catholic terrorists attacks are at an all time high! The US army is battling multiple Catholic terror organizations!! Catholic dominant countries are threatening war on the world!
oh wait.....
I would bet dollars to donuts that if we were in fact "battling" multiple Catholic terror organizations that you wouldn't have the mental capacity to distinguish the group we are battling from the rest of the Catholic groups around the world.
You are like a walking textbook example for xenophobia, ethnocentrism, cognitive bias, stereotyping, emotional bias, and general logical fallacies to name a few glaring examples.
Your beliefs on immigration only reinforce those same limiting characteristics that are glaringly obvious here.
In your world; Muslims are terrorists. The fact that the percentage of Muslims who are terrorists is incredibly small compared to the majority seems completely irrelevant and/or incomprehensible to you.
That fact in and of itself provides all the insight in your inability to think with any type of logic.
Rather than argue with any type of substance, your rely on hyperbole and insights of limited intelligence.
You hold the things you know and understand to a totally different standard then the things you don't know and understand.
Not understanding something lends no logical reason to fear it, and it seems like your arguments all stem from a limited understand and bias based on fear.