OT-It looks like they're starting up the draft

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Nov 14, 2002
maybe you right.. but do you really think that war and violence is what will bring the freedom and peace to our world???
If there's a guy running around your neighboring town shooting up families in the daytime and your family lived there, and there was nothing anybody could do about it because he ran the police and the government, how would you suggest that situation be fixed... Protest?

all im sayin is .....tp pretend like there will be a time when there will be no war...and no violence...is "to be blind".....

so dont consider me blind.....
look at history and look at now....
::thumbs up::

Zero:"I'm a Hacker, I'm a Hacker" *Slacker re-make*
if you fuck with my personal life by mailing shit to me or whatever, I will take legal action, mothafucka....you take shit waaaaay too far sometimes man.
Legal action... That's some gangster shit there, Tony Toughnuts.

And this has nothing to do with hacking but it's funny that you bring that shit up when I've never claimed hacker on this board. Hacking has nothing to do with it. I know your full name dumbass... and if that's not your correct name, it would probably only take me a week worth of setups and trying to coax your address out of you.

If me and Zero lived near each other, I'd just fuck him up, one on one, but if he's doing this stupid stalker-ass, identity theft bullshit, then legal action needs to be done.
That would be when I find your credit card numbers and order STRAIGHT porn, and have it sent to your home so when you open it you're repulsed by all the disgusting hairless tits and asses. Learn what identity theft is by the way, before you throw the term around.

Knowing your name, addy, and phone number is not illegal. Neither is sending you mail.

I now choose to ignore you, like I said... I suggest you do the same.
Feb 12, 2004
JLMACN said:
shnitzel ::gets ready to preach::

i see you are from Isreal....either you live there or were born there...doesnt matter...

im gonna assume you have christianity in you...or maybe you are christian...(ASSUMING)

well i look at it like this...in America....
the 2 things you say not to teach kids.....are ther 2 things that you need the most...or are atleast tought the most in america..........

I do look at History.....
because history can tell you a lot abotu the future...
..................its true...
like i said...right now america is the empire...
that prolly wont change...ever....but...then again...i dont know...
i look at history for the past....and i look at the bible for the future....and both....
say...this world will get worse...

so .....i dont try and change that...
......its somethin that is DESTINED to happen....like it or not ...man...

first - i'm jewish
second - i don't care that i'm jewish because i don't belive in religions (call me an atheist) because i think that religions are one of the reasons humans are fighting each other..
i consider the bible not as a book that tells the future but a book that filled with wisdom.. the bible for me is a collection of many stories that come to teach all humans how to live with each other in the right way..
third - i do look at history.. but not to guess the future.. but to learn from it.. learn from the mistakes that were made by humans..
i belive that people are able to change the way our world looks if they only try..
i don't belive in destiny because i think that all humans were born in order to live their life the way they want to live.. life are meaningless if you belive that your life has already been written..
though i respect your opinion.. but still i disagree with it
Aug 21, 2002
Yall muthafucka's already know I wouldn't go to war. Fahq that... Call me pussy, call me whatever you want... I'll accept it and add it to the basket with the others! I'd rather go to jail for that good ol' 5 and live, than die while killing innocent people for a confused ass dickwad like Bush. I dont mean to come and rant, but I have had enough trouble in my life and have never resorted to the type of violence that was not granted to me to take someone from this earth. I am sorry, I dont kill... And yeah, I'd defend myself and even "kill" someone that was trying to kill me, but I aint gone aim the weapon at the crowd of people that had nothing to do with it when I am trying to aim blindlessly at the person I want and shoot wildlessly into the crowd. And I sure as hell wont forget about the person that just tried to kill me and say fuck it, I'll go get the bully that punked me around in grade school for my milk 13 years ago either...

I've come up with my reasons, and not just out of spite. I wanted to be a cop, "not anymore", I wanted to be in the military when they tried to "trick" me with rides in hummers and empty promises of owning a house when I got out after 4 years when I was just fucking 16 & 17, "but not anymore!" I realized what it really meant to be a black person in America, no I aint Muslim or a fucking Black panther neither, nor am I following behind what someone else said to me, it's from experience. I dont owe anybody anything. When you are someone that tries to get out of the hood and do good and the law still comes after you are treats you like a convict, you'd feel me. I aint trying to sway anyone with this either!

I aint about to go to no fucking war, leave my family behind, get some type of radiation, come back retarded and spend my final days in the VMA recieving $122.00 a month to support myself. I'm gonna live my life how I want to. Yeah, I may be lucky... And I am, cause I aint fucking DIED yet...

