Briana said:
hun... you are 16 years old
ok, you got that right i am 16....
....have your soul scientifically handed to you.
Now maybe I am just a little bit retarded or something but what in the fuck are you talking about????
go suck your G.E.D. teachers ass while you and your X'd out father do the river dance to 50's "up in the club"
First, I go to HIGH SCHOOL, which means I don't need a G.E.D. teacher. Second, my dad dose'nt do X, hes just an achoholic, but even if he did do X, wtf is your point??? Third, Me nor anyone I know can "River Dance" and even if I could, I sure as fuck would'nt be doing it to any 50 Cent song.
have your first period before you step to me...and remenber lil girl tampons go into your pussy not your other words dont listen to your daddy on girlie issues just because he wears a bra...butt weasle!!!
ok, 1) 'Hun' I started my period when I was 11, so don't pull that shit on me. 2) Thanx for the Suggestions about "Not listening to my daddy about the girlie stuff", it must've been hard almost going deaf listening to
your dad about that shit. And last, WHAT IN THE FUCK is the "Butt Weasle" shit about??? Now when you could'nt spell gnarly i thought "ok, maybe this bitch is just mildly retarded, but now your gonna call me a Butt Weasle, that is some funny shit, Is that the new fad going around your daycare???? Cus you act and talk like you are 7 fucken years old. Now LITTLE GIRL, next time you talk shit about me (or try to anyways) GET THE SHIT RIGHT!!!! I don't feel like coming up here correcting your mistakes.