Sydal said:
And just an FYI, EVERY President is a "puppet" if thats what you think about Reagan. YEA, go back to Government Class, or at least teach yourself something other than what you've already heard. The President has VERY LITTLE authority, whether it be Reagan, Bush, Clinton, or anybody else. It's ALMOST like the Queen of England, that broad has no power, Parliament has the power, Tony Blair has power. Well, where does our power truly lie? Congress, Senate, the cabinets, the advisors.
What was Bush doing the entire month of August before 9/11? Vacationing! As any good president should! As a matter of fact, Bush has set the record for days on vacation as a president. Go compassionate conservatism!
And what have we seen recently, especially post-9/11? A congress afraid to disagree with the President for fear of the unpatriotic/unAmerican label, because people like you exaggerate the danger in the hysterical age we live in. 9/11 ain't shit compared to the people 1. Reagan's friends killed. 2. The destruction we probably caused by giving the Iranians weapons, then turning around and giving the Iraqis weapons. Good job Reagan. Send the U.S In to look for WMD, and pick up their own artillery!
9/11 deaths: 3,000 people.
Iraq war deaths: 10,000+ civilians. 700+ U.S soldiers. Unknown number of Iraqi soldiers killed.
Do Republicans not like math, or what?
(By the way, love your double-standard rhetoric. "Attacking the middle eastern countries where TERRORISTS stay, I'm all for it!! DON'T FORGET 9-11" )
How is that a double standard??? You remember how many people they killed? Fuck that. If somebody killed my family in that manner, I would kill EVERYBODY that I believed was involved. That's no double standard, that's called gettin' even. If people brutally murder somebody you love, why should you give a shit about them or their family? It's an eye for an eye, that's not a double standard, that's bad karma for whoever fucked with you and yours in the first place. If you wouldn't do the same, I feel bad for your family...
Those Americans were our family, Bush doesn't care and that's GOOD...they fuck with you, you fuck with them worse. Remember Pearl Harbor? They fucked with us, we nuked them!! Same difference, only we didn't use stupid nutty weapons like nukes or anything like that. Do you not agree with what they did to Japan??
And Bush is right for going after the WRONG country! They're all brown-skinned anyways right Sydal. White Power! Let's collab man me and you will make a white power rap about how Bush is awesome for protecting the wealth of those nasty rich people. Everyone knows they need 5 yachts not 4!