Nearly Half of Blacks/Latinos Drop Out of School

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Jan 9, 2004
oakraiders9 said:
Of course it would, but just admit the fact that minorities have to go through more shit. People who don't see this are being ignorant. The system is made for the rich white male, that's it. I guess complaining about it doesnt get us any further, but people should just know that's how it is.
I am not denying that minorities have to go through more shit than a rich, white male. I agree that it would be ignorant to not see the simple fact.
Jan 9, 2004
2-0-Sixx said:
Ok, so if someone were born a crack-baby, with no father, only a drug addicted single mother making minimum wage and attending an overcrowded under funded public school should know about self-determination? Who cares if the government cuts education and social spending ever year and neglects the poor? Yeah bro, blame the exploited and not the exploiter. Good points O’Reilly.

Tsk,tsk, there we go calling others names, 2 0. Where is your Net etiquette, bruthah?

Actually, the crack-baby born in that situation is really fucked and I have nothing but compassion for it being born to such awful parents. Im sure the baby will grow up with many more neurological challenges than the average schmoe. However, should the single mother point the finger at the government for "making" her a drug-addict, because it cut education and social spending and neglects to give her a monthly check? No. She could have chosen not to become a drug addict and she could have chosen to use birthcontrol or even joined the fad and become a killer of her own baby. So in this case, I blame the parent. If not the baby's ignorant mother, then her parents for not giving her the love and support she needed. Lets stop making excuses for these horrible situations we find our brothers and sisters in and start helping them open their eyes to their own power over their own lives.

Plus, where did you learn of self-determination? Are you white, rich and middle class?

I know I found a wise sister who showed me a different way than what I used to live. Each of us should try doing the same for someone else.
May 13, 2002
Yes, but can’t you see there is a cycle? Sure, you can blame the mother for being a drug addict but what will become of the child? And what happens when that child grows up and has a child?

You cannot deny the huge obstacles that minorities in this country face, and let’s be real, black people have only had “equal rights” for 25-30 years. It was only a generation or two ago when blacks could not drink from the same drinking fountain as whites. And to this day some communities refuse to allow blacks to move in the neighborhood. You expect entire communities or a race to rise up out of the social inequalities in 25 years?

And on top of that, instead of the government stepping in and putting money into these communities where the money is needed the most, they are taking it away and cutting the funding. How can a community grow if the majority of people are getting paid minimum wage and/or are on welfare? How can a community grow when the majority do not have healthcare? How can a community grow when social spending is virtually obsolete? How can a community grow when the schools are overcrowded and under funded? Eventually people need to start connecting the dots and figure out that if you try and grow a flower concealed from the sun light it will die. The flower needs nourishment and a tolerable environment to survive.

And yes FYI, I am Caucasian and I come from a working class family. Not rich or upper class, working class. I was lucky enough to have a father to raise me and provide the tools I needed in order stay in the right path and not venture into a life of drugs or violence.

What if you never had that wise sister? How many people in the ghetto or densely populated inner cities have wise older sisters to guide them?

We are the richest country in the world. It wouldn’t be difficult at all to fix the majority of our social problems and advance the standard of living for all citizens rather than a minority. People wonder why and complain about gangs, drugs, prostitution, and murder in our society but are unable to make the connection that these problems are directly related with how this country functions. It’s structured so that only a small number of people can advance while the majority are stuck being exploited by the upper-class.

At the end of your reply you said that each of us should try to help someone else. That is precisely the mentality I have but for whatever reason you think this is solely the responsibility of the citizens and not the federal government. Do you not agree that if inner cities had more schools, with better teachers and smaller classrooms and had the tools available for them to make it, they would succeed? Don’t you think if there were more social services available in the cities where poverty is a problem it would help the people?
Jan 9, 2004
Your points are well taken but I dont agree with all of them. My personal belief is that neither politicians, nor the government will ever do anything positive for the citizens. Our best interest is not their best interest. To ask is futile. We only have each other.
May 13, 2002
Well comrade, I do agree with you that our government and politicians will do nothing positive for the people. I wish you would have said that from the start because you made it seem like you were strictly blaming the people and not considering any other factors.

