Pound 4 Pound Greatest Beard of All Time: Billy Mays

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Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
  • V


Billy Mays win for lengevity...that fools had that same beard since anybody can remember...every informercial, that shit is the same in every aspect...

you can have a cool beard for a day or a week but Billy Mays had it forever...
Apr 26, 2003
East Oakland, USA
Its true, as an avid beard enthusiast myself, it was indeed a major loss seeing the greatest advertising beard ever pass so early. His beard was fantastic, to say the least. To pin him the greatest beard ever is certainly a possibility, and as far as race, our black brothers do have a slight advantage in the way their hair grows, but at the end of the day it comes down to shape and grooming, regardless of skin color a great beard is a great beard...Here are some of my personal favorites...

The Ice Cube...

My personal favorite due to the sharp lines, uniform shape, and ability to frame a round face, this is what my beard looks like, Ive been told if I were black I'd look like Ice Cube.

The Baron Davis...

The full beard for the african american. Impressive to say the least, what it lacks in fit and finish it makes up for in size, and general awesomeness...

The Sean Connery...

The epitome of excellence for the older white male, it shows age and wisdom, as well as the ability to still get panties wet...

The Most Interesting Beard in the World...

A longer contiuation of The Sean Connery, a little messier, but truly awesome in its own right...

The Al...

The stereotypical 'white guy beard' for a reason. When other races think white man with beard, they think Al Borlan, I dont really need to explain why...enjoy.

These are just the tip of the iceberg that is the beard world, there are many other great beards out there, have fun and get growing...
Dec 9, 2005
I've heard rumors that Billy Mays started developing that beard during his embryonic stage, hence the grand perfection that is The Pound 4 Pound Greatest Beard of All Time.