug 8, 2003
only "if" i mentioned was being branded as a terrorist. i already lost the other rights i mentioned.. or did u choose not to confront those facts?
Nov 1, 2005
do u really go around protesting all the time..and u dont think that people get wirtapped allready?how u think all these r.i.c.o. indictments againt organized groups been happening?...but on the real..more then likely,u'd be wiretapped for being a norteno gangmember with possible ties to the nf instead of being a possible terrorist.
Jun 15, 2005
No one has answered or refuted my last post. I posted a link to the actual bill itself (and it's not called the "Mandatory Strip Search Bill") for others to interpret and so far no one wants to think for themselves.


Sicc OG
Aug 8, 2003
surcaliman said:
do u really go around protesting all the time..and u dont think that people get wirtapped allready?how u think all these r.i.c.o. indictments againt organized groups been happening?...but on the real..more then likely,u'd be wiretapped for being a norteno gangmember with possible ties to the nf instead of being a possible terrorist.
so are you going to answer my question since i already answered yours?? or just continue to ramble? here ill repost it...
TROLL said:
so does that mean that they(ACLU) are wrong about us losing our liberties tho?


Sicc OG
Aug 8, 2003
@Enserio: i didnt even noticed your reply but here u are...

enserio said:
So, AGAIN, each district will be required to adopt policies that are "reasonable and permissable...without being excessively intrusive..". I don't see where STRIP SEARCH will fit into that description.
Its basically giving the school administration authority to interpet what is "intrusive".. u have to understand that when something is passed, it needs to clarify what the key words are such as "resonable,permissable,intrusive"..
Similar justification allowed police officers to storm a high school in Goose Creek, SC, in 2003, forcing dozens of students to the ground and pointing loaded guns directly at their faces during a widely-criticized raid in which no drugs were found.
or how about...
The bill does not address whether body cavity searches are included, whether training will be provided to staffers performing them, whether background checks on staffers would be necessary, whether students who have been sexually abused in the past would be subject or whether parental notification would be required. Without those specifics, the judgment of local school administrators will be the litmus test.

enserio said:
At any rate, in order for policies to be adopted, School Board members must present and vote on them. Do you really think that policies covering strip searches wouldn't somehow be newsworthy or presented to the public before being voted on, let alone passed?
did we have the opportunity to have a say in the patriot act? or how about the NSA taps? but hey, im just a tinfoil hat so dont take it from me...

National PTA said:
"If we are serious about protecting students and teachers, we must provide ways for schools to address the foundation of these problems, not simply allow teachers the relatively unbridled authority to search a student under the veil of school safety."
National School Boards Association: said:
“…this legislation does not do anything to create a more positive learning environment. Worse, H.R. 5295 could mislead school personnel into violating the constitutional rights of students in the errant belief that, as long as their actions conform with the Congress’s general description of “reasonableness,” they must be permissible.”

enserio said:
Would these guards be trained? Would they be like rent-a-cops? There are already plenty of adults on campus, and many times when weapons or drugs are found at school, it's because a student felt comfortable enough to tell a teacher that they trust. Will your guards be able to establish this kind of repore?
I dunno where your from but where i went to school we always had armed guards and at least a couple cops always on campus.. the repore you speak of with teachers is in no way jepordized by having guards so i dont see your point of refuting the idea of guards...

enserio said:
Yes, the example is extreme, and there are several people in the thread who are taking it just as extreme and seeing this bill more as taking rights away than being about safety. That's my point.
its a mixed bag of both saftey measures and rights being taken away.. when i was going to school i always knew that if a teacher or staff member wanted to search me they had to have a reason too.. with this bill, if one student is searched the entire classroom is.. should my children be put under the magnifying glass because of what her class mates did??

how will we be able to teach the bill of rights with a str8 face if something like this gets passed???