I wouldn’t say asking is futile; I believe even under a capitalist society advancements can be made if the people demand them. The late 60’s and 70’s are perfect examples of what can be accomplished when organized.

Also, if we don’t ask then the more they take away. We need to constantly have demands or else little by little they subtract our gains. Just look at the last 20 years or so. We’ve been going in reverse. All the rights that the people fought for and won are gradually diminishing.
Jul 7, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:
And on top of that, instead of the government stepping in and putting money into these communities where the money is needed the most, they are taking it away and cutting the funding. How can a community grow if the majority of people are getting paid minimum wage and/or are on welfare? How can a community grow when the majority do not have healthcare? How can a community grow when social spending is virtually obsolete? How can a community grow when the schools are overcrowded and under funded? Eventually people need to start connecting the dots and figure out that if you try and grow a flower concealed from the sun light it will die. The flower needs nourishment and a tolerable environment to survive.

thats what TOKZTLI's post was about, self determination, thats how the people will "eventually ...need to start connecting the dots"

2-0-Sixx said:
We are the richest country in the world. It wouldn’t be difficult at all to fix the majority of our social problems and advance the standard of living for all citizens rather than a minority. People wonder why and complain about gangs, drugs, prostitution, and murder in our society but are unable to make the connection that these problems are directly related with how this country functions. It’s structured so that only a small number of people can advance while the majority are stuck being exploited by the upper-class.
So true. And the way poor communities are going to get better is by getting together, and they themselfs determine what future they would want for themselfs / for their children. If they think the government is going to be making the changes, it is never going to happen.

One problem is Individuality, once somone has made it economically, they are out the barrio/ghetto/trailer park. And a lot of poeple's main concern is themselfs, and theirs families. But what about the community?

2-0-Sixx said:
At the end of your reply you said that each of us should try to help someone else. That is precisely the mentality I have but for whatever reason you think this is solely the responsibility of the citizens and not the federal government. Do you not agree that if inner cities had more schools, with better teachers and smaller classrooms and had the tools available for them to make it, they would succeed? Don’t you think if there were more social services available in the cities where poverty is a problem it would help the people?
no, i dont think its the responsibility of the federal government, becuase they have other interests in mind, and not the people. Fuck, the people should be the government, but that is not the case. Nothing is being done for the poor communities, everything has failed for them, the local government, the cops, schools, etc. These poor communities should determine their future, and voice their demands. Untill that happens, they will never get the 'better teachers, smaller classrooms, etc." How will that happen? Someone or some group needs to be oragizine in these communities, and pull everyone together.

If you "think" the current federal government is going to be handing out money for these changes, you have nothing coming....
May 13, 2002
I agree with everything you said nefar. This thread was mainly about why things are the way they are. I just wanted to show people that it is our government, and more importantly capitalism that is the cause of these problems.

I’m not delusional; I don’t think the federal government will EVER fix these problems, that’s why I am what I am and I do what I do on the streets and help build revolutionary parties for the future. I think Sage Francis says in a song, “The rich get richer until the poor get educated.”


Sicc OG
Nov 19, 2002
i dont entirely agree w blaming the white man for minorities misfortunes but...wether ppl want to admit/ believe it or not, white males are part of the reason if not the sole reason why minorities live the way they do...wether it be through racist laws, absurd drug laws like how less crack constitutes more jail time than more cocaine, etc etc...shit, how is it that slaves were kept in shackles for so long?keeping them uneducated, humiliated, demoralized.etc etc...slaves didnt just jump on a ship and come to america and set up shop in gettos w little education...the mofos were kept naked for crying out loud...from day one, they were set up to in that sense yes it is the white mans fault...and its been 20+ yrs since blacks were given the rights as whites but come on...behind closed doors the shit is still meant to hold back blacks and browns, and other minorities (if not by the govnt then by individual ppl who wont ever accept non whites in this country or non whites period)...shitty neihgborhoods and schools which never get fixed is an example of how poor enighborhods stay the way they are.