It's really, really more technical and broken down than this, so dont think that's all that it was to make me decide this.
Feb 12, 2004
triple 3 said:
No I would not. I don't believe in violence as a means for change. I don't believe in pre-emptive attacks. If Iraqi insurgents were in Missouri moving towards Kansas, then yes, I would support action. No shit. I would even fight for our freedom. I don't know why we are at war in Iraq, and until I understand why, or until somebody makes a clear case for my ass going over there and dying like so many others already have, I will not. I said it earlier, I don't believe in violence as a means for change.

ZerO.MediA said:
If there's a guy running around your neighboring town shooting up families in the daytime and your family lived there, and there was nothing anybody could do about it because he ran the police and the government, how would you suggest that situation be fixed... Protest?
haha that is exactly what is going on in israel in the last 4-5 years.. it's a very complicated situation.. of course i cannot stay neutral if what you said will happen but i know that if i retaliate with violance it won't get me or anybode else for that matter TO ANYWHERE!!
as i said before.. violence will not solve anything.. violence is not the answer.. there are times when violence is needed to stop the others side violence but it is not the answer to the main problem (which is in this case the israeli - palestenian conflict)..
May 12, 2004
MasZive said:
Yall muthafucka's already know I wouldn't go to war. Fahq that... Call me pussy, call me whatever you want... I'll accept it and add it to the basket with the others! I'd rather go to jail for that good ol' 5 and live, than die while killing innocent people for a confused ass dickwad like Bush. I dont mean to come and rant, but I have had enough trouble in my life and have never resorted to the type of violence that was not granted to me to take someone from this earth. I am sorry, I dont kill... And yeah, I'd defend myself and even "kill" someone that was trying to kill me, but I aint gone aim the weapon at the crowd of people that had nothing to do with it when I am trying to aim blindlessly at the person I want and shoot wildlessly into the crowd. And I sure as hell wont forget about the person that just tried to kill me and say fuck it, I'll go get the bully that punked me around in grade school for my milk 13 years ago either...

I've come up with my reasons, and not just out of spite. I wanted to be a cop, "not anymore", I wanted to be in the military when they tried to "trick" me with rides in hummers and empty promises of owning a house when I got out after 4 years when I was just fucking 16 & 17, "but not anymore!" I realized what it really meant to be a black person in America, no I aint Muslim or a fucking Black panther neither, nor am I following behind what someone else said to me, it's from experience. I dont owe anybody anything. When you are someone that tries to get out of the hood and do good and the law still comes after you are treats you like a convict, you'd feel me. I aint trying to sway anyone with this either!

I aint about to go to no fucking war, leave my family behind, get some type of radiation, come back retarded and spend my final days in the VMA recieving $122.00 a month to support myself. I'm gonna live my life how I want to. Yeah, I may be lucky... And I am, cause I aint fucking DIED yet...


Man, you said it better than I ever could have!
Nov 14, 2002
haha that is exactly what is going on in israel in the last 4-5 years.. it's a very complicated situation.. of course i cannot stay neutral if what you said will happen but i know that if i retaliate with violance it won't get me or anybode else for that matter TO ANYWHERE!!
If you eliminate your enemy, you got somewhere.
Feb 12, 2004
Zer0.MediA said:
If you eliminate your enemy, you got somewhere.
ok.. so i eliminated my enemy.. do you really think that it stops at this point..
do you really think that if i fight my enemy and i will destroy it then i won the war and all i can expect from this moment are peaceful times??
even the history tells us that war never brought peace to anywhere..
Aug 21, 2002
shnitzel said:
ok.. so i eliminated my enemy.. do you really think that it stops at this point..
do you really think that if i fight my enemy and i will destroy it then i won the war and all i can expect from this moment are peaceful times??
even the history tells us that war never brought peace to anywhere..
Real shit...

