pls shut the hell up. THERE IS NO GROUP RIP OF IT.
the ONLY thing around is a WEB RIP that has been re tagged a dozen times from a dozen sources but ALL are WEB RIPS
pls shut the hell up. THERE IS NO GROUP RIP OF IT.
the ONLY thing around is a WEB RIP that has been re tagged a dozen times from a dozen sources but ALL are WEB RIPS
pls shut the hell up. THERE IS NO GROUP RIP OF IT.
the ONLY thing around is a WEB RIP that has been re tagged a dozen times from a dozen sources but ALL are WEB RIPS
the more i listen to this shit tha more it grows on me......I can even half way make it through that "We Made You" shit.....tha only song I skip is "Cracc A Bottle"....i dont even let that one start.....i meant to leave it off tha disc.....
group rip. EAC and lame encoded, RETAIL. web rip songs not the same quality, most of the time not the right songs and etc. hell it has the radio version of we made u on most of these rips out there
group rip. EAC and lame encoded, RETAIL. web rip songs not the same quality, most of the time not the right songs and etc. hell it has the radio version of we made u on most of these rips out there
group rip. EAC and lame encoded, RETAIL. web rip songs not the same quality, most of the time not the right songs and etc. hell it has the radio version of we made u on most of these rips out there
um ive ripped for a album grp and now with a dvdr group im prettttty sure i know wtf im talkin about.
yes scene album is nothing more than eac/lame rip with nfo, sfv, and m3u
easy for dvdrips too dvd decrypter then AutoGK
u contradicted urself. yes u can do the same process and it still wouldn't be scene cause ur not IN the scene. thanks for stating the obvious.
and yes Eminem-Relapse-2009-H3X is out