Modern Warfare 2 mega thread

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Sicc OG
May 1, 2003
This is a pic form the new trailer, and im pretty sure this will be one of the multiplayer maps online.

i hope not,i hate maps with a bunch of random shit everywhere. not creative at all. thats why i hated WAW maps. just a bunch of random demolished bullshit EVERYWHERE

a hanger/shipyard map is played out anyway,been done countless times
Mar 17, 2006
I have never seen the big deal about midnight releases. I mean i am excited but not THAT excited. Fuck waiting in line. I can wait 8 more hours after waiting 10 months
yeah, i feel u on that, but this game is gonna be pretty big, and with it coming out near christmas time, im sure its gonna sale out pretty quick, id rather just reserve it and know im gonna get it, rather than drive to all these diffrent spots, and when i get there they tell me, we sold out, or do u have a copy reserved?

but, im with u on saying fuck a midnight releasing, but this game im gonna do it


Sicc OG
May 1, 2003
yeah, i feel u on that, but this game is gonna be pretty big, and with it coming out near christmas time, im sure its gonna sale out pretty quick, id rather just reserve it and know im gonna get it, rather than drive to all these diffrent spots, and when i get there they tell me, we sold out, or do u have a copy reserved?

but, im with u on saying fuck a midnight releasing, but this game im gonna do it
i dont think i have ever not got a game on release date. for a game this big stores are going to have 100's of copies. just like with halo and gta4, i will just walk in target or best buy and get a copy. no big deal.

is this a problem in other areas? i mean, has anybody walked into a place and it been sold out the first day? when i walk in they have like a whole display with like 200 copies sitting there. most time its even after work so around 5pm.

my friends are the same way, they hella stress out and cut work to go get a copy. texting me all day rubbing it in that they got a copy. then after work i go to the store and there is tons of copies,haha
May 4, 2002
when ff crisis core came out for the psp walmart was sold out. i just walked over to game stop and got it. thats the first time ive ever had a game be sold out


Sicc OG
Dec 7, 2005
right at the end of the trailer where the person gets airlifted out of the castle, when he gets pulled out and just before the explosion you see a view of the castle courtyard

it looks sick and i bet it will be a multiplayer map too


Sicc OG
Dec 7, 2005
The result of over a year and a half of hard work was shown to us in a room 612 of a posh London hotel. Phat couch under our butts, coke in hand, a gigantic plasma TV and the airco on minus 10 C. That last bit proved to be a good decision, because our internal temperature rose pretty quickly because of what we were shown, and that’s putting it mildly.

Let’s just describe what we saw, that appears to us as the best way of conveying how awesome this session was.

First Modern Warfare 2 Demo Level: Cliffhanger

Modern Warfare 2 is a direct sequel to the first installment, but even so, the beginning is markedly different. The first images we were shown were pretty uh…. White. Very white even, because were in the middle of a whole lot of snow! The first mission of the game takes place somewhere in the Kazachstani mountains. The name ‘Cliffhanger’ is suitably appropriate for this level, as the first thing we do is shimmy across a narrow ledge. Beneath us is a deep ravine, the wind is howling and it’s ******* cold. Not even ten seconds later, we’re hanging on a ice wall, by means of two picks. Straight up the side it is. The picks are controlled with the trigger buttons, one by one. Not even the cracks made by our icepicks seem to be scripted. The howling winds are still ever present, and don’t make it any easier on fully geared up soldiers, climbing up the mountain.

A jet passes by, just over our heads. The enormous noise generated by the plane causes a small avalanche to occur. Heaps of snow and large ice cones only just miss us. Suddenly a fall, phew. General MacTavish grabs our hand just in time. MacTavish… doesn’t that ring a bell? Precisely, it’s one of the main characters of the previous game.

During moments like these, the gameplay is slowed down. The same thing happens when you kick down a door, or trigger an explosion. A small slow motion segment happens, after which the gameplay returns to it’s normal pacing.


What struck us both, is the finished look of the game. The frame rate, the facial expressions and the little graphical details, it all already looks super smooth. The best part of it all is that Robert Bowling and Vince Zampella (the guys demoing the game to us) know it all too well. You could see them gleaming when they could finally unveil the project. When they could finally open their mouth about it.

Finally on top of the mountain, we and MacTavish are trudging through the snow. Our weapon has a heart beat measuring device, allowing us to detect our enemies. Snowfall heavily limits vision. At no more than 30 meters ahead of us, two patrolling soldiers. MacTavish: “You take the left, I’ll take care of the right!” We wait until a fighter jet flies overhead to mask the noise of our shots, and take the patrolling enemies down with a minimal amount of bullets. The blood spatters fly through the air and color the snow red.

Modern Warfare starts with a pure infiltration mission. We’re supposed to sneak around, which is not what we’re used to. The accompanying stealth kills are new to us as well.


