...if his parents at home dont pay him much attention or they dont care what he gets into you think hes going to have much motivation to be succesful, w no role models but gang members and shit.
you take a family who lives in poverty where everyone needs to chip in to maintain rent...a teenager coming out of HS will need to start earning his keep at home, college aint free (parking, lunch, books, classes) budgets being cut so much that each semester they jack up the price of units, tuition, boos etc etc.
you see the same shit with white trash (no disrespect) where tha parents dont care much what the kids do, the kids all see older kids just hanging out...its just that more minoritys live in run down neighborhoods that dont ever get fixed...with lower paying jobs.
kids having kids...15 yr old has a kid, the mom is single, the dad id nowhere to be found, the mom still hangs out like teenagers do, the child is at home w grandma, grows up w grandma, this aint a normal healthy living environment...a mom and dad both have to put effort into raising a child...you look into most of the gettos and barrios, and you will see children lacking father figures, mother figures, both parents gone, or the parents are still kids so they have diff values than adults so basically the kid isnt being raised w loving caring responsible adults but by imature children who arent ready for a kid so they neglect it.
these gettos are a vicious cycle.