Everyone feels like, since they have a uncle or a husband over there fighting a pointless war, then we should "get off our asses" and be a damned fool just like the rest of idiots out there that run around like they have nothing to live for... SOLDIERS ARE NOT ANGELS, in no way... Look what they did to the hostages, and we are supposed to feel bad cause they went over there and made us look stupid. You all may call it an isolated incident, but theres no telling how much the soldiers have gotten away with in the past. And people wanna call me pussy. How can someone be so cold hearted as to do something as inhumane as that. I dont give a shit if your adrenaline is rushing 100 miles a minute to cause you to do something like that, and even kill innocent people, you are still a sick person. Tell Bush aka (Co-president of Afghan and Iraq) to call me when they are building Hud houses over the land that was carelessly blown to smitherines, and I may help out then, when we got people over here that are homeless, but let me take that back, maybe he should be happy to live on the streets, cause damnit this is America, land of the free. I got more fucking dignity than that. War is not a respectable thing in my eyes, and like Shnitzel said, yeah history also tels us that war never, ever and never has and never will bring peace to anyone anywhere. In the hood, one nigga gets killed, after the funeral niggas gather up to hunt the nigga that killed his homeboy and so on and so on and WE are punished for doing what "really" is to keep us and our families out of harm and to ensure that that person is no longer walking the streets. We get sent to jail for whipping a niggas ass for a purpose, cause the cops sure dont give a fuck.

You know why we are sent to jail, punished, electrocuted, and sentenced to life for doing what soldiers are doing, and even in the event where the person you are after is the one that is killed and no one else. BECAUSE IT ISNT ORGANIZED! Any Crime is good when it is organized. These companies can sell you medication that does more harm than good with crazy side effects worse than the one you are treating and aint sent to jail. But when a nigga wants to sell some weed, then he gets 10 years cause a muthafucka wants to feel good. You know why, cause it aint organized! Simple as that.

So when you call violence in the hood and streets ridiculous, call the war ridiculous too, cause if its bad in the streets, just because the war is so called organized doesnt make it any better....

Aug 26, 2002
fact is everyone wants to be on top...

that everyones though process to get to the top...NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO...
especially in Politics...

that will never change..

so except it folks......there will never be piece...
so fight for it or not...
just something that will never happen....

Jun 22, 2004
This Shit Is Wack. I think someone made it up cause they don't want Bush to win. I hope they dont draft ohh wait their Not GOING TO DUMASS.
Feb 22, 2004
First off if your gonna bother reading any of this, read this link first:
The Real Draft Bill that went before the senate

You guys are too funny arguing about this bs,

for 1 the gulf war was not in the 80's and maybe a little chronology might help a bit (it was from 90-91)
I wasn't to graduate till 95 and a little poke to the ribs with a 6" blade took me out of the delayed entry program and ultimately put a stop my HighSchool and Military carreer. otherwise I would be over there now as a Marine.

1990 Hussein accuses Kuwait on 17 July of oil overproduction and theft of oil from the Rumailia Oil Field.

1990 On 25 July US Ambassador to Iraq, April Glaspie, tells Hussien that the Iraq/Kuwaitt dispute is an Arab matter, not one that affects the United States.

1990 Hussein invades Kuwait on August 2. President Bush freezes Iraqi and Kuwatti assets. The United Nations calls on Hussien to withdraw.

Aug 6,1990 Economic sanctions are authorized.

Aug 7, 1990 Secretery of Defense Cheny visits Suadi Arabia. The 82nd Airborne and several fighter squadrons are dispatched.

Aug 8. 1990 Iraq annexes Kuwait

Aug 9, 1990 The UN declare's Iraq's annexation invailid

Aug 12, 1990 The USA announces intrediction program of Irai shipping.

Aug 22, 1990 President Bush authorizes call up of reserves.

Aug 25, 1990 Military interdiction authorized by the UN

Sep 14, 1990 Iraqi forces storm a number of diplomatic missions in Kuwait City.

Nov 8, 1990 Bush orders aditional deployments to give "offensive option" to US forces.

Nov 20, 1990 45 Democrats file suit in Washington to have President Bush first seek Congressional approval of military operations. (eventually thrown out)

Nov 22, 1990 President Bush visits the troops for Thanksgiving.

Nov 29, 1990 UN Security Council authorizes force if Iraq doesnt withdraw from Kuwait by midnight EST Janu. 15.

Nov 30, 1990 Bush invites Tariq Aziz to Washington and offers to send Secretary of State James Baker to Baghdad.

Jan 9, 1991 Baker and Aziz meet in Geneva. The meeting is 6 hrs, but no results.

Jan 12, 1991 Congress votes to allow for US troops to be used in offensive operations.

Jan 15, 1991 The deadline set by the UN Resolution 678 for Iraq to withdraw.

