**Official** HALO REACH thread

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Mar 1, 2006
This shit is lightweight frustrating, I'm hitting these fucks in the head so many times they head nods as if to say "yes, I agree, I should be dead" I get the first bullet in, but they still manage to do me in. Shields are homo as fuck, so is that gay ass assault rifle the fuck kinda assault rifle do you need to empty the clip then get a melee in, DMR and Needle rifle are alright tho cuz headshots work. Decent game but man certain aspects are retarded, I'll play this shit but still go back to Rainbow Six Vegas 2.
Watch out you might be hitting a Hologram, once you get used to how many hits a guy takes should get easier. I'm having a problem finding vehicles on my first try in the big team games, don't know the maps.
Oct 9, 2008
So every time i was gettin put in gay ass SWAT i would back out and then i get some message saying i backed out to much and i'll get banned if i back out anymore.. So now every time these queers vote SWAT i just kill my own teamates till they boot me..lol
Mar 1, 2006
So every time i was gettin put in gay ass SWAT i would back out and then i get some message saying i backed out to much and i'll get banned if i back out anymore.. So now every time these queers vote SWAT i just kill my own teamates till they boot me..lol
Why would you kill your own team? Might as well get your rank up and do what you can, also get a higher kills then deaths. Pull the plug and it probably won't ban you. I do it for Gears when games are laggy.


$$ Deep Pockets $$
Feb 6, 2003
Even though it doesnt do anything I file complaints on clowns who boot me now..1:00 left in game and you kick me..foh

Played team slayer tonight...the whole blue team quit lol

Had volume up too loud on tv, got sniped, scared the shit outta me, thought I was getting shot at lmaoo
Oct 9, 2008
Why would you kill your own team? Might as well get your rank up and do what you can, also get a higher kills then deaths. Pull the plug and it probably won't ban you. I do it for Gears when games are laggy.
The only reason i ever feel like playing Halo over COD is i want to use different weapons and i like the vehicles. SWAT is the complete opposite of what makes this game fun to me! (Same gun/No vehicles) Don't get me wrong i do ok in SWAT but i just got sick of playing "Big Team Battle" just for the vehicles and having these fags vote SWAT everytime. I can't wait til that shit has it's own playlist, i never want to see it again!


Sicc OG
Jun 24, 2005
My friend told me he messaged someone asking why they booted him (in Firefight) and they told him it was because they would be able to get more points with only three people.

That's fucking pathetic lol.


Sicc OG
Jun 24, 2005
In Bungie's Weekly Update last week, they explained the melee system...

The low down on the beat down…

So as some of you may or may not have noticed there are big differences in the Reach melee system as compared to Halo 3. I’ll try and explain the changes you need to know about and tell you how to win in a couple of situations that you may often find yourself in.

First, the differences:

Shields: More absorbent than ever before!

In Halo 3, you really needed to learn the rhythm of a weapon or even count bullets to learn how long you needed to fire at an enemy before a melee was a guaranteed kill (or a headshot for that matter). In Reach, we’ve taken the guess work out and made it very simple, “When the shields have popped, a headshot or a melee will kill.” The opposite holds true as well, if the player has a shield you can NOT headshot them or melee them and expect a kill. The Sniper Rifle is the exception to this rule as its high caliber rounds are built to pass through shields, metal and bone like butter.

In Halo 3 damage was allowed to bleed past shields after they were popped.

* i.e. If there was 10 points of shield on the enemy and you caused 20 points of damage to them, you’d pop the shield and then do the remaining 10 points of damage to the body.

In Reach, shields absorb all damage as long as they are active.

* i.e. If there was 10 points of shield on the enemy and you caused 20 points of damage to them, you’d pop the shield, but it would absorb all of the remaining damage, so NO damage would make it to the body.

Blocking: All melees “clang.”

Even if you have an assault rifle and you are going up against a sword guy, if you melee in the correct window of time, you can actually clang with the sword guy knocking him away from you. This MAY turn the fight to your advantage and give you enough time to either finish him off or at least get away from him.

