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May 13, 2002
HERESY said:


I voted for Nader; a candidate who is anti-war, anti-big business, anti-free trade/WTO/NAFTA etc., anti-Israel, anti-iraq war, wants the troop’s home immediately, national minimum wage of $10/hr, universal healthcare, etc. He is the only candidate that is all of these things. Now I know he’s not going to win, but I voted for peace of mind and also to show my support for an Independent party. I think it’s important that we support independent parties now so we can help the movement grow into the future. I think if we all sit back and have the attitude that “nothing will change”, then that’s exactly what’s going to happen—nothing. History has shown us that change can be made and many great minds like Lenin wrote of the strategic importance of participating in fraudulent elections.


Apr 25, 2002
I honestly believe taking up arms against the government is the best option at this time. Nothing will change as long as one entity has a monopoly over our currency. Nothing will change as long as people in prominent positions place familiy and friends in prominent positions. I don't see change coming about by voting. I only see it coming by taking up arm's against the opressive american regime.

Now in order to do that most people have to be on the same page. Not only that but intelligence is required. When I speak of intelligence I'm not talking education and common sense. I'm talking intelligence as in: how much manpower does the enemy have, how can I take out the communication links, how can I put a dent in their funding, how can I learn their routes?

To be honest most people WON'T be on the same page and money to pay for intelligence will run in the millions. Let's face it. You and I both know americans are doomed. It's a simple matter of time and place. We can vote for indies all day long but they also fall to corruption. I wouldn't be shocked if nader was funded by Morgan family money.


Apr 25, 2002
Right on 2-0-Sixx, Im glad to see some fellow Nader supporters up on here. I mean, the man's ideas make so much more sense that the other two knuckleheads and yet nobody will give him a chance.
May 13, 2002
HERESY said:
I honestly believe taking up arms against the government is the best option at this time. Nothing will change as long as one entity has a monopoly over our currency. Nothing will change as long as people in prominent positions place familiy and friends in prominent positions. I don't see change coming about by voting. I only see it coming by taking up arm's against the opressive american regime.

Now in order to do that most people have to be on the same page. Not only that but intelligence is required. When I speak of intelligence I'm not talking education and common sense. I'm talking intelligence as in: how much manpower does the enemy have, how can I take out the communication links, how can I put a dent in their funding, how can I learn their routes?

To be honest most people WON'T be on the same page and money to pay for intelligence will run in the millions. Let's face it. You and I both know americans are doomed. It's a simple matter of time and place. We can vote for indies all day long but they also fall to corruption. I wouldn't be shocked if nader was funded by Morgan family money.

I agree 100% that change cannot be made by voting. All throughout history change has only been made by movements of millions of people (civil rights, workers rights, minimum wage, women’s rights, the end of Vietnam War, etc.). But comrade, in order for these movements to occur there must be leadership to guide them in the right direction. Without leadership and organization there will only be explosive situations with no path (think Rodney King riots). You speak of taking up arms against the oppressive rulers, but how can we ever get to that point? Right, we got to be on the same page. And we can only become on the same page by supporting radical groups and spreading our message across America like so many people did in the 60’s and 70’s and even in the 20’s through 40’s, not to mention across the globe.

Again, I agree my vote was a complete waste of time, but remember comrade, I’m simply not just voting for Nader. I do a shit load of other things throughout my community and have contributed to the spread of socialist ideology which has reached the minds of the youth. Hopefully I’ve helped plant a few seeds.
Nov 24, 2003
FUCK a vote.....its time for a REVOLUTION!!!! anybody who votes for bush is either rich or uninoformed, anyone who votes for kerry because they think he is a better choice than bush is an idiot...vote NADER if u gotta vote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 17, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:
I think it’s laughable that anyone who is not rich, or is anti-war, or is anti-big business, or is anti-WTO etc. can vote for kerry.
I think it’s laughable that anyone who is not rich, or is anti-war, or is anti-big business, or is anti-WTO etc. can vote for Bush!!!

if you know who serves to benefit most from globalization it's bush!

analyze Citicorp. analyze how what bush is doing weakens the american dollar which makes it harder for americans to buy goods and services from abroad and how it the low interest rates give incentive for foreign countries to invest (buy) up america at discount rates (remember what i said about the weak dollar)

We usually agree but you definitely have to explain that one.
May 17, 2002
voting for nader is a wasted vote. yeah it's a principled stand but if your stand only helps nader get and stay rich with no CHANCE of making a change that vote is ridiculous. FOR REAL!
May 13, 2002
XianeX said:
voting for nader is a wasted vote. yeah it's a principled stand but if your stand only helps nader get and stay rich with no CHANCE of making a change that vote is ridiculous. FOR REAL!
I've explained my reasons for supporting Nader numerous times. I will search and c&p.

