"ive been poor all my life and white but i always got by because my parents worked their fuckin asses off."
The majority of people in america have been poor since day one. It's good that your "parents worked their fuckin asses off" instead of looking for a check from the government each month. It's good that your parents were *blessed* with the ability to work and not be lazy.
"it isnt about color this aint the fuckin 60's"
If it's not about color what is it about Einstein? Please tell us. What do the 60's have to do with anything? Are you implying blacks no longer feel the sting of oppression? Your statement is a *PERFECT* example of the "sweep it under the rug, just get over it" attitude I make reference to.
"dood you act like black people still gotta hustle for factory jobs and opening barbershops and shit....i hope you learn sommthin from this thread"
They say "you can learn a lot from a dummy" but if it came from you I don't see the validity of the statement.
@White devil you said:
"I ain't sayin ignore shit. I'm sayin what is actually gonna be the most helpful thing to minorities is to stop focusing on racism and inequity and focusing on success, which very much is possible in America today regardless of race, even if you are steps behind. "
No one is denying success may be achieved in Babylon regardless of race, sex, religion etc etc etc. I agree with focusing on success but at the same time should I turn a blind eye to the banks that won't give me a business loan? Should I turn a blind eye to the renters or owners of buildings who won't allow me to lease/rent because of my skin color? MANY of you live in a very delusional world and you behave as if people don't experience certain discriminations.
"The mentality of "recompense me for suffering through racism until I get a paycheck" is counterproductive in that it produces quota workers, and people who just want to do enough to get by, and not attempt to succeed. "
The mentality of "white is right" and "just sweep it under the rug and get over it" is counterproductive in that it produces racist white citizens (most of them partakers in blind racism) that keep the cycle of opression going and going and going and going and going and going and going...........The mentality *AND* actions of "white is right" *CREATES* the mentality of "recompense me for suffering through racism until I get a paycheck". So address the root of the problem before you shift the blame to another party.
"Yes, it may be harder for a black man to own his own business, etc. But anyone attempting to own their own business is going to see many downfalls, struggles, and failures. Where the average person would buck up and keep going, many find a reason to blame it on white people, and thus have an excuse to quit."
Downfalls, struggles, and failures based on the economy, poor investments and lack of knowledge can and should be expected. Downfall's and short comings based on discrimination should *NOT* be expected ....after all "this ain't the fuckin 60's"....However these thing's do happen and when they do someone will find an excuse to sweep it under the rug. Yes they happen and it isn't wrong to say to yourself "I may be denied but I'll find another way". It isn't wrong to have it in your mind that you may be denied but at the end of the day you can try again. Who is the "average person" that you speak of? The average person lives check to check....the average person can't tell you the difference between an L.L.C and a C.E.O. With that being said, I would say you're incorrect when you say the "average person would buck up and keep going".
Did any of you pay attention to tony 206?