All Out HOGG said:
The REAL necronomicon was scribed by enoch [who entered heaven alive & made a metamorphosis into Metatron] (im sure you've heard of him)...There is no longer any copies of it in exsistance & it wasn't a satanic bible like believed it was actualy a history book of the dead...& yes it did realy exist...
Very good information bro!
I had no idea the original necronomicon was written by Enoch.
Where did you hear this? Can I get some pointers? This is very interesting.
I know Enoch wrote his own book.
The early church rebuked it as heretic, claiming it wasn't legit.
It was destroyed because of it's content.
It talked about the fallen angels, AKA the watchers.
Who lusted after women and came down, raped and married them. Their offspring were the Nephilim who spread wickedness through out the world, thus prompting God to flood it.
The Necronomicon was a collection of the pre-flood history.
It covered spells, demonic communication and that sort of stuff.
Aliester Crowley wrote the Necronomicon based on books such as the book of Enoch and other sources.
At least that's what I thought.
The book of Enoch survived in Ethopia where copies of it still exist.
But I don't see anything related to the Necronomicon in it.
It's time that the church accepts the book of Enoch as being legit.
Part of it was found together with the Dead Sea Scrolls.
If you read it, you will find that it makes total sense. And helps you understand Genesis and why God flooded the Earth.
It claims that Demons are the lost souls of the Nephilim.
But the watchers, they were all tossed into the Abyss along with Satan for disobeying. Enoch actually tells you that the Abyss is located some where in the Atlantic ocean (If I remember correctly).