HERESY said:
Ok so we simply start off as a generic soul and when the time comes we inhabit a human form so we can attain liberation. When is this decided? When does one say "ok I'm going to go back in and give it another try"? Is one forced to go back in by some "god" or is this choice up to the soul? Can a soul PICK which type of body it wants to inhabit? What power or god places the soul in the body? How is this done?
The souls are constitutionally sat-chit-ananda - eternal, full of knowledge and bliss. That is the "generic" soul. When the soul is conditioned under the material energy it acts according to the capacity of whatever body it indwells. Desire plays a part in what form a soul takes to, but it does not have the ultimate say so. God, the Supreme Soul, makes that judgement. Everything works under His direction.
HERESY said:
The soul does not come into existence but the soul "falls into the material world"? Where does it fall from? If it does not come into existence how does it exist?
Something that has no beginning and has no end is said to exist eternally.
HERESY said:
So it takes birth according to its desire? What type of desires does this soul have considering that it hasn't reached a higher level of consciousness?
As I already explained, the soul moves up the evolutionary ladder. It may start out in a microscopic organism and then move up eventually to the form of a plant, then an aquatic, then some other type of animal, etc, etc. Desire is not so much a factor in this stage. But in the human stage it is. The Vedas say that there are 8,400,000 species of life in this universe. What they refer to as species has more to do with the development of consciousness than with the physiological traits, by the way. Out of those, 400,000 are "species" of human. Based on our desire and our karma we are either promoted to the planets of the demigods, degraded to the life of some lower species or possibly to some hellish planet, or we completely transcend the material world altogether. A man who desires to have sexual gratification all the time may, in his next life, become a dog (for example). That way he can go around humping other dogs, or whatever he feels like humping. If that is his desire then he will be accomodated. That is just an example, there are other factors that go into it. The whole Vedic conception is that this material world is manifest to accomodate the desires of the living entities (souls). It is by God's mercy that He has created the human form so that the souls have the chance to transcend this material energy, which is actually inferior to the soul.
HERESY said:
If all the souls come to the human crossroad whats the use of a probation period before that time? How does that probation period effect anything?
Somehow or other (the circumstances unknown) a soul falls into the material world with some type of desire to enjoy apart from God. Whether this initial falldown constitutes the soul taking shelter in a human form to begin with or if it means that the soul will take to the form of an ant, I don't know. That is up to the individual. The probation period is necessary because God feels that it is necessary. Just as God felt it necessary to create the material universe in the first place. The human form of life is not so cheap. Let us say, for example, a soul falls down and first takes birth in the body of a fish. For some reason or another they had some desire that was best played out in the fish form. Well, the fish does not have a very advanced capacity of consciousness so the next form will be just slightly more advanced, then the next one will advance a bit more. On and on, and on until one is advanced to the stage of human. The soul doesn't go from being a fish to being a human right away. The whole construct of the material world is for the conditioned souls to enjoy their perverted desires. This constitutes the compromise of consciousness. If the soul was pure in consciousness then they would be fully cognizant of their relationship with God. Since they are not, God has arranged that they advance gradually from their animalistic desires until they have the human form.
HERESY said:
So god might see fit for person X to remain a mantis for 8 years while person Q must remain one for 12? What did Q do to deserve a shorter time or is this simply gods choice and thats it?
In general the period of time for each species is the same for each soul. But I am sure God is not limited from making exceptions. There is an example in the Vedas of some devotee of God who happens to think of a deer at the time of death. And so he takes birth as a deer, but by the mercy of the Lord he is able to remember his past life and his devotion to God. So things don't always work the same way.
HERESY said:
Can you please connect these dots because I don't understand what you're trying to convey. First you say "better material existence" as if this is something to look forward to and in your next post you say it's falling into ignorance?
Better material existence refers to the planets of the demigods. Krsna states in the Bhagavad-Gita that those who desire to enjoy with the demigods are less intelligent. Of course, living in the upper planetary system is more comfortable than living in the lower, hellish planets. So "better" and "worse" pertain to the advancement of consciousness and the amount of suffering. Material existence of any kind is not something to look forward to. The Vedas explain that there are three modes of material nature: the mode of ignorance, the mode of passion and the mode of goodness. The demigods reside in the mode of goodness but spiritual life even transcends the material mode of goodness.
HERESY said:
So you're telling me animals or the souls that inhabit animals do not understand god or right from wrong until they reach human form? If this is true why does a lower species need a probation period?
Because they do not understand right or wrong. So they gradually advance to that stage. Your answer is in your question. Initially they desired something wrong, meaning that they desired to enjoy apart from God. So they play out those desires and gradually advance to the human form where they may transcend (understand and engage themselves in what is right), or they may get kicked back down to some lower species and have to undergo the same evolutionary, transmigration process.
HERESY said:
Vedic scripture according to who or what? It's NOTHING wrong with it being according to you but some people who accept the vedas do not accept some of the teachings that you promote. This is why I asked the question.
Vedic Scripture according to Vedic Scripture. You find someone who does not accept the teachings I promote and we will address their points one by one. There is a sect of philosophers called the Mayavadi who interpret the Vedas according to their whimsy. They are easily defeated by the texts of the Vedas themselves. They often use word-jugglery to try and reason how the texts don't mean what they say (an example of this is in my conversation with Xianex).
HERESY said:
No we don't. Do you believe York? if so what did he do in his past life to land him a 50 year prison sentence?
No. I don't believe York. I just used that as an example of someone claiming to be reinarnated from another planet because I couldn't think of any others on the top of my head. The Vedas speak of personalities on different planets. As far as one of them reincarnating on this planet, I don't know. I'll have to look into that.
HERESY said:
All souls are made for this?
When it says "made to enter into the womb..." it is just explaining how such a thing is arranged. It doesn't mean that the soul is actually made or created, because elsewhere it explains that the soul is eternal.
HERESY said:
What makes the man suitable? If the soul is coming from a eagle and does not have knowledge of right and wrong how does it have ego, intelligence and knowledge that will dictate it's choice? Which also brings me to this question. What is the LAST stop before one gets a human body? If the human body is the transition point and ultimate realization or oneness with god (or becoming one) is the end point, what is the starting point?
The man is suitable because this soul's (the one soon to take birth) contaminated consciousness has advanced to the human stage. The last stop before getting a human body? I don't know.
The starting point differs. That depends on the individual. This is insignificant anyway.
HERESY said:
If the souls are "basic" and have no knowledge of right or wrong how can they desire or have a concept of desire and choice? So there MAY be specific requirements for different planets? Lets say that were the case...better yet scratch that we don't need to speculate and give answers or views that are unsupported.
I've already explained this.
HERESY said:
And these are where the untouchables go?
HERESY said:
We have taken shelter in these material bodies (which are subject to birth and death) due to our ignorance.
Ok but the last sentence seems to contradict things you previously said.
Which previous things? We take shelter in these material bodies due to our ignorance of God. At some level we desired to try and be our own gods rather than devote ourselves to the True God. That is ignorance.