Nearly Half of Blacks/Latinos Drop Out of School

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May 13, 2002
Nearly half of the Latino and African American students who should have graduated from California high schools in 2002 failed to complete their education, according to a Harvard University report released Wednesday.

In the Los Angeles Unified School District, the situation was even worse, with just 39% of Latinos and 47% of African Americans graduating, compared with 67% of whites and 77% of Asians.

The report concluded that the public remains largely unaware of the true extent of the problem because the state uses "misleading and inaccurate" methods to report dropout and graduation rates.

The exodus of tens of thousands of students before 12th grade is exacting significant social and economic costs through higher unemployment, increased crime and billions of dollars in lost revenue, according to the report by researchers from Harvard, Johns Hopkins, UCLA and UC Santa Barbara, among others.

Statewide, just 57% of African Americans and 60% of Latinos graduated in 2002, compared with 78% of whites and 84% of Asians, the report said.


Apr 25, 2002
Through all the B.S. I still graduated. After I graduated remember a recruiter coming by my moms house asking me to join the army or marines (can't remember). I do remember him trying to entice me with fire arms. I was like "NIGGA I CAN GET THOSE ON THE STREET". I was like man I'm gone you gotta shake the spot. So I went inside and chilled for a minute and came back out to smoke some Bobcat because that fool was ruining my day.

I talk to the recruiters now just to hear what they have to say about the war. Puppets.



Mickey Fallon
Sep 10, 2002
Tomato Alley
on top of that, what about the educational CHOICES the priveleged have over other non-priveleged?

i dont think its someones choice to go to a shitty high school.

"oh mom...this is just soooo tough...should i go to the public high school, cuz thats where the cool kids go? or should i just BUY my future for 25,000 a year and go to *Insert Suburb City Here* Catholic High School?
May 13, 2002
Psycho Logic said:
everyone's got a decision
40ozThugsta said:
yeah everybody got their own damm choice
Yes, I understand the republican view of this matter but you're not adding anything to this thread. Are blacks and latinos stupid? Do blacks and latinos have poor desicion making skills? Do you have any ideas on why these statistics are true?
Dec 7, 2004
This has nothing to do with what race is more intellegent, because how well you do in school isnt always a good way to measure someones intellect...

I think it has become widely accpeted that College/high school is only for some people not all... The school system needs to, from the begining, instill in its students minds that school can take you places, and going to college is a very acheivable goal.

it all boils down to the people being misinformed, once the black and latino population are informed, the # of high school graduates would surely go up...Its up to the government to put in more effort
May 13, 2002
DubbC415 said:
^^^but come on, dood, people still have a CHOICE...
Yeah they have a choice. To some, it is simply "Stay in school, or drop out because I hate it." But, to these type of kids, with their surrounding environment, all they see is gangs, violence, and the fast life. They have no role models, they dont know what they can do. They need money fast and school doesnt make them shit in the short term, which is what they're worried about. So when it comes down to it, this "CHOICE" isnt really as simple as you may see it. Growing up in these areas, college isnt even thought of as a possibility. These kids see everything completely different than you may think they do. Also, without parental support or any kind of fucking support, it's hard to do the "right" thing and use the educational system.


Sicc OG
Nov 19, 2002
I think it might have to do with poverty.

bingo...environment, surroundings and all that shit have something to do with it.

i understand how shitty the schools are in lower class neighborhoods but lets be realistic...if you take some young impressionable kid from the streets of compton who just started hanging with some cool OGs from the hood, you think its going to matter to this kid what type of education he gets...if his parents at home dont pay him much attention or they dont care what he gets into you think hes going to have much motivation to be succesful, w no role models but gang members and shit.

you take a family who lives in poverty where everyone needs to chip in to maintain rent...a teenager coming out of HS will need to start earning his keep at home, college aint free (parking, lunch, books, classes) budgets being cut so much that each semester they jack up the price of units, tuition, boos etc etc.

you see the same shit with white trash (no disrespect) where tha parents dont care much what the kids do, the kids all see older kids just hanging out...its just that more minoritys live in run down neighborhoods that dont ever get fixed...with lower paying jobs.

kids having kids...15 yr old has a kid, the mom is single, the dad id nowhere to be found, the mom still hangs out like teenagers do, the child is at home w grandma, grows up w grandma, this aint a normal healthy living environment...a mom and dad both have to put effort into raising a look into most of the gettos and barrios, and you will see children lacking father figures, mother figures, both parents gone, or the parents are still kids so they have diff values than adults so basically the kid isnt being raised w loving caring responsible adults but by imature children who arent ready for a kid so they neglect it.

these gettos are a vicious cycle.
May 2, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:
Yes, I understand the republican view of this matter but you're not adding anything to this thread. Are blacks and latinos stupid? Do blacks and latinos have poor desicion making skills? Do you have any ideas on why these statistics are true?
Im not republican.

why do I think they're droppin out more than whites? it could be any number of reasons. it could be that minorities are more densely populated in inner-city areas. and inner-city areas dont have the funding suburban schools do.

could be because the trend now a days isn't to stay in school and get an education. when people are watchin rappers floss in their videos in escalades and diamonds, they figure fuck school, I'll just sell drugs and become a baller.
May 2, 2002
DubbC415 said:
^^^^dood, i was being sarcastic, read my post a few posts up, i was making fun of the other peple who said that these kids have a choice.
well thats just fuckin ridiculous. people DO have a choice, you dumb bastard. you think the government FORCES blacks and latinos to drop out?

do they have the choice to deal drugs or stay in school? do they have the choice to choose their lifestyle?

just because they have limited resources, doesnt mean they're doomed.

some of you people really like to point the finger... nothing is ever your fault is it? its always the goverment, huh?
