miggs or nightowl...I'm not saying that there is no cush thing as the supernatural, demon posession, unnatural sleep paralysis, unnatural beings roaming in the real world, etc.
But that type of stuff usually happens, or at least supposedly happens mostly to people who are already inclined in belief or even lean towards a false hope towards supernatural events.
You don't usually hear the average person talking about how a demon held them down, or a being ran through their backyard after peering in their window, etc. I can account alot of strange experiences in my time, mostly due to things like sleep deprivation, drug use, starvation, etc, but I never chalk any of it up to the supernatural. I can account most of the time with some sort of state I put my self in, and the things I can't write off that way...think about it this way...rational thoughts fill our minds day in and day out. Things that can be accounted for scientifically, rationally, etc.
You think your mind doesn't get tired of thoughts that are on target and make sense? Yes, that's when dreams come in, a time when your mind spits out bullshit to 'loosen up', 'get out of the rythm of daily thought', or 'make sense'. WHat about if your mind just did that during the day? Out of all the thoughts you think, you think ya head can't just come up with some wack shit while you still awake? It's possible.
If supernatural, occult, and such occurences all happen so often, then why don't people who do NOT believe in it come up with as many strange stories and bullshit as the people who do?
If you already believe all kinds of strangeness exists in the world, then of course you are more likely to explain a strange light or strange thing happening as 'Ooh, that was a evil spirit', or some shit, because 99 percent of the time, the people who tell me those wack ass stories about whatever, I already know are people who WANT to believe it.
XianeX, dont trip on MOE. I enjoyed your comments. This board is not here for people who aren't gonna try to understand 'big words', 'hard concepts', and such. I ain't sayin MOE stupid, but there are a good majority of people on here who can handle that kind of speak.