Pound 4 Pound Greatest Beard of All Time: Billy Mays

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Apr 25, 2002

Now I know what you're thinking, "but 2-0 there have been bigger more famous beards in history." STFU, like who? Jesus? Karl Marx? Abraham Lincoln? This is POUND 4 POUND. Seriously look how perfectly trim that shit is. No other beard in the history of mankind is that proper and clean. He is the Sugar Ray Robinson of beards. Look at a picture of Lincoln, shit is all scruffy he looks like a bum on the street. Jesus, he didn't shower. None can fuck with him
Al Boreland's beard >>> Billy Mays' beard.

Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
gas' dad's and uncle's are kinda hard too (theyre not black though...?)
creole, so part black, but yeah...they get mistaken for puerto rican or white...my moms black..but yeah the black part is how they got hair like that haha

guy in the middle is my grandfather..he had blue eyes..but he was the baddest pool player ever and listened to jazz all the time..when my grandma died he had a new girlfriend in a week no lie...i guess thats the new orleans in em
Jun 24, 2005
i knew that would come. sorry, i sometimes think babies are cute and old people too. nothing sexual...but i know homophobia runs wild in some cultures so i understand your concern. that just reminded me. im about to make a thread kind of related to this
Nah I'm not homophobic. I even know a chick who thinks slow hobbling geriatrics are cute, same as you. She'll see 'em and be like, "Ain't he cute? Ain't he adorable?"

Nah. Slow ass old people piss me off. Ain't shit about 'em that's cute.


Spanish Springs
Jun 21, 2003
Vista and Hubble
i was gonna shave my beard off this morning but thanx to this thread its gonna keep going strong......thanx Sicc............:) damn Gas seen pics of the fam and first thing i thought was Cubanos..........