**Official** HALO REACH thread

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Apr 25, 2002
Wonder what Heresy thought about it?
Good question. Played it at my brothers house yesterday evening before his party. 20 minutes in it freezes and it says the disc is unreadable.

Yeah, the disc is unreadbale and that shit is also unacceptable. I'm till sitting on the fence on this one, but I do want to put like 45 minutes to an hour in before I decide.

But anyway, does anyone know about this disc error? It was my nephews xbox system, but he said he never had that problem before. And the Halo game was new, and came with a controller that still had the sticker on it, so it wasn't like he had been playing it all day and night and damaged the disc.


Apr 25, 2002
So I'm guessing you finally played Reach or jut making the statement?
I played it last month, but I finally put in more than an hour. I can't even install the disk on my HD. It says the disk is unreadable even though I can play the game. I'm glad I didn't waste money on this game and I'm going on record to say that most fans of this game, or most FPS period, suffer from mental issues.

Shoot, kill enemies, throw grenades, kill enemies, melee, kill enemies. Go to next level Shoot, kill enemies, throw grenades, kill enemies, melee, kill enemies. There is absolutely NOTHING ground breaking or innovative about Halo reach. NOTHING.

And even though I don't like FPS, I had a WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better time with KZ2. In KZ2 I felt I had a purpose and the story drove me further. This Halo shit? Waste of time. Graphics are inferior. Story just drops you in, not much variety in the set pieces and the AI sucks. NEVER let the computer drive the vehicle for you.
Mar 1, 2006
I played it last month, but I finally put in more than an hour. I can't even install the disk on my HD. It says the disk is unreadable even though I can play the game. I'm glad I didn't waste money on this game and I'm going on record to say that most fans of this game, or most FPS period, suffer from mental issues.

Shoot, kill enemies, throw grenades, kill enemies, melee, kill enemies. Go to next level Shoot, kill enemies, throw grenades, kill enemies, melee, kill enemies. There is absolutely NOTHING ground breaking or innovative about Halo reach. NOTHING.

And even though I don't like FPS, I had a WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better time with KZ2. In KZ2 I felt I had a purpose and the story drove me further. This Halo shit? Waste of time. Graphics are inferior. Story just drops you in, not much variety in the set pieces and the AI sucks. NEVER let the computer drive the vehicle for you.
LOL you really need to get Xbox Live everything you saying is about single player bullshit, like I said I haven't even touched the Campaign. So I wouldn't know about that. Online can't be fucked with, only outdated gamers have your opinion and people without Live. Gamers who don't have the timing down will suffer from mental issues lol.

Nothing is innovative? Probably for Campaign (which I haven't touched). If you Haven't played the online then your argument is void.


Apr 25, 2002
LOL you really need to get Xbox Live everything you saying is about single player bullshit,
THIS! This is the reason why a lot of games are shitty and why Halo, and most FPS, are shitty. The campaign takes a backseat so some stooge can get on the net and say "Ha Ha I BEEZ PWN-N DA NOOBZ FUX(O)R" while choking on stale dorritos and pissy ass mountain dew.

like I said I haven't even touched the Campaign.
So your argument is null and void?

So I wouldn't know about that.
See above.

Online can't be fucked with, only outdated gamers have your opinion and people without Live.
I stopped with live when I stopped with gears and street fighter. Shit I don't even use the PS3's FREE mp.

Gamers who don't have the timing down will suffer from mental issues lol.
How many single player campaign vids do you see where a kid or adult is going nuts and damn near killing himself? Not many. With FPS and other mp games? Many.

Nothing is innovative?
Absolutely nothing. It's the same goddamn thing over and over.

Probably for Campaign (which I haven't touched).
And I wonder why....

If you Haven't played the online then your argument is void.
What's innovative about the online play? It's an extension of the single player aspects with the addition of being able to make your own maps. WOW! You get armor and gear that does NOTHING to enhance your gameplay, the weapons are pretty much the same and there is nothing different from the shoot, kill enemies, throw grenades, kill enemies, melee, kill enemies. Go to next level Shoot, kill enemies, throw grenades, kill enemies, melee, kill enemies.

There is absolutely NOTHING ground breaking or innovative about Halo reach. NOTHING.

