Oh how the times are changing. Just 53% Say Capitalism Better Than Socialism

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May 20, 2006
I accept things I can control. I have mouths to feed as you do. I think Greed still flaws any system whether it be socialism or capitalism.
Whether the system iz socialist, capitalist, marxist, communists, christian, muslim, or atheist..... I get my strength from people that have been documented as overcoming a slave/imperialist/capitalist system...... out of instinct..... I'll survive despite, inspite of any and all challenges in the game of LIFE that we all must face. If life was easy and simple, what would be the enjoyment of living?????????????
Jul 21, 2004
both entities of socialism and capitalism exist, but one would have to see that both cause major intellectual retards to lead. seeing that population of differences was not considered for our time, made drastic "who deserve goods to another" a major flaw to each system.

if you could simply say "you are wrong" to believing one from another.

i say, take the risk in not accepting either and begin conversations that we deserve, education, a home, and the ability to help one another for the right of the population to exist.
Apr 4, 2006
Of course capitalism is better then socialism...

Capitalism holds its own water while government dependence cant, thats why monopolies are considered illegal.

Socialism is a government monopoly.


Sicc OG
Jul 18, 2005
Of course capitalism is better then socialism...

Capitalism holds its own water while government dependence cant, thats why monopolies are considered illegal.

Socialism is a government monopoly.
this NOT Socialism. Corporatism like nazi germany and fascist italy. damn right wingers are so blind sometimes
Nov 24, 2003
this NOT Socialism. Corporatism like nazi germany and fascist italy. damn right wingers are so blind sometimes

Socialism calls for public or government ownership of the means of production.

In the case of government controlling the means of production, how would that not be a monopoly?
Apr 4, 2006
this NOT Socialism. Corporatism like nazi germany and fascist italy. damn right wingers are so blind sometimes
I never claimed its fascism, I was claiming Obama is using the same tactics, where he goes with it is his own agenda.

Hes awful none the less, this isnt partisan spew either, the guy makes Hillary Clinton look like Rush.
Apr 4, 2006
Socialism calls for public or government ownership of the means of production.

In the case of government controlling the means of production, how would that not be a monopoly?
You mean like manipulating the auto industry? If he can do that hes just getting started....

Anything Obama cant dip his fingers in he will tax hard and he will take the people harder...

Government dependence, I preached it before the election man..They claimed me to be a psycho partisan "right wing nut job"...

Its happening in blunt force now.
Apr 4, 2006
fuck gonverment or big business controling it you know. In the end the people should own there own things.
Unlike "big government" the "evil" corporations dont own anything unless you let them.

Government will just jack your shit and call it a day...

Furthermore whos the big bad ass capitalist institution now? the far left psycho government...

At least with these fucked up corporations you cats still have a choice, no one limits your options for spending UNLIKE THE OBAMA AGENDA.

I guess everyone wanted a black president so bad they sold out to a socialist marxist evil man.... He gets rich, you dont, his buddies in government get rich restricting your freedoms and you're stuck footing the bill for it...

I only wish Mr COL GEN Powell would have ran against Obama instead of Hillary...

He would be a fantastic choice... Hes needed, he needs to run and he could win easily.
Apr 4, 2006
so you want the rich to control you?

fuck that!!!

look up Anarchist Catalonia and Freetown Christiania

How about you become rich dummy!

You ever try that?

I can tell you 99.9% of rich people dont get rich from playing lotto.

The fact is rich people dont CONTROL YOU, that a leftist tactic to manipulate you into the "Obama ideology"

If you want to make money, the resources are on this page to do such, use your brain.


^^welcome to the EVIL world of capitalism.

Got any good cds for me player?


Sicc OG
Jul 18, 2005
How about you become rich dummy!

You ever try that?

I can tell you 99.9% of rich people dont get rich from playing lotto.

The fact is rich people dont CONTROL YOU, that a leftist tactic to manipulate you into the "Obama ideology"

If you want to make money, the resources are on this page to do such, use your brain.


^^welcome to the EVIL world of capitalism.
sure and jesus was white
Apr 4, 2006
right, because it's soooooooooo easy to become rich!! Which is why of course the majority of americans are rich. oh wait. no, only a tiny percentage are rich? hmmm
No most poor Americans arent educated enough to become rich, obviously.

Hence they hate the rich because they cant comprehend how to become rich.

I dont know weather pitty or anger is a proper feeling for those who cant figure simple things out?

If you hate capitalists so much the go point fingers at your local drug dealer whos standing on the corner right now making money off of crack...

Thats a fucking capitalist for you... Dude has Daytons and you have shit! The fun part about this is that fool was smart, the drug dealer understands how to make money, that shit doest fly into your pocket.

Now make a dollar out of 50 cents and if you succeed in doing such then cry about capitalism.
May 20, 2006
Unlike "big government" the "evil" corporations dont own anything unless you let them.

Government will just jack your shit and call it a day...

Furthermore whos the big bad ass capitalist institution now? the far left psycho government...

At least with these fucked up corporations you cats still have a choice, no one limits your options for spending UNLIKE THE OBAMA AGENDA.

I guess everyone wanted a black president so bad they sold out to a socialist marxist evil man.... He gets rich, you dont, his buddies in government get rich restricting your freedoms and you're stuck footing the bill for it...

I only wish Mr COL GEN Powell would have ran against Obama instead of Hillary...

He would be a fantastic choice... Hes needed, he needs to run and he could win easily.
Im laughing 2 hard 2 address anything but the most basic of your ramblings....... "I only wish Mr. Col Gen Powell would have ran against Obama instead of Hillary"....... the reality of you pipedream/fantasy is that "Mr. Col Gen Powell actually supported Pres. BH", act a critical time of the election when "right-wing" extremitst rhetoric started spewing from the McCain/Palin campaign strategist................ lol ..........
Jan 30, 2007
i wish americans could experience socialism under a good leader for even a year, so yall understand how great the Scandinavian countries have it and other socialist countries, where even the poor have it better then rich americans