We dispatch of a patrol a couple of times again, and sneak into the enemy camp, cutting some throats here and there and setting explosives.
It is at that moment that we are caught and MacTavish is forced to surrender. Just before he does so, he yells over the comms to proceed with plan B.

MacTavish is being held at gunpoint by about twenty Kazach combatants. A simple press of the button makes the scenery behind these guys explode, which ends the sneaking. Half the camp is one fire, smoke plumes, jet fighters, and helicopters are involved, and armed enemies pour from every nook and cranny. When the first real shootout starts, the floor of the hotel room shakes. Should be audible three stories down.

So, MacTavish was saved by the explosion, but how long will you last in this chaos? Not long, it turns out. Accordingly, we were spraying the guns around like blindfolded Rambo’s,taking cover behind sandbags before getting our asses on to snowmobiles. All within 15 minutes of playing!


Like two drunk teenagers, we race down the mountain at full speed, zigzagging between the trees. Shaun White, eat your heart out. All the while we keep shooting at our enemies. Looks like James Bond in Die Another Day.

While there is little color in this level, there’s enough to experience. Racing through fresh snow, to gliding across an ice sheet. No matter what surface we’re traveling on, it’s fast… downhill fast. Bullets whistle past our heads, trees get hit and fall down, snow falls from branches, and if all that isn’t enough, a large chasm looms. A huge jump follows. We’ve made it, and are greeted by our teammates. The mission is (partly) successful. The action, the entry!

Second Modern Warfare 2 Demo Level: Slums

The next level we were shown seemed like more familiar terrain to us, or so it appeared. It turned out fairly quickly we were not in Afghanistan, but in fact in a Favela, a slum in Rio de Janeiro.

We’re in a car when all of the sudden, we’re fired upon. Our driver gets a bullet in the head, and is bleeding to death on the steering wheel. The amount of bullet holes in the windshield is multiplied in a mere fraction of a second.
You’ve probably already seen it coming: All hell breaks loose, again. Multiple dudes are shooting, and not only at us. Our objective is pursuing some dude, but we have to capture him alive.

It’s complete chaos. Residents of the city run away screaming, in sheer terror. Exploding cars, bodies in the streets; looks like a news broadcast about Afghanistan or Iraq on a particularly violent day.

There’s enough civilians around that you don’t really want to maim, that hitting the right target turns into an art. Nevertheless, we succeed in hitting the sprinting dude, the one we were looking for, in a leg. We’ve got him! That’s where the demo ended.


At that moment, our ‘demonstrator’ Zampella, quits the mode, detaches the camera and shows us the gigantic level. He zooms out, and in again. For Modern Warfare, they’re using texture streaming, so that much bigger levels can be created. Wouldn’t you notice more pop-up, we asked. Bowling was honest about it: “Yes, that could happen if you don’t utilize the technology correctly, but we don’t intend to do that”.

Regardless: We can expect even bigger levels, which is good news. “You can devise your own approach to success in these levels. However, we haven’t done it, just because it’s technically possible. The story and gameplay come first, and then we think about making it technically possible.”

Modern Warfare 2 is going to surpass it’s predecessor in the graphical department as well. Among other things, the lighting is a lot better than it was in COD4. The way the sun reflects in a windshield or on the lenses of the weapons! When zooming in you can even see finger prints on the lens. Really, the details are unprecedented.

The corrugated plate living huts built on the mountainside, the little shacks, the clotheslines full of clothes, the structure of a brick and the way in which a sun ray falls through a hole in a tent cloth. It’s bizarre how pretty it is. All those huts, all those little hallways; we’re inundated by details, like a few old newspapers in a little corner, being subtly moved by the wind. It’s amazing!
When we remark that this would be an amazing multiplayer map, Bowling answers, with a wide smile ”Yes, yes it would…”

Third Modern Warfare 2 Demo Level: Desert

By now, we’ve seen two levels, packed with action. In Rio, we stopped playing after a while, and just ‘looked at the game’. For example, the way the level was built. The ‘Slums level’ is not done yet, although you’d think otherwise at first glance. The gentlemen at Infinity Ward are not ones that leave things half-finished, and didn’t want us playing ‘unfinished business’. Which was the reason we explored the third level in precisely the same fashion in which we concluded the second level.

It isn’t even afternoon yet, when we’re surprised for the third time by the duo Zampella & Bowling. Because we’re now smack bang in the middle of a desert. A deserted landscape, with nothing but sand all around.
Zampella tells us we’re driving a Jeep from the middle of the desert, to a ravine. There, we see a deep ravine, with a river in it. We also come across a abandoned settlement. The setting is old and dilapidated. Zampella says we’re going to abseil down the cliff face. Right at that moment, you see a smoke stack, puffing out smoke, and realize that this abandoned settlement is anything but abandoned. When we, just after, notice a cave entrance, it becomes clear. We’ll be playing underground!