I'm sorry but this game is going to the trash. It isn't even worth trading in and you should be ashamed for even playing it, fam. You know, deep down, that Halo is a shitty game. Admit it.


Girbaud Shuttle Jeans
Dec 10, 2006
lol tell em how you really feel heresy

Really halo hasn't been shit but a regurgitation of Perfect Dark for the N64 with the plot/story completely ripped off from every sci-fi movie ever made. The series started as the work of hacks but because it was the only FPS on the first xbox everyone bought it & has been dick riding it for years to the billion dollar franchise that it is now. Basically, people are stupid, they don't realize how awful this series is.


Apr 25, 2002
Everyone who is garbage at Halo is going to have your argument LOL, play swat then come back with a real review
Why would I need to play swat in order to give a real review? The game is not based on swat. The game is based on the campaign experience and the overall MP experience. So I play swat and then what? It's not innovative it's simply a variation of the rules, tools and weapons.

casual gamers and PS3 fans of course will eat up your argument.
They probably would but I'm not a "casual gamer" or "PS3 fan" as I have both systems and at least 15 games on each system (not to mention the older systems and emulators I have.)

The hardcore gamers know wassup though.
What the FUCK is a "hardcore gamer", fam? Cause if it's a person who's damn near played every system, took up summer jobs in the early 90's to purchase super famicom games and the adapter to play them, starts each game on the hardest difficulty, doesn't use codes, cheats, guides and puts time into the games they like (time willing) while shelling out $$$$ for first day releases and dlc then I'm one. If it is a person who plays FPS all day (console or pc) and says things like "I PWNZ THA NOOBZ/I'Z BEEZ THA LEET ALLZ HAILZ THA MASTER THAT IS CHEIF" you can count me the fuck out.

Fuck Halo Reach. People need to see this game for what it is. Basic fps, a SHITTY fps, with no true direction outside of the MP aspect. Shit I had more fun with Borderlands and that was another shitty game.


Girbaud Shuttle Jeans
Dec 10, 2006
Everyone who is garbage at Halo is going to have your argument LOL, play swat then come back with a real review, casual gamers and PS3 fans of course will eat up your argument. The hardcore gamers know wassup though.
I was good at the online in 3 and beat legendary with 1 other person. *shrugs*


$$ Deep Pockets $$
Feb 6, 2003
At last night's Halo Fest event, we learned about a rather beefy title update to Halo: Reach that's set to launch sometime next month. The patch implements a number of significant (and, therefore, controversial) changes to the multiplayer title, with the biggest being the nerfing of the Armor Lock ability. Instead of making you an invulnerable juggernaut, Armor Lock now only prevents most of the damage done to you whilst locked, and no longer detaches stuck plasma grenades.

Other changes include: the addition of "Shield Bleed-through," whereby damage done to players with a fraction of their shield remaining can now be carried over to their remaining health; an option to remove reticle bloom; the removal of a player's ability to deflect an oncoming sword lunge by meleeing (unless they too are using a sword); and the wholesale buffing of the pistol, bringing it closer to parity with its Halo: Combat Evolved predecessor
Jun 24, 2005
I have a code to download Halo: Reach from the marketplace. Anyone wanna buy it?

Earlier this year, you participated in the Xbox LIVE Public Preview program and were provided a copy of Halo: Reach as part of your participation. Unfortunately, this Halo: Reach “preview disc” cannot be updated with a conventional Title Update, causing the game to be unplayable after the recent Halo: Reach Title Update on September 21, 2011. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

To get you back online with Halo: Reach, below is a code for the Games on Demand version of the game. Once the code is redeemed and your copy of Halo: Reach is downloaded, the game will work as usual, including the features added by the title update. All of your Halo Reach game saves will work normally as well. You may then discard the disc from the Public Preview program.

Please note that this Games on Demand version of Halo: Reach will require you to have some storage on your Xbox 360 – a hard drive or USB of at least 6.6 gigabytes.

Halo Reach Games on Demand Code:


To redeem your code:

Press the silver and green Xbox® Guide button on your controller
Navigate to the Marketplace tab
Select Redeem Code. Enter the code above.

Again, we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Thank you.

The Xbox 360 Team