Damage dealt from a Clang is dependent upon the type of weapon you are clanging with:

1. In the case of normal weapon vs. normal weapon (i.e. AR vs. DMR) clang, both parties will receive normal melee damage. So the same rules from above apply. If the players had shields before the clang, the shields will pop. If they don’t have shields, the players will die.
2. In the case of normal weapon vs. melee weapon (i.e. AR vs. Sword) clang, the AR guy will receive MUCH more damage that the Sword guy. If the AR guy hasn’t had any other damage done to him (or very, very little) he will survive the clang, otherwise there is a good chance the clang will kill him. The likely hood of killing the Sword guy with a clang from a normal weapon is pretty slim unless you’ve pumped enough rounds into him to pop his shields and cause some additional body damage.
3. Killing an enemy after saving yourself with a clang should always be followed by the war cry “Clang-a-lang-a-ding-dong!”

Melee Recovery: Patience [may] achieve more than force…

While not an explicit change for Reach, it is very important to consider melee recovery when making decisions during combat. Melee recovery is the time after throwing a melee that you must wait before you are allowed to throw another one. In Reach, the melee recovery time is one second. Melee recovery should have serious impact on both when you choose to melee and what to do once you’ve been melee’d. Knowing that you will have to wait a full second before you can melee again or knowing you have a full second to react before your enemy can melee again may allow you to consistently turn melee battles in your favor. This is better illustrated in the examples below.

You gotta know when to punch ‘em, know when to shoot ‘em and know when to run…

Here are a few scenarios (Spartan vs. Spartan) you may find yourself in, and the “correct” solution to hopefully keep you alive and make them more dead.

Q. The target has his back turned and doesn’t know I’m there. What should I do?

A. Assassinate that fool!

Q. The target is looking in my direction, but I am not his current target. How do I take advantage of this?

A. You could run in and go for the double melee but this approach could get you into trouble for being so hasty. Instead, I’d recommend joining in on shooting him until his shields have popped and then go in for the melee OR have the headshot lined up if you are holding an appropriate weapon.

Q. I put 3 DMR rounds into a guy while he was running for me but now he’s on top of me and about to melee. Should I try and clang?

A. NO, DO NOT CLANG HERE! If you clang (which will be the instinctual thing to do) you are both just going to be stuck waiting on the melee recovery to expire. Either of you could still get out of this situation with a headshot, but that’s a risky maneuver. There is a better solution…

Q. Ok, I put 3 DMR rounds into a guy while he was running for me and then chose not to clang with him when he melee’d me. What now smart guy? Can I melee him now?

A. NO, DO NOT MELEE YET! Currently he still hasn’t secured the kill because he has to wait for his melee recovery to expire before he can swing again. If you melee early in this situation, you have thrown away your previous advantage. You will pop his shields, but then you will also be in melee recovery and your opponent is going to have a significant advantage. Instead, keep shooting him until his shields pop (only one more DMR bullet in this scenario) THEN melee for the kill!

Q. Well, what if I’ve only put 2 DMR rounds into the guy before he melee’d me? Can I still win?

A. Yes, IF you DON’T MISS. This is a much harder win that if you would have had 3 rounds in the guy before he melee’d you, but it IS possible to win (if you do everything absolutely right). If not, the worst case for this scenario is that you’ll trade a kill for a death with a double beatdown.

Q. Ok, this all sounds great, but I totally panicked and my target and I melee’d each other at the exact same time and now both of our shields are popped! Gah! Is all hope lost?

A. NO, you still have options! You could either, make smart use of you armor ability to flee or block the next melee attempt and potentially live to fight another day, OR, if you have a headshot capable weapon you could go for the headshot and walk away a winner. If you can’t do either of these things, you may be forced to except the tie and go for the double beatdown.


...and here are the playlist changes coming next week.

We’ve already promised a big mid-month Matchmaking deployment, but Jeremiah and the core team responsible for Reach’s playlist management have decided to fast track some of the “easier” implementations and break October’s update into two distinct and meaty halves. The first round of playlist updates, barring any unforeseen shenanigans, will go live on Tuesday of next week.

