OT-It looks like they're starting up the draft

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Sicc OG
Oct 2, 2002
don't think it will happen..... their will be murder in the streets if it does.... the rich won't be able to get out of this one, the poor won't let them.... that means no missing time in alabama for people like georgie boy
Jun 24, 2004
shep said:
don't think it will happen..... their will be murder in the streets if it does.... the rich won't be able to get out of this one, the poor won't let them.... that means no missing time in alabama for people like georgie boy

God your stupid
Nov 14, 2002
As you know your brother can be called up at ANYTIME he is needed and shipped overseas putting his life in danger.

As you don't seem to know, the gulf war was in the 80's, making my brother in his early 30's with kids. So no... he can't be called up. That shit ended about 5 years ago.

for reals, Zero's all talk...or "type" for that matter..
Zero, go "save yourself some grief" and sign up NOW if you really talk the talk and walk the walk so you can get all those cars and a nice house like your brother....what?? so you'd rather sit here everyday, living your life getting fucked up with your friends and working a 9-5 job, typing like a pedophile on the internet instead???? damn, you ARE all talk and no walk.
If you so choose to keep replying to every fucking post I make, I will so choose to make your life a living hell using means other than this message board. This would involve getting your (or just USING your) address, full name, phone number etc. Yes, I'm serious, and YES, I can do that.

I'll send you packages of piss and shit and make sure they get to your door nice and early so it bakes in the sun before you open it.

God your stupid
That's... "you're stupid". Not "your stupid".

"Your welcome".
Aug 26, 2002
its like you idiots dont understand that........... thousands of people have died....(hundreds of thousands)....
for your freedom.........
its a part of life....

i cant believe you shits talk about this like its something so ridiculous....
try tellin that to veterans......

the ones that were 16 -17....fighting a war.....
you faggots are priviledged ...and dont even know it...

Nov 14, 2002
JLMACN said:
its like you idiots dont understand that........... thousands of people have died....(hundreds of thousands)....
for your freedom.........
its a part of life....

i cant believe you shits talk about this like its something so ridiculous....
try tellin that to veterans......

the ones that were 16 -17....fighting a war.....
you faggots are priviledged ...and dont even know it...

Feb 12, 2004
JLMACN said:
its like you idiots dont understand that........... thousands of people have died....(hundreds of thousands)....
for your freedom.........
its a part of life....

i cant believe you shits talk about this like its something so ridiculous....
try tellin that to veterans......

the ones that were 16 -17....fighting a war.....
you faggots are priviledged ...and dont even know it...

maybe you right.. but do you really think that war and violence is what will bring the freedom and peace to our world???
wars are only about POWER POWER and more POWER..
don't be blind.. war isn't about the freedom of people.. war only serves the interests of leaders!!
the world will be a better place only when the people will take the power to their own hands and
decide to stop all the violence and corruption in this world..

well at least that is my point of view..
Aug 26, 2002
ummm....tell me a time when...there was ever a peaceful earth?????
i dont think soo...

in history...you learn that ....there were always empires...throughout time...

and right now that empire...is USA...

except it or not....

all im sayin is .....tp pretend like there will be a time when there will be no war...and no violence...is "to be blind".....

so dont consider me blind.....
look at history and look at now....

its never gonna happen...

Feb 12, 2004
that is exactly how i thought half a year ago..
if you say it's never gonna happen and all the people in the world will say "it's never gonna happen" so be sure that our world will stay miserable like nowadays.. if you want change you first need to belive and not to look in the history and say "in the past it never happend so in the future it will never happen"...
people and thoughts can be changed.. but it all depends in one thing and thats EDUCATION..
if you teach people from the beginnig that they don't need money and power in order to survive and that only peace and love between humans is what is needed in order to live then you can hope for a better world..
i'm not saying that what i'm saying is right because we all know the human desire for power but at least be optimstic and giva a chance.. without that don't expect for anything but continuous deterioration in our life quality and the health of our world and all the other living creatures that live in it..
Aug 26, 2002
shnitzel ::gets ready to preach::

i see you are from Isreal....either you live there or were born there...doesnt matter...

im gonna assume you have christianity in you...or maybe you are christian...(ASSUMING)

well i look at it like this...in America....
the 2 things you say not to teach kids.....are ther 2 things that you need the most...or are atleast tought the most in america..........

I do look at History.....
because history can tell you a lot abotu the future...
..................its true...
like i said...right now america is the empire...
that prolly wont change...ever....but...then again...i dont know...
i look at history for the past....and i look at the bible for the future....and both....
say...this world will get worse...

so .....i dont try and change that...
......its somethin that is DESTINED to happen....like it or not ...man...

Sep 16, 2002
Zer0.MediA said:
As you don't seem to know, the gulf war was in the 80's, making my brother in his early 30's with kids. So no... he can't be called up. That shit ended about 5 years ago.

If you so choose to keep replying to every fucking post I make, I will so choose to make your life a living hell using means other than this message board. This would involve getting your (or just USING your) address, full name, phone number etc. Yes, I'm serious, and YES, I can do that.

I'll send you packages of piss and shit and make sure they get to your door nice and early so it bakes in the sun before you open it.

That's... "you're stupid". Not "your stupid".

"Your welcome".
Jeebus Christ, STOP OBSESSING OVER ME and my personal life!! you sound like a fuckin stalker now. LOL, making my life a living hell??? bitch, you must HAVE NO LIFE then.
Zero:"I'm a Hacker, I'm a Hacker" *Slacker re-make*
if you fuck with my personal life by mailing shit to me or whatever, I will take legal action, mothafucka....you take shit waaaaay too far sometimes man.
Sep 16, 2002
yep, what would you guys/girls do if Zero talked all this shit like dis-respecting your neice and your deceased mother, then threatens to "choose to make your life a living hell using means other than this message board. This would involve getting your (or just USING your) address, full name, phone number etc." and "send you packages of piss and shit and make sure they get to your door nice and early so it bakes in the sun before you open it."???????
honestly, what would ya'll do??

If me and Zero lived near each other, I'd just fuck him up, one on one, but if he's doing this stupid stalker-ass, identity theft bullshit, then legal action needs to be done.
Aug 26, 2002
man............a tear drops from my eye for you Juggaaouh[otuttn';kng....(sp?)...

in laughter...
i would diregard his comments...auntil some shit happens...
Zero luvs fuckin wit folks......but in person
he is one of the coolest white boys ive met..


Apr 30, 2004
Even though I pay these veterans respect/ I won't pick a gun up and shoot and kill some one I've never even met.

-Mac Lethal

My feelings exactly. Check out Lawrencehiphop.com and download "Pass the Ammo." It's under the media section.
Apr 30, 2004
No I would not. I don't believe in violence as a means for change. I don't believe in pre-emptive attacks. If Iraqi insurgents were in Missouri moving towards Kansas, then yes, I would support action. No shit. I would even fight for our freedom. I don't know why we are at war in Iraq, and until I understand why, or until somebody makes a clear case for my ass going over there and dying like so many others already have, I will not. I said it earlier, I don't believe in violence as a means for change.

And JL, if I feel like quoting bullshit, I will. I happen to enjoy that Mac Lethal track.