fuck gonverment or big business controling it you know. In the end the people should own there own things.
Unlike "big government" the "evil" corporations dont own anything unless you let them.
Government will just jack your shit and call it a day...
Furthermore whos the big bad ass capitalist institution now? the far left psycho government...
At least with these fucked up corporations you cats still have a choice, no one limits your options for spending UNLIKE THE OBAMA AGENDA.
I guess everyone wanted a black president so bad they sold out to a socialist marxist evil man.... He gets rich, you dont, his buddies in government get rich restricting your freedoms and you're stuck footing the bill for it...
I only wish Mr COL GEN Powell would have ran against Obama instead of Hillary...
He would be a fantastic choice... Hes needed, he needs to run and he could win easily.