you could perform in front of a million people as the opener, but like lil flip said, "without a headliner, you don't have a show!" once you admit that to yourself, you'll realize what I'm talkin about.
Far from a redneck my friend. I'm half aztec, and I actually build a nice tan, good try tho joto.
You are in no position to call anyone a bitch. You couldn't talk down on me from the space needle hoe cake, and you couldn't walk in watsonville california without gettin beatdown. I know that for a fact.
middle class, or rich? I grew up in watsonville california homeboy. Take a trip there and tell me it's rich or even middle class. The only reason I may be considered middle class now, is because I made moves by myself since I have been on my own. I'll own a house this time next year, have the car I've always wanted, and still have 50 times the street credibility and 20 times the sales. That gives you a year to try and con people into buying your cd and we'll see who has more sales by the time you do your taxes for uncle sam.