WMD Findings Reported To Date From Dec., 2002 through June, 2004
----------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by: Dirk Hudson
WMD Findings Reported To Date From Dec., 2002 through June, 2004
Date: Dec 4, 2002
Place: al-Muthanna
Outfit: UN inspectors
Finding: mustard gas & shells
Source: [UN, AP, Fox News]
Date: Apr 5, 2003
Place: Euphrates River near Nasiriyah
Outfit: marines
Finding: mustard gas and cyanide [believed to have been dumped in the Euphrates either by Iraqi soldiers fleeing from American troops or local factories that produced weapons of mass destruction.]
Source: [London Daily Telegraph; MSNBC, citing marine officials]
Date: Apr 5, 2003
Place: Albu Muhawish on the Euphrates River about 100km south of Baghdad
Outfit: 101st Airborne
Finding: tabun and sarin, plus 55-gallon chemical drums, hundreds of gas masks and chemical suits
Effects: more than a dozen soldiers; vomiting, dizziness and skin blotches. [soldiers hosed down with water and bleach]
Source: [Knight Ridder reporter, and CNN]
Date: Apr 6, 2003
Place: near airport Karbala, just south of Hindiyah
Outfit: 101st Airborne
Finding: two dozen drums that initially tested positive for Sarin and mustard gas
Effects: 11 soldiers, were treated for symptoms of low-level exposure - vomiting, dizziness and skin blotches.
Source: [Major Michael Hamlet, 101st, cited by Reuters ]
Date: Apr 7, 2003
Place: near Baghdad
Outfit: 1st Marine Division
Finding: 20 medium-range BM-21 missiles equipped with sarin and mustard gas
Source: [per top marine official cited in NPR, Fox News]
Date: Apr 10, 2003
Place: near Baghdad
Outfit: marines
Finding: mobile biological- or chemical-weapons lab
Source: [Fox News, Rick Leventhal]
Date: Apr 9, 11, 2003
Place: underground tunnels at al Tawaitha facility, 18 mi. south of Baghdad
Outfit: marines
Finding: stocks of low-grade nuclear materials, uranium and possibly plutonium
Effects: radiation levels are high [many drums of highly radioactive material]
Source: [Capt. John Seegar; Pittsburgh Tribune-Review][Lt. Cmdr. Charles Owens]
Date: Apr 12, 2003
Place: northern Iraqi air base in Kirkut
Outfit: army intelligence posting
Finding: chemical warhead with trace amounts of nerve gas
Source: [military sources to CNN]
Date: Apr 25, 2003
Place: site east of Bayji, Iraq
Outfit: U.S. Special Forces reconnaissance team later: experts from Army's 1-10 Cavalry
Finding: a dozen 55-gallon drums; mixture of three chemicals, including a nerve agent and blistering agent
Source: [Lt. Col. Ted Martin of the 10th Cavalry Regiment; Lt. Valerie Phipps, cited by ABC News]
Date: May 9, 2003
Place: near Mosul, Iraq
Outfit: 101st Airborne
Finding: mobile biological weapons laboratory [incomplete]
Source: [Army Maj. Gen. David H. Petraeus]
Date: Oct 4, 2003
Place: Iraqi scientist's refrigerator
Outfit: U.S. arms inspectors led by David Kay
Finding: vial of botulinum bacteria [the most poisonous substance known to man]
Source: [Richard Boucher, State Dept. spokesman to Agence France-Presse]
Date: May - Oct, 2003
Place: various parts of Iraq
Outfit: U.S. arms inspectors led by David Kay
Finding: "a clandestine network of biological laboratories"; dozens of WMD- related program activities and significant amounts of equipment"
Source: [Richard Boucher, State Dept. spokesman to Agence France-Presse,]
Date: Oct 4, 2003 [earlier in wk]
Place: smuggled from Iraq to Kuwait [destination:. a Eur. country]
Outfit: Kuwaiti security forces
Finding: biological and chemical weapons, and biological. warheads
Source: [Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Siyassah]
Date: January 4, 2004
Place: Al Quarnah near Basra
Outfit: Danish troops
Finding: 200 Iraqi mortar shells containing a deadly liquid blister agent
Effects: Multiple tests [conducted in Iraq by Danish and British experts] all confirm shells contain blister agent
Source: Danish official sources to Fox News Channel, Reuters and the Associated Press [find also confirmed by Ali Nimir, a former colonel in an Iraqi Republican Guard artillery unit]
Date: April 17, 2004
Place: Amman, Jordan, 75 miles from the Syrian border [believed derived from Iraq]
Outfit: Jordanian officials
Finding: al-Qaida car "carried explosives, a chemical bomb and poisonous gas."
Effects: "The bomb, had it been detonated, could have affected people in a one-kilometer radius and cause the deaths of up to 20,000 people," Jordanian officials told Maariv.
Source: Jordanian officials to the London-based newspaper al-Hayat ; see also the Israeli newspaper Maariv; U.P.I.
Date: April 26, 2004
Place: Baghdad
Outfit: U.S. troops
Finding: workshop "suspected of producing and supplying chemical agents" to Iraqi insurgents]
Effects: [workshop exploded in flames Monday moments after U.S. troops broke in to search it]
Source: Brig. Gen. Mark Kimmitt; Fox News; A.P.
Date: c. May 3, 2004
Place: Baghdad
Outfit: U.S. military units
Finding: artillery shell containing trace elements of mustard agent
Effects: [analysis confirmed]
Source: senior Bush Admin. official to Fox News
Date: [rptd] May 17, 2004
Place: Baghdad
Outfit: U.S. military units
Finding: 155-millimeter artillery shell containing chemical cweapon sarin
Effects: two American soldiers who removed the round had symptoms of low-level nerve agent exposure [analysis confirmed]
Source: Brig. Gen. Mark Kimmitt to Fox News
Date: late June, 2004; rptd July 2, 2004
Place: South-central Iraq
Outfit: Polish troops
Finding: 16-17 warheads, containing cyclosarin, a deadly nerve agent
Effects: a very toxic gas, five times stronger than sarin and five times more durable
Source: Gen. Marek Dukaczewski and Polish Gen. Mieczyslaw Bieniek to Polish TV; A.P., Newsmax
Date: 1999 - 2000 [causes]; 2003-2004[effects]
Place: [cause] laboratories outside Iraq [per Iraqi defector quoting Saddam]; Cuba [per Cuban defectors]
Outfit: Iraqi and Cuban defectors [causes]; health officials [effects]
Finding: strain SV 141 of the West Nile virus
Effects: [initial effects] Florida Keys and eastern half of U.S., now spreading throughout U.S. and Israel
Source: Richard Preston in The New Yorker magazine, (7/12/99); Joseph Farah in WND, (6/27/04)
Date: June 19 -23, 2004
Place: sprawling Tuwaitha nuclear complex, 12 miles south of Baghdad [removed to U.S.]
Outfit: U.S. nuclear authorities (U.S. National Nuclear Security Admin.)
Finding: (1) c. 1.8 tons of uranium, enriched to a level of 2.6 %, (2) 6.6 lbs. of low-enriched uranium, (3) c. 1,000 highly radioactive sources*
Effects: *[3, cont.] that could be used in so-called "dirty bombs"
Source: (1) Spencer Abraham, U.S. Energy Scty.; (2) Paul Longsworth, Dep.Admin. for def. nuclear nonprolif. in the U.S. Natl. Nuclear Secur. Admin., (A.P., 7/07/04)