XianeX said:
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! hmmm. interesting. I understand your thinking but giving him a platform does not further YOUR politics.
Well for the most part, he does represent my politics and by Nader being on a platform, these views can spread to millions of people across amerika, regardless if he wins or looses.
but voting for some one that doesn't have a chance is a wasted vote. I think it would be MORE effective to USE captialism to get his point across.
We are using capitalism to get our point across. That's the whole point comrade. As I mentioned, many great minds have spoke of the importance of participating in capitalist elections. The Bolsheviks new this and used this tactic to gain support in Russia.
Trust me, the political party I’m with has gained so much support and new members in the past 2 years which would not have been possible with out Nader.
Ironic as it is using a as a way to promote communism is counterintuitive.
even if commerce is a contradiction as much as democratic voting setting up a corporation to endorse communism would be more effective.
I’m not following. Can you elaborate?
catch 22, I didn't want to vote for either but sometimes you gotta take the lesser of two evils (Comparative advantage (economic theory)).
Remember; if you vote for the lesser of evil, you are still voting for evil.
No real change can be made by voting kerry or democrat. Sure, the face changes, some of the rhetoric changes, but the same principles remain. The rich will continue to get richer, the poor poorer, the middle class pushed down furhter. WTO, Free trade, the exploitation of "developing" nations, U.S Imperialism, war, universal healthcare, the support of the slaughter of the Palestinians etc. etc. etc. None of this will change.
if you didn't have nader would you have voted at all? and if so who for?
If nader wasn't running I probably wouldn't vote. As Coldblooded mentioned, “not voting can be as much of a protest as voting.” (something like that)
all in respect folks. I sincerely want to know. you can answer me on instant messenger if you want I'm good either way.
It's all good comrade, it's always enjoyable talking with you.