shep said:
voting to prevent minorities from become equal speaks pretty loudly
so if you vote against AA are you a racist???
look more into the votes and see why he said that he voted against MLK holiday. right now we have a ton of holidays and every1 of them costs the states, feds, locals tons of money, money that comes from the tax payers!!! it also leads to less production.
Lott also voted to join 2 presidential holidays into 1. do you remember back 15-20 years ago February had two holidays (i think they were Washington and Lincoln) well Lott voted to combine those because they were costing the government money and production.
yes, he was against AA, does that make him racist, NO i dont think so.
like i said look into the records and why a person voted that way before you use bold words saying that you have heard him say "he wants to keeps minorites down".