Midnight (A Flower)

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Jul 21, 2002
I just realized you wrote that you think your lyrics are sicker than anything i've ever written.......now, you may have some things better than some of the stuff I have written, but your lyrics are not sicker than anything I have written, hate to break you the bad news.

the battle will prove nothing if it happens. Tadou will still sit here, even if he loses in a landslide decision, and say "This battle doesn't matter, I'm doing big things in my rural area here in washington. I have cd's pressed up that nobody is feelin whatsoever. Mommy pays for my education, and I am barely holding a B average because I stay up all night studying on how to be a thug from my favorite movie Whiteboyz, so I don't care if you beat me in this battle, mommy bought my studio stuff so I'm gonna go make another shitty song and post it on BART and have everyone that hears it be pissed for wasting their time my friend. A salaam alakum"
Dec 18, 2002

i want any advantage i can have? i dont have tracks to post up what business of yours does it matter if i have tracks yet, how am i usin an advantage i straight called you out to a battle so how am i a coward, take some math classes in college bitch 180 isnt hundreds ive been infront of 50's and rapped you dont see me callin it hundreds roundin up and shit, if this was a fight id have one hand tied behind my back, no equipment like you but im not bitchin im puttin up dukes like a man so if this battle wouldnt matter why would you call me out in the first place - your an immature insecure egotistic type of person and that shell your in is hurtin your productivity whenever you let yourself out of it youll be alot better businessman and rapper

Jul 21, 2002
you could perform in front of a million people as the opener, but like lil flip said, "without a headliner, you don't have a show!" once you admit that to yourself, you'll realize what I'm talkin about.

Far from a redneck my friend. I'm half aztec, and I actually build a nice tan, good try tho joto.

You are in no position to call anyone a bitch. You couldn't talk down on me from the space needle hoe cake, and you couldn't walk in watsonville california without gettin beatdown. I know that for a fact.

middle class, or rich? I grew up in watsonville california homeboy. Take a trip there and tell me it's rich or even middle class. The only reason I may be considered middle class now, is because I made moves by myself since I have been on my own. I'll own a house this time next year, have the car I've always wanted, and still have 50 times the street credibility and 20 times the sales. That gives you a year to try and con people into buying your cd and we'll see who has more sales by the time you do your taxes for uncle sam.
Dec 13, 2003
yooo...use some kind of punctuation....but anyway...tadou...kryptic has a point. its seems as if your bluffin...and krypitc called it. why does someone need to be established...when in reality..you're not established yourself. you're far from "making it". a battle was issued...you shouldn't back down...cause thats what it is looking like. if you're concerned about your career...i suggest you dont look like a coward. word of mouth can be very damaging.
Dec 18, 2002
nah fuck all that hes tryin to make ME look like a punk because i dont have audio up i dont give a fuck if hes battlin me or not i feel compelled to clown this fuckin hoe cake, hes tryin to say im middle class this middle class that to protect his shielded childhood in his rural area and his rich family the motherfucker never seen the inside of a foodbank and probly didnt use free food coupons to get groceries - then hes got the fuckin nerve to call me a coward of the lowest kind cuz i said id battle him?

word of mouth is already fuckin this faggot up i could probly kill you with one line in a battle rap if i had to dog im writin your death warrant as we speak...

...turn "tadou" into "tatoo" when he feel the pain from this "ink"

ill give you audio you punk bitch
Dec 13, 2003


naw...that was pretty tyte...but that doesnt help me at all when it comes to seeing if you could compete in a battle.

and chris...you in watsonville CA? i use to work out there.
Jul 21, 2002
Ironic Commando said:


naw...that was pretty tyte...but that doesnt help me at all when it comes to seeing if you could compete in a battle.

and chris...you in watsonville CA? i use to work out there.

nah, in all honesty didn't impress me, but to each his own. I'm stuck in NY right now until late october, I'm in the military. Where did you work?
Dec 18, 2002
itll be ready when i get it ready

i liked the track better than anythin on the mixtape, drop your verse/song whenever its ready i cant tell you the exact date,ill hit the PM with progress
Dec 18, 2002
who the fuck are you tryna hustle yourself outta this?? talkin about "time is money. either youre with the program or youre not." your big TALK like your the fuckin ultimate hustler or your on tour makin mils and im small time cuz my parents didnt hook up studio equipment dog your a fuckin joke, your audio talkin about other doods clicks bein bitches - im willin to bet your studio equipment you wouldnt say shit to my face in person for fear of gettin your jaw rocked, that audio probly took a month to accomplish. . .if time is money then why isnt your audio for the battle done yet? wouldnt u wanna get it outta the way?
Dec 18, 2002
^^what deal?

im gunna make audio whether you do or not, your just talkin big shit like its already done so i said post it - my beats gunna be sampled and audio shud be done before the end of the week