ok, I dont wanna start shit, BUT, in this case i will make an exception......Briana, you need to take your ass back to where ever the fuck it came from (probably the street corner with your mama) because you just give women a bad name.....i mean what the fuck, ho, you cant spell gnarly (oops, my bad i better spell it "narly" for you) even my 6 year old cousin can spell gnarly and your supposedly 24??????? WTF. And since you talked shit on mizztechs name, your gonna talk shit on mine cus its 'ms_n9na', but fuck it, i will admit, i fucken love tech, in my opinion he is the fucken greatest and yea i might be on his dick on some occasions (lol, i wish) but FUCK IT. I already know what bitches like you are gonna say already before you type it. Now bitch, i would like to see your ass talk shit on me, i fucken dare you, cus you dont know shit about me besides my fucken screen name bitch.
now, im done, i just saw this thread and i was like WTF, anyways, thats a bomb ass pic there, you lucky fucker