no YOUR analogy is flawed. a bi-racial child is still HUMAN the same species and is a combinant of two races that can be easily reflected. nephilim have NO properties that make the humanlike OR angelic. they have neither position in heaven or hell equivalent of humans or angels. think again.
thank you for what? i still dont know what youre talking about???
but that still doesnt change my position.
every phoenix myth ive read has the same origin and meaning.
i guess that means no.
guess you dont know that either. read ezekiel. remember you said you read the entire bible too.
I had a copy with english and coptic side by side, the one i have now is all english. and coptic is the original. its a COPY of the oral tradition
i never mentioned anything about a water baptism. either or, its still not a jewish tradition its egyptian in origin
i like bill oriely because hes realla and stands by his ideas, but when hes wrong hes DEAD wrong, he just compounds it with his arrogance
the gospel of thomas isnt "Comprised" of the gospels it is quite possibly "Quelle"or "Q" the Source from which those myths were derived, and yes it IS gnostic (esoteric/the mysteries)mythological/allegorical. i want the answer that you were asking me for or both.
I said i recognized that jesus, not that i believed in him. dont make any conclusions that i didnt express. jesus is a good character in a good book
Im not dancing around it. im just waiting for your interpretation. after yours i'll give you mine
you still draw conclusions from my words that i didnt write, i said it doesnt necessitate, i didnt say that they didnt have similar traits in reference to a mule but i did say so about the nephilim.
what does the body have to do with what i said about H2O ????
i didnt mention anything about the body LOL. i understand that what youre trying to help me understand by that link is out of context
fact does not necessitate relevance.
the text IS and is being discussed in this context.
i dont have to read it if i wrote it, i know what im talking about, and you make a very bold assumption without recognizing that you arent an authority.
how can you find evidence in a question that i didnt answer, that was an "empty
" assumption
the debate is worthy, it aint like you got a landslide win on this, basically i dont see where your winnin, it looks about even to me, (speaking humbly)
happy birthday, hope you enjoy the laugh. its all in fun to me.
put it like this, its all a debate to me, two premises in converse on a topic that has no relevence in the real world. angels and nephilim arent even real they are mythological as well. meat for a good story book.
thank you for what? i still dont know what youre talking about???
but that still doesnt change my position.
every phoenix myth ive read has the same origin and meaning.
i guess that means no.
guess you dont know that either. read ezekiel. remember you said you read the entire bible too.
I had a copy with english and coptic side by side, the one i have now is all english. and coptic is the original. its a COPY of the oral tradition
i never mentioned anything about a water baptism. either or, its still not a jewish tradition its egyptian in origin
i like bill oriely because hes realla and stands by his ideas, but when hes wrong hes DEAD wrong, he just compounds it with his arrogance
the gospel of thomas isnt "Comprised" of the gospels it is quite possibly "Quelle"or "Q" the Source from which those myths were derived, and yes it IS gnostic (esoteric/the mysteries)mythological/allegorical. i want the answer that you were asking me for or both.
I said i recognized that jesus, not that i believed in him. dont make any conclusions that i didnt express. jesus is a good character in a good book
Im not dancing around it. im just waiting for your interpretation. after yours i'll give you mine
you still draw conclusions from my words that i didnt write, i said it doesnt necessitate, i didnt say that they didnt have similar traits in reference to a mule but i did say so about the nephilim.
what does the body have to do with what i said about H2O ????
i didnt mention anything about the body LOL. i understand that what youre trying to help me understand by that link is out of context
fact does not necessitate relevance.
the text IS and is being discussed in this context.
i dont have to read it if i wrote it, i know what im talking about, and you make a very bold assumption without recognizing that you arent an authority.
how can you find evidence in a question that i didnt answer, that was an "empty
the debate is worthy, it aint like you got a landslide win on this, basically i dont see where your winnin, it looks about even to me, (speaking humbly)
happy birthday, hope you enjoy the laugh. its all in fun to me.
put it like this, its all a debate to me, two premises in converse on a topic that has no relevence in the real world. angels and nephilim arent even real they are mythological as well. meat for a good story book.