Power= ????

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Power= ????

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Aug 8, 2003
i like to think of this question as a "what if" in a worst case scenario... see, i picked numbers because mob rule seems to always be in place when a time of anarchy arises.. money is only paper when theres no longer anything to buy.. and authority always get trumped when the system that gives the authority is no longer in its working position... EDJ is on to something tho, resources are and always will be the foundation of sustaining life.. but i still chose numbers because whats to stop a mob from taking control over those resources??


Sicc OG
Sep 5, 2005
TROLL said:
i like to think of this question as a "what if" in a worst case scenario... see, i picked numbers because mob rule seems to always be in place when a time of anarchy arises.. money is only paper when theres no longer anything to buy.. and authority always get trumped when the system that gives the authority is no longer in its working position... EDJ is on to something tho, resources are and always will be the foundation of sustaining life.. but i still chose numbers because whats to stop a mob from taking control over those resources??

ohh i see, so you were voting based on which = more power when it comes to humanity as a whole (anarchy included).
yes, numbers would matter the most then for sure.
but i voted based on humanity being a civilization like it currently is, where money runs the world.
Mar 9, 2005
NavThaShah said:
Knowledge is useless in the hands of those who don't know how to use it. Of course, if I knew how to manipulate people to such an extent as to garner their support, then knowledge is indeed power.

In todays society, money is all important, but as several of you have shown, money is only paper and has no intrinsic value. People are the most important factor without doubt. If 5 billion people supported me as a world leader, then I'm the world leader, simple as that. If this were to happen, I would control the money, the resources and everything else in this world. As such, I would have ultimate authority (rendering the third option obsolete).
Apr 26, 2002
Hutch said:
Knowledge is useless in the hands of those who don't know how to use it. Of course, if I knew how to manipulate people to such an extent as to garner their support, then knowledge is indeed power.

In todays society, money is all important, but as several of you have shown, money is only paper and has no intrinsic value. People are the most important factor without doubt. If 5 billion people supported me as a world leader, then I'm the world leader, simple as that. If this were to happen, I would control the money, the resources and everything else in this world. As such, I would have ultimate authority (rendering the third option obsolete).
i'd have to agree with this statement the most, hitler became one of the most powerful figures in the world at one point, and he started off broke as a joke, an oil painter who hustled his paintings in the streets. fold.
Aug 8, 2003
Hutch said:
In todays society, money is all important, but as several of you have shown, money is only paper and has no intrinsic value. People are the most important factor without doubt. If 5 billion people supported me as a world leader, then I'm the world leader, simple as that. If this were to happen, I would control the money, the resources and everything else in this world. As such, I would have ultimate authority (rendering the third option obsolete).
well said
Aug 8, 2003
Sixxness said:
And it's not that people are getting poorer though, the gap is just getting bigger because a small group keeps making more and more.
Very true.. leaving the other side only with what it has, itself..
Aug 3, 2005
"super" natural abilities shouldnt be desired as a means for gaining power over another person...

they should simply be used to show others the potential we all possess, to try and motivate them to cultivate all that exists within their minds.


Sicc OG
Sep 5, 2005
in a time like now where the world is dominated by darkness and false information then yes, this is what it should be used for.
me? im only going after it because i want to experience life for its true nature.
it was bad enough i was born into a religion which dominated all my beliefs negatively and ONLY held me back from alot of things.
i think the main problem with religion today is because religion was meant to be a way for humans to get to know God,to understand him, and to be truely thankful from deep down in the heart for everything that he has given you.
instead, religion is currently more like a mix between a government that holds us back, and a mix with history where the rules might have made sense back then, but times change and so do mindsets.

a new way is needed for people to connect with God, a new way is needed for people to become enlightened by the fascination for all the creations and the creator himself.

well i just found out this isnt a topic about religion and beliefs but i typed it all out so im posting.
Dec 25, 2003
Power is when you kill someone for :

a. wearing certain colors
b. being from certain places
c. having a certain complexion
d. speaking a different language
e. having a certain ancestry
Mar 9, 2005
^^^ That's not really power, that's just extreme prejudice. I suppose a lot of the more powerful people out there do practice such violence though.

Killing someone doesn't necessarily equate to power, although sometimes it would (If you were next in line to the throne and you killed the queen, then it would greatly increase your power, or if Dick Cheney had Bush killed - that would temporarily make him more powerful).

I was wondering where you were going with that God spiel Hemp, lmao...


Sicc OG
Sep 5, 2005
morals and im gettin sick of people that are "under control" in whatever way and just fuckin things up.
been cussin some bitches out on myspace.
Aug 8, 2003
altho im not a believer in god or a single supreme being having dominion over an entire creation of existence, i think that the concept of jesus's teachings were good. he preached care and love but its sad how those in charge used his message as a veil to hide their sinister wayz..
May 13, 2002
I believe power belongs to those who control what people believe and value. Has anybody read Antonio Gramsci? Interesting stuff... He said that the ruling class not only dominates economically and politically, but culturally as well. I do agree that the ruling class's ideas and beliefs spread out to everyone else through the tv, newspapers, magazines, radio, and more media that is controlled by them. This gives them extreme power in our society. For example, look at that stupid bitch Paris hilton, many girls try to immitate her because she is rich. What we get is lots of skinny ass bitches carrying purses containing bitches doing the same shit that Ms. Hilton does. Now, imagine that on a larger scale and this is what I'm talking about. What Gramsci said, and I agree with, is that in order to change the way things are with so few people in control, is that the masses need to develop their own culture, their own beliefs and their own values.

I also agree with EDJ though, resources are what counts. Money is not real and is only powerful because it can get you resources.

Here is a link with some stuff about Gramsci. The idea that I talked about is called Hegemony:


Sicc OG
Nov 10, 2004
Well, Quik and El Debarge said, "First you get the power then you get the money then you get the pussy, nigga don't be no dummy"

But then Lil Kim said, "First you get the money then you get the motherfuckin' power and after you get the fuckin' power you get the fuckin' niggas to respect you"

I guess it varies depending on whether you're a male or female.