Oh how the times are changing. Just 53% Say Capitalism Better Than Socialism

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Nov 24, 2003
i wish americans could experience socialism under a good leader for even a year, so yall understand how great the Scandinavian countries have it and other socialist countries, where even the poor have it better then rich americans

That is an extremely subjective statement.

I wish Scandinavians could experience capitalism under a good leader for even a year so yall could understand how great the citizens of America have it.
May 13, 2002
No most poor Americans arent educated enough to become rich, obviously.
So you're saying the majority of americans are poor, that's why the majority of americans aren't rich? Hmm wait a second that doesn't add up either! Fuzzy math!

Hence they hate the rich because they cant comprehend how to become rich.
HAHAHA! Many poor and middleclass americans are brought up to idolize the rich, which is why rappers rap about being rich and movie star gossip, etc. is so popular.

I dont know weather pitty or anger is a proper feeling for those who cant figure simple things out?
So again you're saying only the uneducated, poor and stupid can't become wealthy, is that it?

If you hate capitalists so much the go point fingers at your local drug dealer whos standing on the corner right now making money off of crack...
Where in my post did I say anything about hating capitalist? And if I point the finger at a local drug dealer I guess I would be pointing the finger at myself?? Many people have picked up side hustles, etc. to get by in times of need.

Thats a fucking capitalist for you... Dude has Daytons and you have shit! The fun part about this is that fool was smart, the drug dealer understands how to make money, that shit doest fly into your pocket.
Are you talking about me personally or just generally rambling on?

Now make a dollar out of 50 cents and if you succeed in doing such then cry about capitalism.
Let me ask you, are you rich?
May 9, 2002
No most poor Americans arent educated enough to become rich, obviously.

Hence they hate the rich because they cant comprehend how to become rich.

I dont know weather pitty or anger is a proper feeling for those who cant figure simple things out?

If you hate capitalists so much the go point fingers at your local drug dealer whos standing on the corner right now making money off of crack...

Thats a fucking capitalist for you... Dude has Daytons and you have shit! The fun part about this is that fool was smart, the drug dealer understands how to make money, that shit doest fly into your pocket.

Now make a dollar out of 50 cents and if you succeed in doing such then cry about capitalism.
Being smart is not synonymous with wealth or riches.

Are you rich? Do you think you will ever be rich? What is "rich"? is there a cutoff for what "being rich" is?

And just so you know, "being rich" and "wealth" are NOT the same thing. People are "wealthy" because the money/property/investments have passed down from GENERATIONS...you dont have to be smart to gain wealth.

As far as being rich goes, that can be lost in a day. Sprts star and actors are rich...are they all smart? Is Shaq smart? How about Jose Canseco? Kanye West?
May 13, 2002
That is an extremely subjective statement.

I wish Scandinavians could experience capitalism under a good leader for even a year so yall could understand how great the citizens of America have it.
Yes, if only these Scandinavians could live in Detroit for just one year, oh my would they love our beautiful country, such strong economy! A magical place where all are treated equal and no one is left hungry or sleeping on the street in the cold!
Nov 24, 2003
Yes, if only these Scandinavians could live in Detroit for just one year, oh my would they love our beautiful country, such strong economy! A magical place where all are treated equal and no one is left hungry or sleeping on the street in the cold!

The point of my post was not everyone will define "better" in the same way as you.

You can't say how much "better" something is without defining better and the relative comparison that you are making, and good luck coming up with a definition that is universally agreed upon.

I think it is "better" to have people sleeping in the street and less government intervention then it is to have no one sleeping in the street and more government intervention. So for you to say that one is better than the other based on how many people are sleeping on the streets doesn't make much sense unless you have agreed upon a definition of better that includes the number of people sleeping on the streets.

Edit: In other words, you are assuming I define "better" by the number of relative hungry and/or people living on the street.
Nov 24, 2003
Feb 17, 2006
swoop.. still waiting on an answer of why your not rich... you said the entire us population or majority is undereducated, why the fuck you sittin on the siccness and not one of the elite few, top 1% about, makin hella money? fuckin idiot...
Nov 24, 2003
swoop.. still waiting on an answer of why your not rich... you said the entire us population or majority is undereducated, why the fuck you sittin on the siccness and not one of the elite few, top 1% about, makin hella money? fuckin idiot...

He probably is rich relative to "swoop" from a few thousand years ago.

While your subjective judgments of rich stay relative to your immediate surroundings, a more objective perspective would show that the progression of our society has created a great deal of wealth that was not present a short time ago.

Just because we are not all equal today does not mean we are not all better off.