Jan 16, 1991 First US government statement of Operation Desert-Storm made.
Marlin Fitzwater announces, "The liberation of Kuwait has begun..."
The air war started Jan 17 at 2:38 a.m. (local time) or January 16 at 6:38PM EST due to an 8 hour time difference, with an Apache helicopter attack.

US warplanes attack Baghdad, Kuwait and other military targets in Iraq.

Jan 17, 1991 Iraq launches first SCUD Missle attack.

Jan 30, 1991 US forces in the Gulf exceed 500,000.

Feb 6, 1991 Jordan King Hussein lashes out against American bombardments and supports Iraq.

Feb 13, 1991 US Bombers destroy a bunker complex in Baghdad with several hundred citizens inside. Nearly 300 die.

Feb 17, 1991 Tariq Aziz travels to Moscow to discuss possible negotiated end to the war.

Feb 22, 1991 President Bush issues an ultimatum of Feb 23 for Iraqi troops to withdraw from Kuwait.

Feb 23, 1991 Ground war begins with Marines, Army and Arab forces moving into Iraq and Kuwait.

Feb 25, 1991 Iraqi SCUD missle hits a US barracks in Saudi Arabia killing 27.

Feb 26, 1991 Kuwaiti resistence leaders declare they are in control of Kuwait City.

Feb 27, 1991 President Bush orders a cease fire effective at midnight Kuwaiti time.

Mar 3, 1991 Iraqi leaders formally accept cease fire terms

Mar 4, 1991 Ten Allied POWs freed

Mar 5, 1991 35 POWs released

Mar 8, 1991 First US combat forces return home.

If you read this far then I will top it with this. I do not agree with the war in Iraq. And it is by far not a "Tame War" in fact the words make an oxymoron as there is no such thing as a tame war just in the definition of the 2 words. I support the troops who are there, and yes if called to duty I would go and serve proudly. Unfortunately I do not feel that the war is by any means justifiable, and I do not think that a draft to take the young people of this country into harms way against their will would be right.

News flash for those of you who think you might be exempt
The SSS (Selective Service System) sends you a notice, within 10 days you must report for a physical, if you pass then a maximum of 193 days later you will be dodging bullets on the front lines with the rest of the nations youth whos birth day fell on or after ____ date who couldn't buy their way out.

For those who Do NOT meet the Physical and Mental and "Moral" standards of the U.S. Armed forces standards Fall into the ASW category and are assigned alterative jobs to fufill their "obligation" to the country.
(step 1 is failing the standards and being assigned ASW status)
(2) Order the ASW to report for alternative
service work;
(3) Issue such orders as are required
to schedule the ASW for job interviews;
(4) Issue such orders as are required
to schedule the ASW for job placement;
(5) Monitor the ASW’s job performance;
(6) Issue a certificate of satisfactory
completion of the ASW’s Alternative
Service obligation;
(7) Return the ASW to the jurisdiction
of the area office from which he
was directed to perform Alternative
Service; and
(8) Perform such other actions the
Director may authorize as necessary to
administer the Alternative Service

In other words mandatory slave labor.

And best of all as listed in the SSS's SELECTIVE SERVICE


And thanks to our lovely patriot act and the nice newly, & extremely Well funded Homeland Security organization
we might be in for some whitch hunts salem style
I would say it is safe to say in general were all just fucked anyways.

anyone who feels the need to confirm any of this feel free to do so.
The draft bill before congress:

The SSS's annual performance plan & just their site for general questions you might have.

The desert storm facts

and i am not sure what the hell else I posted now lol

but it makes you think about freedom and what your definition of the word is.

Myself, I think we are living in a bit of a martial law situation and are all slave to a dolla anyways, whitchever way it goes I'll be ready.

If a draft started an uprising, it just might be what is needed for them to complete the totalitarian state. then again it just might be enough to start a full on revolution and set things on on a new playing field.

Hitler had his Schutzstaffel (english translation Protection Squadron aka the SS
Bush has the Secret Service

funny they both invade countries. wow... what other characteristics do they share. I didn't read anyting about slave labor did I oh wait ASW...

I wasn't picking fights or pointing finger with this post and I dont care to be harped on about it but as long as there is a serious discussion I will continue to check back.

for now I think I wrote too much of a fuckin novel.

:edit: and BTW it is an 8yr obligation and to my understanding you can be called up for an additional 8 but I am not 100% on that cause i got tired of looking for that answer lol
May 20, 2004
I'm glad I live in canada, just ride the US's coattails and have no worries of being drafted. I can sit at home and get high while the whole world goes to hell.