Question For Artist.

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May 16, 2002
Is anybody in this thread a member of ASCAP or own their publishings? If your a member and register the songs like we as independent artist are suppose to, it eliminates anybody straight stealing the music on a higher level.

We're talking a few hundreds here, but let's just say, someone redoes your song and claims that it's his & makes millions. Someone takes your song & adds it to a movie or a DVD etc. You have nothing but your word that it's your song with no paperwork. Everytime that song plays, everytime someone rents that movie, buy's that compilation etc. your gonna get a percentage off it if your music is registered. Of course your only going to start seeing revenue if it really goes somewhere, but at least your protected.

I had an issue & learned the hard way by trying to help "promote" everybody. I put together a compilation & requested that everybody on it get their publishings because I was going all out on this & everybody said, "Yeah, yeah I'm getting that next week!" Yada yada yada.. I never got a call from anybody & one of the many on the comp signed to a major. Next I'm getting a call from Sony lawyers telling me to seize & desist the tracks from dude. He claimed to of not given me permission to use the tracks & was upset because (now that he had learned about ASCAP / Publishings) was stating that I was stealing from him. I had told him to get that, just like I told everybody on it so they could get paid if it went somewhere.. way before, his bad for not doing it. The issue could of easily been resolved had he just registered the songs and I would of been notified automatically from ASCAP and they would of broke him off his cut. His share is still sitting in limbo until he, himself get's at me.

Own your publishings & get it in writing (signed documents) when taking submissions for a project.

This music game is like D.O's & snitches. A whole lot of motherfuckers turnin' bitch & ratting to lawyers instead of contacting you themselves and letting you know they had a change of heart about the project & trying to resolve it with you one on one.

My .2
Jun 8, 2011
I'm not making money off muzik but to those who are. It's both good and bad it's promoting it but as said could be downloaded for free. Which is a cut out they pocket. But IMO (not aiming it towards anyone directly) those same artist don't complain bout it when they wanna share it on they're FB page. Things are always in convinience of themselves. What I think should happen is when a new album drops the artist should make a snippet of tracks on it and let it be thrown on YouTube after like a month or so it could be uploaded all completely.
Nov 2, 2010
It has it's up and downs as does everything else in this world. On the upside it can be taken as a compliment that somebody liked your music enough to take time out of their day to upload the music to YouTube and share it with the world. On the downside it's unfortunate especially for independent record labels that there's software available that can illegally download music off the internet instead of supporting the artist through a legal download purchase. There is a company named IODA out of San Francisco who Urban Life Distribution has a new partnership with and IODA searches for music copyrighted and distributed through Urban Life that sends out notices to anyone uploading music to Youtube without the granted permission. There's a few actions that can be taken including having the music removed or placing ads for money. After an uploader is contacted by IODA they'll provide a link beneath the video on YouTube with the artist name, song title and official links for a download purchase. On top of all that there is a percentage paid out for every play on that YouTube video which isn't much but it's something and something is always better than nothing. Since back in the day with dubbing cassettes to cd burning and now internet downloading someone has always found a way to get that music for free.
Aug 16, 2009
im not going to sit here and pretend like i dont download full albums of certain artist but i have always made sure to support homeboy rap no matter what i have never bootlegged anything from that genre but being that im deployed sometimes its hard to listen to anything off itunes so youtube is a big the way tone do you have any hard copys of the album in any stores in texas im going to be going home soon for r&r...i have the itunes album already but the cd case is what im trying to get
Jun 8, 2010
i think they youtube method is good because it promotes hella artist, i know hella homeboys who found out bout other rappers cause they listen to them on youtube, i check out CD's on youtube before i buy them. i downloaded songs from youtube before as well as most of you, but i don't do it no more because when you slap it in the whip the quality sounds different when you download from youtube, but shit as long as theirs internet somebody is gona put your music out their, and you can't do nothing bout it, but shit if somebody is gona promote your music on youtube then they should TAG it, have some tag on the song so when people download it and slap it, you would be able to tell if it was downloaded from youtube.
Nov 6, 2010
it's koo promotion as long as the person ain't making money off the videos and it has direct links to the artist iTunes, e-store and or website so people can buy it. People will find a way to bootleg any cd if they really want just like real fans of good music will go buy it.
Sep 24, 2006
I agree as long as someone aint making money off ur music. Like Nsanity stated since bk N the day we were dubbing tapes (the good ol days) and im sure we all were doin that then cd burning not every homeboy got and impressive all bought collection. Where else besides youtube where any homeboy get major video play? So basically all u can do now is take the bad wit the gd
Apr 16, 2003
LMFAO do people really pirate music from YouTube videos? Either way not having videos on YouTube won't stop piracy. Those who buy will buy. Those who don't will acquire it one of 873 ways.
Apr 11, 2011
you guys are worrying about the wrong thing ,
you guys should be worried about your album getting ripped and uploaded before it even drops rather then youtube.
I don't really understand what the problem is with the whole youtube thing , if you make a video and upload to youtube ppl can download it in mp3 format,so what's the difference between ppl downloading your video and turn it into mp3, and ppl downloading a song and turning it into mp3?
Feb 11, 2010
you guys are worrying about the wrong thing ,
you guys should be worried about your album getting ripped and uploaded before it even drops rather then youtube.
I don't really understand what the problem is with the whole youtube thing , if you make a video and upload to youtube ppl can download it in mp3 format,so what's the difference between ppl downloading your video and turn it into mp3, and ppl downloading a song and turning it into mp3?
Aug 13, 2009
you guys are worrying about the wrong thing ,
you guys should be worried about your album getting ripped and uploaded before it even drops rather then youtube.
I don't really understand what the problem is with the whole youtube thing , if you make a video and upload to youtube ppl can download it in mp3 format,so what's the difference between ppl downloading your video and turn it into mp3, and ppl downloading a song and turning it into mp3?
Only way that will happen is with a physical copy of the CD.
Most artist dont release digitally first before making sure their albums hits the shelves.
Unless they purely distribute digitally, such as through itunes where it could be released early.
Sure one can go out of their way to find it through itunes before it actually hits the store, but
most people who listen to homeboy rap dont have the skills to do so or wont even bother when
there is a couple days to a week before the initial release.

Either way if Califas or NorthernPromotions doesnt upload it, someone else will.
No way you can fight that unless you want to flag and report every single video.
I see it more of a plus if one of those 2 upload a rappers album seeing as they
already got exposure for what they do and could possibly benefit the artist more than hurt them.


Sicc OG
Mar 15, 2011
Hella scandolous bro. Dudes a sucka in my book. Tryna be a homie but stealing from a homie and not having the balls to put his own hand in my pocket to steal my cash. And when i sent him a message to remove it he blew me off. yea, we're fighting if we ever see eachother
May 17, 2006
:l i use to put up old school forgotten tracks up on youtube but then fartroom familia took down a two 5 minute videos of a dvd that is not even available in stores or online, then i got a strike and just saif fudge it i dont want any legal troubles. DONT RELEASE PEOPLES ENTIRE ALBUMS, EVER!!!