Here’s what you can expect when we pull the trigger:

Team Slayer
SWAT is taking one in the face (being removed) and the weighting for all other gametypes will be adjusted to fall in line with voting data. Expect – surprise, surprise – more traditional Slayer offerings to appear.

SWAT gametypes that are removed from other playlists are being incorporated into their own, unique playlist with adjustments made to modes and maps based on voting data (farewell SWAT on Hemorrhage, you sucked and everybody hated you).

Team Objective
Powerhouse will now feature several more gametypes, including 1 Flag and Stockpile. Because Powerhouse is awesome and we don’t get to play it enough.

Multi Team
Rocket Race is being added. You win by staying on the Mongoose and racing to the checkpoints. (Oh, who am I kidding, you’re just going to hop off and try to assassinate people, aren’t you?)

Big Team Battle
SWAT and Classic are being removed and the frequency of Snipers is being reduced based on – you guessed it – voting data.

Arena Doubles
Boardwalk and “Pro” options are both being removed. Default Zealot is being replaced with Arena Zealot, a map variant which features modified initial player spawns and a soft-kill zone in spaaaaaace.

Team Arena
“Pro” options are being removed. Arena Zealot (details above), is being added.

Score Attack
Credit earn rates for Gruntpocalypse are being reduced to fall more in line with other modes.

...and here's another Armor Lock video.

Oct 9, 2008
Team Slayer
SWAT is taking one in the face (being removed) and the weighting for all other gametypes will be adjusted to fall in line with voting data. Expect – surprise, surprise – more traditional Slayer offerings to appear.


Big Team Battle
SWAT and Classic are being removed and the frequency of Snipers is being reduced based on – you guessed it – voting data.

Again FUCK YEAH...don't mind classic tho


$$ Deep Pockets $$
Feb 6, 2003
On top of announcing an earlier than expected playlist update (coming this Tuesday), Bungie revealed last night that it has reset the credits and ranks of "approximately" 15,000 Halo: Reach accounts. The studio also applied a one day credit earning ban on affected players, less for punishment than to "ensure that recipients receive an in-game notification of the action taken."

The resets were handled last evening and specifically targeted folks who employed "an exploit that allowed players to complete a Challenge 20+ times via itentional network manipulation (i.e., disconnects.)." Bungie will also be completing a "more comprehensive pass" later this week, after the studio is confident enough in its automated banning system. We're taking this move as further proof of the age old adage -- cheaters never win.
Mar 1, 2006
On top of announcing an earlier than expected playlist update (coming this Tuesday), Bungie revealed last night that it has reset the credits and ranks of "approximately" 15,000 Halo: Reach accounts. The studio also applied a one day credit earning ban on affected players, less for punishment than to "ensure that recipients receive an in-game notification of the action taken."

The resets were handled last evening and specifically targeted folks who employed "an exploit that allowed players to complete a Challenge 20+ times via itentional network manipulation (i.e., disconnects.)." Bungie will also be completing a "more comprehensive pass" later this week, after the studio is confident enough in its automated banning system. We're taking this move as further proof of the age old adage -- cheaters never win.
Thats why Halo Reach shits on any game out right now they shutting down fakes and cheats, only game online that cares about their community.


$$ Deep Pockets $$
Feb 6, 2003
If you've started to lose that lovin' feeling for Halo: Reach's online multiplayer component, you may want to dip back in to check out the broad changes applied to the shooter's Matchmaking playlists in an update launched earlier today. The update also makes some minor adjustments to a handful of multiplayer maps and game modes -- the full list of which can be found just after the jump.

Bungie has also announced that it plans to fulfill its promise to add Campaign Matchmaking to Reach in a smaller update, due out either Oct. 12 or Oct. 19, depending on how long it takes for the developer to finalize the patch. We'll let you know once Bungie's settled on one of the two.

Playlist Changes

Rumble Pit

•Added Crazy King

•Added Juggernaut

•Removed Oddball on Asylum

Team Slayer

•Removed SWAT

•Removed Classic

•Weights adjusted based on voting data

Team SWAT (New!)