could minorities do a little bit more for themselves as far as getting out of the hole?yes, but its is extremely hard when somebody is born in an environment where education and success in life all come second to surviving, putting food on the table, and maintaining a household of kids w little income.
Apr 25, 2002
there have been countless blacks/latinos who made it out of the ghetto and poverty. yes, could you sit there your whole life and point the finger at someone or something, the answer is yes...are there factors contributing to the poverty and to the struggles of minorities in america, yes there is. but im not gonna sit here and give people a reason to point fingers at anyone but themselves, and give them a reason to fail in society and life. if someone really wanted to get out of it, black/white/mexican/asian etc., with a little work, they could make it out and live a decent life. there is a bunch of financial aid available for kids to go to school, and get an education. there are trade schools that have job placement for kids who finish. is it more difficult for povert stricken (sp?) families (im not even gonna say black or latinos cause poverty isnt limited to them), yes it is more difficult, are there ways out if you choose to do it, yes there are......look at complex from san diego, im sure he was born into unfavorable factors, and was around gangs and everything else his own life, but he nutted up and went to school, and if im not mistaken, got (or is getting) his masters, and will succeed in life. people have to take responsiblity for themselves.
May 4, 2002
ok ok .. peep im finna break this down to you here i go ....

i am black n white but when i was young from age 0 -12.... i was in a higher class neighborhood my momz was on dope tho my dad was a doctor... my momma neva let that shit go ...when i was 12 my dad lost his doctors licensebecause sum angry bitch patient wis infatuated wit him and lied on him actual 2 patient was a fucked up lil conspiracy ... anyway my dad he was slangin pills tryinna make ends and got set up by his "friend" who helped him serve ... he got bail and became a fugitive he's out tha picture jsu until last may my mom passed..O D'd.... we had to live in tha hood in oklahoma city from age 12-18 thats around the ages when u reall develope what kinda person you are and going to be ..sum people later on in life... in them schools system in tha hood... t4eachers dont care they'll pass you wit a D cuz u showed up and didn't act a ass... and thats how i got thru school i fugured i aint failin i dont goive a fuck ..and in tha hood nigga erbody does sum kinda drug or drinks.... whether its weed, coke, x, or dust or a good ol forty.. but when you puttin yoself thru highschool that shit aint good heavy on tha brain and everybody around you bases they morals onGANGSTA RAP dam near and niggas is jackin fightin and trippin on bullshit like aint nuthin i aint no shit wasn't coo... i move out tha hood in may im 18 yrs old now grown ass man homie.. im pose tah be graduatin highschool a fuckin sophomore im gettin a GED ..and why because i moved here wit D"s n shit on my transcript and inTexas they school system is strict nuthin below a C is credit and more credits are required to graduate... and my dad who i moved here wit cuz my momz passed... so yess in tha :ghetto" fuckin school systes is fucked when i lived in suburbia i aint do shit neither but i always mad4e good test grades tha year i moved i was asked to take sum test to confirm i could really do that momz 4got about and i coulda had a scholarship in 6th grade all would a had to do was get outta highschool
my fuckin test scores were HIGH...u know whats high nowadays... ME and i cant even do algebra ..too many Pills n Blunts n Alcohol.. why cuz niggaz sed it was coo and everybody in my household was doin it
Apr 25, 2002
The reason why any person does not succeed in school (whether they are black, white, latino, etc.) is because of the value their own parents place on education. If a parent does not value education, neither will the child. If the parent does not care whether their child gets D's and F's and never does their homework, neither will the child.

Statistics show that educated parents will have educated children. Parents who have college degrees will most likely have children who will earn college degrees. However, there are families who come to California strictly for their kids to have the educational opportunities they never had.

It is hard for many kids to stay focused on school when they have so much shit going on at home. For many kids, just putting some food in their stomach is their sole focus when they go home from school, not doing homework. The hardest part is motivating these kids and showing them that education has a value when they don't have someone at home to reinforce that value and motivation.