DubbC415 said:
^^^What are u gonna do instead?
Basically in my opinion we are living in a Country where most of people don't support either of the two candidates. The majority of people who vote for Bush, vote for him not because they think he is a great President but rather because they don't like Kerry. The same applies in reverse. The majoriy of people who vote for Kerry, support him not because he will make a great leader, but becaue they don't support Bush. We as citizens are given two and only two choices every four years without any say. Basically the government tells us "here are the two people you can vote for, if you don't like them fuck you" When people start voting for the "lesser of two evils" they get trapped in the system, thinking some change can be made when in reality Kerry would change nothing but the face and name of the president if he where elected.
So what are you gonna do? Change starts at the roots. Just by talking about this shit here on the siccness, some people might begin to see and spread the word in other places. It will take many more elections before we see any differance, but if we were to continue to stay complacaint in the system, we could never see any change. I say fuck this shit we are given, vote for someone you actually support and educate the next man, and maybe in 20 years the revolution can really begin.