After walking into the cave a bit, Bowling starts to tell how proud he is of this segment. “It looks a lot like that scene in Iron Man, where he builds his suit” He’s right: It looks exactly like that! The cave has large rooms and consists of a seemingly endless corridor system, right until we exit on the other side.
“We really have to stop now, guys” An Activison rep tells the Infinity Ward guys. You can tell by looking at the two, that they’d like to tell more and show more. In their enthusiasm, they’ve told too much already.

Final Thoughts
It’s clear that there’s a lot of work still cut out for the development team, especially so considering the rock solid November 10th deadline. It’s very clear however, that these dudes are doing one hell of a job. Who’d have thought they’d top CoD4’s levels.

Nevertheless, that’s exactly what it looks like they’re going to do. Of course, as an experienced gamer, you won’t be immediately blown away, after all, you’re used to Modern Warfare’s level, but count on it that number two will be a unavoidable game for everyone.

Activison manager Simon Wells even dares to predict that Modern Warfare 2 will be the best selling game ever. That’s about the same as Dirk Scheringa saying that AZ will be Eredivisie champion for the next five years. Additionally, it seems unlikely to us that the game will top Wii Sports.

That notwithstanding, it is very clear, even now, that we’re dealing with such a awesomely awesome game that every gamer with common sense has a big exclamation mark on the November 10th page of his calendar.


In two hours time, Bowling and Zampella showed us one complete level, some pieces from another, and a specially for the purposes of a demo, constructed demonstration space in which you could blast anything back to kingdom come. Further, they mainly gave us info about the story and the possibilities within the level they ran. They kept their lips together, but nevertheless, by paying close attention and asking some clever questions, we managed to gleam some things, which we’ll divide into the segments ‘singleplay’ and ‘multiplay’.

1. - The physics on bullets and grenades have become more realistic. Bullets will now ricochet, and grenades will bounce down stairs, or roll down inclines, like they would in real life.
2. - You can now hold a pistol in one hand, and a knife in the other. In doing so the knife hand supports the gun hand. Knifing will now become even more popular.
3. - We’re going under water. Why else would they show us a extremely cool, heavily armed SEAL diver?
4. - We glimpsed a level with the name ‘International Cyber Space Lab’ We aren’t going into space are we? Or was this a abandoned Russian missile base.
5. - Bullet time will make it’s debut in CodMW2. Hold your horses!, it won’t be FEAR, ramming on yellow if you get into trouble. Bullet time will only occur when the developer wants it to, and will be used more like a dramatic effect during an explosion, allowing you to take out those few extra enemies.
6. This time around, there will be more innocent bystanders.
1. - There will be a number of new modes in multiplayer. More about this will be only made public after E3, but they are modes we aren’t seeing in other games yet. The menu structure from which you start multiplayer sessions, will be changed as well because, and we cite Bowling, “there will be too many extra things, that we want to present in a decent manner”. And oh yes, the music will change too. We know it all to well by now.
2. - Perks like Martyrdom changed the shooter genre in a pleasant way. Other shooters happily steal the perk system from Infinity Ward, but they don’t care one bit, because in CoDMW2, they will have a number of new perks that will undoubtedly be a pleasant surprise for the community.
3. - The riot shield will be, for a 100% sure, a perk. Bowling let it slip, that you’ll be able to carry two shields with two guys, and that a third player could, while taking cover behind the two gents, open fire on the enemy. How sick is that?
4. - Good news for everyone hating on dudes that decide to walk out in the middle of a game. Bowling wouldn’t say how, but he indicated that there would be “options to act on that”. We’ll be keeping him to his word, because if there’s something we hate.


A innovation in CoDMW2 that we liked a lot, was the addition of the so-called Challenges. When you complete a level in the singleplayer, you immediately unlock a ‘Challenge’ This Challenge looks the most like the Horde mode from Gears of War 2, where you have to rid yourself of a ****load of enemies (you can drop the S-bomb in Dutch media)

In CoDMW2 however, it all revolves around time. The faster you blast everyone in a certain setting, the higher you get in the rankings.
Really a very nice addition that at the moment is only playable splitscreen with two people, but will very likely be playable through online co-op as well. That this **** will be hard was proven by the fact that Bowling and Zampella couldn’t get through it, with the two of them playing on regular. And they built the level themselves. Magnificent!


A big wish of the CoD community was that there’d be more destructible environments in Modern Warfare 2. In the first game, you could penetrate a lot of **** with your bullets, but really strategically destroying a position wasn’t possible. That wish of destruction has been heard. CoDMW2 still is no Red Faction but a whole lot more can be sent to kingdom come. And, in true Infinity Ward fashion, not in a cookie-cutter way. For example, you can blast a fire hydrant, resulting in a huge geyser. It looks awesome, and will obscure part of your vision.

