Camby I thought that shit was coo ... everyone wants to hate on shit if it's not GANGSTA ... I just think it's funny that some cats are putting you down for your rhyme/poetry here ... but cats like Pac wrote shit like that ALL the time ... probably got books and books of that shit ... doubt they would say Pac is a nobody and got no skill ... and even if they did it wouldn't make much difference seeing how is probably the most well known rapper of all time. So brush that shit off homie and forget what anyone says. People said Eminem wasn't shit ... look at him ... the list goes on and on. If you don't like it ... coo ... don't like it. But there's not really any reason to put cats down over it. If your shit's better, it's better. If you're doing fine, you're doing fine ... who gives a fuck what the next fool is doing.
Anyways I didn't read all 5 pages of this shit ... just Camby's post and then saw arguments forming and decided to reply. But Camby I am posting some poetry shit I wrote. I don't post on ANY of the forums much anymore but I felt like dropping a line to those that can still appreciate something different. I don't claim to be a rapper so ya'll fools can keep your title and don't have to worry about me trying to battle anyone. If it's not your thing, don't read it, easy.
Anyways erry body stay up and do your thing,
Cac tha 6-0