hahaha, i knew this one would raise some brows. How is it that everyne here is bashing him for what he says but how many of you can tell me why you say the words: ey, homie, homeboy,? These words are used by homies every 3rd word in a sentence. DO any of them know where these words were derived from or do you just say it because your homies say it or you have a lack of a more intelligent word to use? Like the homies said, I dont condemn or condone it but why is it an issue if every barrio has some different kind of slang than the next? I see homies that dont speak spanish for shit, can barely order at a taco bell but for some reason when they get out of prison they have a spanish accent like they jut got here. A conversation can go something like , " ey homie, i just want to send respecto pero keep doing your thang homeboy" but if someone starts speaking spanish to them they dont understand it.
im just debating both sides and that if we looked at a bigger picture, you would see its the same shit, just a different smell in all these different areas.And if you didn't grow up there or at least visit the area for yourself ,you really cant make an informed decision on this situation