the funny thing is've never been to mexico, i'm guessing.
Did you know that in every bank they have a gaurd with an AR-15 posted up. When you travel downsouth there are check points in every state with 4-7 guards with their assualt rifles and ready to "shoot to kill". Did you know that in order to travel from one big city to another city you gotta take the highway,which you gotta pay $5(average) in order to drive on the highway?
The press in Mexico is so limited that "freedom of press" is a joke in mexico.....if a journalist writes a story of a corrupt government, lawyer, or drug dealer...they(journalist) will be dead by the end of the week!
If a cop tries to be a legit cop and there's faulty shit going on in the department HE HAS NO SAY SO! If he/she speaks they will shoot you execution style....and if they can't get you they'll get a "loved one". If you even think of snitching you better go get the fuck outta there because you WILL get dealt with sooner or later. Check this out it's a true lil' sister was killed by a drunk driver in mexico when i was 4 yrs old and the motherfucker is still living his life like a normal person. If i wanted revenge i could get it but i ain't no animal and gonna lower myself to his level, all i gotta say is "his time will come and GOD will deal with him". The laws(if any) are so faulty that if you don't have the money you lost already!
Here an example
pretend that cali is mexico for a sec.)
let's say i wanna go from modesto to san francisco....Well i gotta put gas in my car(and gas is waaaaay more expensive than it is here in the U.S.), i have to use their highway in order to get from point a(mod.) to point b(san fran)., which will cost me around 5 bucks for the toll....then if there's a check point in Hayward where the corrupt gaurds have those assualt rifles and if you DON'T wanna get searched you "pay" them off($20-40 U.S. dollars will do). If you wanna get searched ....they'll make you drive your car over a ramp where a guy is in a trench searching the bottom of your vehicle all while your car/truck is being searched for "contraband" by the 2 men going thru your shit and having a drug dog sniff out your vehicle.
If everything goes well your off to San Fran but you still gotta pay that toll fine for crossing the bridge.
Everything stated above was just an example of what people and families have to go through just to take a trip for fun or visit family. It doesn't happen everyday to everyone, but those are the obsticles some people face when they live and/or travel mexico.
Here's another interesting thing about have to have the MONEY& transportation in other to progress beyond 6th grade!!! Alot of small towns or "pueblos" don't teach beyond 5th in order for a kid to continue there education...they must ride the bus for 1-2 hrs(roundtrip) have the money for school and school supplies. And if you don't or can't continue your education you MUST WORK!!!! That's where we get our good work ethics. The way my dad raised me was to work my ass off even if the man next to me is slacking off...."hard work gets you further than sitting on the couch doin' nothing".
Some of us as new borns didn't have to option of living well off or have enough money to pay for toys or have food on the table. A lot of people take everything for granted. When i was born in my little pueblo of 1,500(population) people....there was only one place where you could make a phone call and that would be in this small room where they had 4 phones for people to use, but after you made or recieved a call you had to pay a sky high bill for one simple phone call. We didn't go to Save Mart and buy our groceries, that would last us about 2 weeks. We had to buy tortillas every other day...milk would only last us about a day(keep in mind that we didn't have ELECTRICITY at the time, it was around 1984 and didn't get any electricity until 1993). So my mom had to buy fruit & vegetable once a week and buy meat on a regualr basis because we didn't have a refrigerator. Canned foods were outta the question at the time(perishable foods are not as common as here in the U.S.).
That was my life back then and now look where i'm at now....i have a bachelor's and i'm starting a family now. Now it's my turn to teach my children to respect others, get an education beyond high school, and to treat others the way they wish to be treated. I hope i ain't asking too much here.
Isn't the purpose of life is to accomplish goals, live stress free from having to worry about bills, find your significant other, raise a family, and live a worry and happy life??????? Are we asking to much when we chant slogans, hold the american/mexican flags, and take a time off work/school to support our own people and the countless of other ethnicities that this bill affects. We did this in a peaceful manner(with the exception of a few people) and we didn't get our "riot face" on and start destroying public property.
I ain't the smartest mofo in this thread or state but i don't hate the next man/woman next to me because they're here illegally or not, or because they live a different lifestyle, speak a different language, dress differently, or judge them by the color of their skin. I'm gonna treat him just the way i wish to be's as simple as that. We're human beings not animals!!