TONY206 said:
Who's to say survival is a necessity? Maybe we are here to kill each other as entertainment for someone, who knows. There is no true human need. You may say we need water; the reason is to live. But is that our purpose here, to live? No one knows for sure, but you need water because you want to live. Any need is to fulfill a personal want, so if someone wants to spend their money on electronics, thizz cds, football games, school, whatever they aren't stupid because when it really comes down to it nothing matters for sure (even things related to human survival).
And money isn't even "real" per say. But hey, at least you can count the number of times you sell out I guess...I don't want this to get into a long debate...but everyone could still do the same thing, without money. They just have to WANT to help each other....thanks for that keyword
But again, most of those things listed, do make people stupid, or shall I say IGNORANT...which is pretty much the same thing.
xpanther206 said:
Seriously man.