Another nice one is the gas pump of which the hose, when the thing is hit, will bark out a thick jet of fire, like a turning an tumbling dervish. We aren’t sure yet, but we can see both the fire hydrant and the gas station coming back in multiplayer. Resulting in unheard of strategic possibilities.

Furthermore, crates and boxes were riddled, and they really broke into pieces and splinters, that ended up in the air, and floated down to the ground in real time, all accordance to the laws of gravity and wind. Pure eye candy, that unfortunately, you won’t have a lot of time to admire, as the enemy won’t account for sight seeing.

Mar 17, 2006
i dont think i have ever not got a game on release date. for a game this big stores are going to have 100's of copies. just like with halo and gta4, i will just walk in target or best buy and get a copy. no big deal.

is this a problem in other areas? i mean, has anybody walked into a place and it been sold out the first day? when i walk in they have like a whole display with like 200 copies sitting there. most time its even after work so around 5pm.

my friends are the same way, they hella stress out and cut work to go get a copy. texting me all day rubbing it in that they got a copy. then after work i go to the store and there is tons of copies,haha

hahah yeah i feel you, im just hella pumped for this game

Target has always came through when i went to Wal Mart or Game Crazy and they were sold out of a game


$$ Deep Pockets $$
Feb 6, 2003
Only midnights I've done was GTAIV and I hung out for GOW2 just to get the free gold gun codes since they knew me and I already got GOW2 from BB with the toy tank. lol

My friend and I did go up to the Halo 3 midnite thing to laugh, cause that game brings out the most sterotypical people...the kid with his mom in tow, the fat geeky kid who brings his laptop in line, and the goofs wearing Halo tshirts lol
Mar 17, 2006
Only midnights I've done was GTAIV and I hung out for GOW2 just to get the free gold gun codes since they knew me and I already got GOW2 from BB with the toy tank. lol

My friend and I did go up to the Halo 3 midnite thing to laugh, cause that game brings out the most sterotypical people...the kid with his mom in tow, the fat geeky kid who brings his laptop in line, and the goofs wearing Halo tshirts lol

just think, those are the same kids talkin about how theyll beat ur ass in real life over a headset LOL

game crazy has free pizza and sodas at there midnights, so thats always a plus, sit in my ride, smoke one, get free pizza, get my game and go home
Jun 3, 2002
Infinity Ward used Microsoft's E3 09 press conference to show off the first playable footage of Modern Warfare 2.

LOS ANGELES--It's fair to say that Modern Warfare 2 is one of the biggest games at E3 09, so it's no wonder that Microsoft showed the game early on during its press conference. This marked the first occasion in which the game had been seen live, but that wasn't the only news to take away from the briefing. Infinity Ward also said that Modern Warfare 2 map packs will debut first on Xbox Live, forcing PlayStation 3 (and maybe even PC) players to wait an unspecified amount of time to get their hands on them.

Infinity Ward's Jason West took to the stage to play the game for the first time in public. The level that they showed started out atop a snowy cliff, as you accompany "Soap" McTavish across a thin ledge. It's another bombastic Call of Duty set piece in which you use hooks to cling to the cliff and climb ridges. As planes scream overhead, McTavish slips down the wall, but he manages to cling on and make it to the top. The level of detail was incredible: The ice cracks under pressure as you plunge in your hook, and your clothing blows in the vicious mountain winds. After a jump in which it looks like you'll plunge to your death, McTavish saves you, pulls you up, and you soon start the combat that we all know and love in the COD series.

The next segment of the game showed off a new environment, a snowy naval base, as well as a spectacular new weapon. We weren't told the name of the new rifle, but it had a radar device on the side that tracked enemy movement. This was vital, considering that visibility in the snowy setting was minimal, but you also had the support of McTavish in taking down the base. He tells you to plant C4 on the objective, and with the base blown up, you make a run for it and get chased out of the base by men on snowmobiles. We watched as Jason West continued to play the game, rolling down a hill and taking out the enemies as they made their escape. There was a great moment in which McTavish knifed one of them in the neck, took his snowmobile, and headed down the hill.

This vehicle-based segment looked particularly cool. You use a semiautomatic pistol to shoot at enemies who are giving chase, while also steering around the trees and making your escape. This brief demo was all that we saw of the game at this stage, but we'll hopefully find out more about it in Activision's booth during the rest of the show. The full game is out on November 10 in the US, but check back throughout this week for more info as we receive it.


Sicc OG
Dec 7, 2005
winston and lurch you beat me to it with that video

gun looks sick, i wonder if that radar can be used in multiplayer as a perk or attchment