2-0-Sixx said:
To break from the two party system and build a workers party for the future.


Socialists/Communist have been backing Nader in '04 and '00 and are largely responsible for the success of his campaign. We back Nader for several reasons. 1. He is the only candidate that is anti-war, anti-big business, pro-environment etc. (that has reached the masses) 2. By being active in Nader's campaign, socialist can use the publicity to spread our ideology to the already Left Wing Nader supporters 3. We can gain momentum for the future by building workers party 4. By having active Socialists participate in Naders campaign, we are able to sway a lot of decisions 5. Nader can reach more people than any current socialist running for prez

Many people who support Nader or will vote Nader, do not reflect any allegiance to his over-all program. They see Nader as a radical protest candidate and support him as the best way to express their anger and disgust with the Dems/Repubs. Many of these people are open minded and open to Socialist ideas. This layer of america is a target for the Socialists. We try to sway these people a little further.

Socialists use Nader as a tactic that Nader provides socialists a concrete platform to intervene in the elections, allowing us to engage workers and young people in discussions, meetings, rallies etc. and teach them about the class character of the two parites and the need to form a radical left-wing alternative.

"The ripple effects of the Nader campagn will extend far beyond the several million who may vote for him. Tens of millions wil listen to and sympathize with Nader, but feel compelled to vote for the "lesser evil" Kerry. Nevertheless, the seeds of radical independent politics will be planted, ready to take root and grow in the minds of millions as major events futher expose the Democrats and shake up workers consciousness."
I can go on and on and on about reasons NOT to support Kerry.

HERE is a thread I made called "The other War Party."

HERE is another, called "10 Reasons not to support Kerry."

If you honestly believe voting for a democrat into office will change amerikkka significantly, then I ask you comrade, please explain yourself.
May 17, 2002
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! hmmm. interesting. I understand your thinking but giving him a platform does not further YOUR politics. of course several people believe and will believe the way he does in part or in whole. but voting for some one that doesn't have a chance is a wasted vote. I think it would be MORE effective to USE captialism to get his point across.

Ironic as it is using a democracy as a way to promote communism is counterintuitive. even if commerce is a contradiction as much as democratic voting setting up a corporation to endorse communism would be more effective.

catch 22, I didn't want to vote for either but sometimes you gotta take the lesser of two evils (Comparative advantage (economic theory)). if you didn't have nader would you have voted at all? and if so who for?

all in respect folks. I sincerely want to know. you can answer me on instant messenger if you want I'm good either way.
May 13, 2002
XianeX said:
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! hmmm. interesting. I understand your thinking but giving him a platform does not further YOUR politics.
Well for the most part, he does represent my politics and by Nader being on a platform, these views can spread to millions of people across amerika, regardless if he wins or looses.

but voting for some one that doesn't have a chance is a wasted vote. I think it would be MORE effective to USE captialism to get his point across.
We are using capitalism to get our point across. That's the whole point comrade. As I mentioned, many great minds have spoke of the importance of participating in capitalist elections. The Bolsheviks new this and used this tactic to gain support in Russia.

Trust me, the political party I’m with has gained so much support and new members in the past 2 years which would not have been possible with out Nader.

Ironic as it is using a as a way to promote communism is counterintuitive.

even if commerce is a contradiction as much as democratic voting setting up a corporation to endorse communism would be more effective.
I’m not following. Can you elaborate?

catch 22, I didn't want to vote for either but sometimes you gotta take the lesser of two evils (Comparative advantage (economic theory)).
Remember; if you vote for the lesser of evil, you are still voting for evil.

No real change can be made by voting kerry or democrat. Sure, the face changes, some of the rhetoric changes, but the same principles remain. The rich will continue to get richer, the poor poorer, the middle class pushed down furhter. WTO, Free trade, the exploitation of "developing" nations, U.S Imperialism, war, universal healthcare, the support of the slaughter of the Palestinians etc. etc. etc. None of this will change.

if you didn't have nader would you have voted at all? and if so who for?
If nader wasn't running I probably wouldn't vote. As Coldblooded mentioned, “not voting can be as much of a protest as voting.” (something like that)

all in respect folks. I sincerely want to know. you can answer me on instant messenger if you want I'm good either way.
It's all good comrade, it's always enjoyable talking with you.
Nov 24, 2003
XianeX said:
catch 22, I didn't want to vote for either but sometimes you gotta take the lesser of two evils (Comparative advantage (economic theory)).
Voting for the lesser of two evils is exactly what perpetuates the oppression of a two party system in which both parties are extremely similiar in their policy.

The lesser of two evils is still evil.

How can people care about a government in which they vote for someone they don't actually support only because they are the lesser of two evils?