LOL you really need to get Xbox Live everything you saying is about single player bullshit,
THIS! This is the reason why a lot of games are shitty and why Halo, and most FPS, are shitty. The campaign takes a backseat so some stooge can get on the net and say "Ha Ha I BEEZ PWN-N DA NOOBZ FUX(O)R" while choking on stale dorritos and pissy ass mountain dew.
like I said I haven't even touched the Campaign.
So your argument is null and void?
So I wouldn't know about that.
See above.
Online can't be fucked with, only outdated gamers have your opinion and people without Live.
I stopped with live when I stopped with gears and street fighter. Shit I don't even use the PS3's
FREE mp.
Gamers who don't have the timing down will suffer from mental issues lol.
How many single player campaign vids do you see where a kid or adult is going nuts and damn near killing himself? Not many. With FPS and other mp games? Many.
Absolutely nothing. It's the same goddamn thing over and over.
Probably for Campaign (which I haven't touched).
And I wonder why....
If you Haven't played the online then your argument is void.
What's innovative about the online play? It's an extension of the single player aspects with the addition of being able to make your own maps. WOW! You get armor and gear that does
NOTHING to enhance your gameplay, the weapons are pretty much the same and there is nothing different from the shoot, kill enemies, throw grenades, kill enemies, melee, kill enemies. Go to next level Shoot, kill enemies, throw grenades, kill enemies, melee, kill enemies.
There is absolutely NOTHING ground breaking or innovative about Halo reach. NOTHING.
I'm sorry but this game is going to the trash. It isn't even worth trading in and you should be ashamed for even playing it, fam. You know, deep down, that Halo is a shitty game. Admit it.