•Based on existing Team Slayer SWAT offering

•Removed Hemorrhage

•Replaced Zealot with Arena Zealot map variant

Team Objective

•Added Crazy King

•Added several gametypes on Powerhouse (CTF, Assault, Stockpile, Crazy King, 3 Plots)

•Removed heavy vehicles from all 4v4 Team Objective gametypes

Multi Team

•Added Rocket Race

Big Team Battle

•Added Crazy King

•Removed SWAT

•Removed Snipers from Boneyard

•Weights adjusted based on voting data

Doubles Arena

•Removed Slayer Pro for Season 2

•Removed Boardwalk

•Replaced Zealot with Arena Zealot map variant

Team Arena

•Removed Slayer Pro for Season 2

•Replaced Zealot with Arena Zealot map variant


Arena Zealot (New!)

•Added a softkill zone to the space area

•Modified initial spawns so enemies cannot see each other

•Objects can no longer be dropped into the boot_base


•Removed multiple duplicate Headhunter score zones


•Changed the base object for territories from a hill marker to a flag stand

•Objects can no longer come to rest on the out of bounds cliff behind the scaffolding where the Invasion core is captured

•Players can no longer sit in the out of bounds area under the ship scaffolding


•Health Packs should not respawn after 15 seconds


•Landmine removed from Red team's west cliff

•Respawn time for all Mongoose vehicles is now 45 seconds

•Scorpions replaced with Wraiths (4 minute respawn)


•Respawn timer for Concussion Rifle at Red base is now 30 seconds to match Concussion Rifle at Blue base


•Changed the base object for territories from a hill marker to a flag stand

•Changed the base object for territories from a hill marker to a flag stand

•Respawn timer for all Needler weapons is now 45 seconds


Global Changes

•Slayer DMR now has motion tracker enabled

•Evade has replaced Hologram for all gametypes in which players can hold objects (CTF, Assault, Stockpile, Oddball)

•Evade has replaced Dropshield for gametypes which create concentrated gameplay in specific areas (Crazy King, Territories, Oddball)

•All Classic gametypes should now include Sprint as default equipment
King of the Hill

•Teams are now always able to correctly score points

•Players standing in the hill no longer receive extra points upon returning from a host migration

Rocket Race

•Players now attached to vehicles after being on foot for 10 seconds

•Flipped vehicles will be detected to prevent players from attaching to a non-upright vehicle

•Added functionality for tracking and reporting rotations

•Fountain of Mongeese should no longer be possible (don't ask)

•Players are no longer able to jack another teams Mongoose

•Players are no longer forced into a specific role of driver or gunner

•All players start with a Rocket Launcher

•Players move at 50% speed, do significantly reduced damage and are marked with a nav icon

•Players on foot are now able to score points in Rocket Race

•The Juggernaut no longer sees other players as allies upon returning from a host migration

•New clients after a host migration will no longer lose their Juggernaut status

•All teams now have separate capture timers for each territory

•Locked territories will no longer prevent players from using equipment

•The flag in the territory is now attached if the territory is a flag stand object

•Added a HUD_Widget to display contested status to players inside a territory

•The progress bar for a territory will now show as full when that territory is being contested (capture progress is saved and will appear again once the territory is no longer contested)

•Random flag clothes will no longer disappear after a round transition


•Bombs in Hot Potato now properly report carry time

•Multiple hot potato bombs will no longer spawn in the same location

•The carry time reported stat will now always be correct after a host migration has occurred

Players carrying the oddball during a host migration will no longer receive extra points


•All stockpile flags are now attached to their spawn location if it is a flag stand


•The game score is now set per frame tick based off of the current phase

•A failsafe game end timer has been added to catch any possible bad cases of Invasion games not ending properly

Invasion: Boneyard

•The core will now reset whenever it is thrown through a shield door into a spawning location in Phase 3
Invasion (Assault) and Assault

•Added sudden death to Invasion (Assault) and Assault gametypes

•Players who die before the first checkpoint will no longer spawn in a random location on the map

Source: Bungie


Sicc OG
Dec 7, 2005
lol naw..didnt one of the other dude kick you or did you just leave game on own?

Finally got my captain achievement last night. Those daily challenges work wonders
why not just admit it was you instead of trying to pass the blame on to someone else and then changing the subject lol